Page 4 of I Choose You 2
“Ty, you drive, I’m going to sit in the back with Tisha,” I said, handing him my car keys. I took the gun away from Tisha and put it back in my waist. I thought about lighting the house on fire, but then I figured that the motha fuckas were already dead so it really wasn’t no purpose for me to even do that. They ass should be in there stankin’ soon though for the most part.
We got in the car, and Tisha laid her head on my chest. Nothing at this point needed to be said. We did what we had to do. In life, there are consequences to every action that you make. Ain’t no way in hell I was going to let Marshae live to see another day after she did what she did. I hated that Tisha had to catch her first body, but hey, my girl wanted her revenge and I damn sure wasn’t about to stop her ass either.
“Baby let me see your arm,” I told her, lifting her head up from off of me.
She attempted to lift it up, but she was in too much pain to do so.
“Yeah, it’s sprained. I’m going to call my man Nate, the doctor, to come to the house and look at it for you,” I told her, pushing her head back down on my chest. I just thank God that I got my girl back in one piece. Yeah, I’m pissed with all the marks and shit on her, but those will heal. This whole situation could have been worse, because Tisha could have died tonight and I’m just glad that she didn’t.
The rest of the ride back to the house, the only thing that came from the car was light cries coming from Tisha. I hated to see my girl in so much pain. I knew her arm had to be in a lot of pain to have her crying like this. We got to the house and Nate was already there waiting for us. M
e and Nate went real far back; his ass was the hood doctor. Back in the days when I was in the streets hustling and a nigga got hurt, we didn’t go to no damn hospital, we went to Nate’s ass. I took my first bullet in my damn leg when I was only twenty years old. That shit hurt like a bitch, but by the time Nate finished fixing everything up, I was good! I opened the door and let everybody inside, still carrying Tisha in my arms. We went into the kitchen, and I sat Tisha down on the counter top.
“Alright Ms. Tisha, I’m just going to squeeze around and you let me know when it hurts okay?” Nate told, Tisha and she nodded her head up and down.
“Does this hurt?” he asked, applying pressure on her, shoulder and she shook her head no. When I got a good look at her shoulder, I could see the swelling and tenderness at the top of her collarbone. Damn so that’s why she screamed like that when I had picked her up.
“What about this?” he asked again, moving her shoulder upwards a little bit.
“Oh yes, right there, it hurts so bad,” she started crying again.
I stood there and wiped the tears from my baby’s eyes. This shit was slowly killing me to see her in this much pain.
“It’s alright baby, calm down,” I told her.
“Alright well it looks to be just Grade I pain, so it’s not that bad. I do recommend you to rest, ice it for at least thirty minutes, and I’m going to prescribe you some Ibuprofen to relieve the pain and the swelling,” he informed us, and then turned around to get something from out of his bag. He took out a sling and showed us the proper way to put it on.
I watched him, because I knew for a fact that I was going to be the one doing all of this for her.
“Thanks man, I really appreciate you coming by so late,” I told Nate, walking him to the door.
“No problem man,” Nate said giving me dap and walking out.
I walked back inside the house, and Ty was standing up from the den getting ready to leave.
“Sis, feel better. You know I wasn’t going to let nobody take you from my boy, no matter how much you be getting on my nerves with that slick ass mouth,” Ty told Tisha, getting her to crack a smile.
“Alright nigga, I’ll see your ass tomorrow,” I told Ty.
“Alright O,” he said, walking out the door.
I walked back in the kitchen, and Tisha was still sitting on top of the counter crying. I stood directly in front of her and lifted her chin so she was staring directly in my eyes.
“Tisha stop crying ma please,” I told her, wiping her face.
She wiped her eyes with her good hand and got herself together. After two minutes of standing there, she finally spoke.
“Baby I love you so much. Thank you for coming to get me. The whole time I was there, I was just thinking Lord please don’t let me die. I wouldn’t be there for my baby and-” she couldn’t even finish her sentence, because she started crying again.
“Baby it’s alright, I’m here,” I told her, hugging her tight and being careful not to hit her shoulder.
“How did you even know where to find me?” she asked through tears.
“I don’t know baby, I just had a feeling,” I told her.
I lifted her up from the counter and we headed upstairs. While she looked in her drawers to find her pajamas, I went inside the bathroom to run her a nice bath. When the water was all the way at the top, I walked her inside, undressed her, and placed her inside the tub. I let her just sit there while I went inside the room to smoke a blunt. Twenty minutes later, I got up and went inside the bathroom, and Tisha was still sitting there. I walked over and grabbed her sponge from off the hook and lathered it with her Japanese cherry blossom body wash. I scrubbed her whole body and got a wash cloth to wash her face. I was very careful when I got to her face, because she still had a lot of bruises left.
When I finished, I stood up and held the towel out for her to step in. I wrapped the towel around her and carried her to the bed. I dried her off and lotioned her body down with her cocoa butter lotion. When I finished, I helped her into her pajamas and I put her clothes inside of the trash. I knew that this was memory that she didn’t want to relive, which is why I threw away the clothes. She walked out the room and came back a few minutes later.