Page 1 of I Choose You 3

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Page 1 of I Choose You 3

Prologue: Tisha

This had to be some sort of sick joke or some shit that this bitch was trying to play on me. My mind was telling me that she wasn’t bold enough to try and take my daughter, but judging from the cries that I heard in the background, I really did think that this bitch went to the extreme and kidnapped my daughter. I swear this hoe had nine lives for real, because not even emptying a whole clip in that bitch could get that hoe to die! I sat my ass glued to the chair with the phone still in my hand. My girls were throwing question after question, trying to figure out what was going on, but I wasn’t paying them any attention. What I was trying to understand was how the fuck this bitch even got her ass in the house to take my baby. When I left out this morning, Otis and Harmony was still in the house, and he told me that he wasn’t going to go anywhere. I know for a fact Marshae wasn’t brave enough to step foot on our property, because Otis would have killed her ass dead, which is why I’m so confused.

“Tisha what the fuck! You don’t hear me talking to your ass?” Ka’lani said, nudging me with her shoulder.

“No, what did you say?” I asked, turning around to face her.

“I said you need to call Otis and see what’s going on. Don’t you think if Marshae had really taken the baby that Otis would have called you?” she asked, and I nodded my head and dialed Otis’s number, and waited for him to pick up the phone.

“What’s good bae?” Otis asked me, after the sixth damn ring. His ass sounded too damn calm, and I wondered if he knew that bitch was somewhere with our daughter.

“Ummm, where the fuck is my daughter?” I asked, getting straight to the point.

“First of all, watch your fuckin mouth Tisha, I ain’t one of your lil friends. I told your ass about that shit already. And our daughter is right here with me at Toys R US. Where the fuck else she supposed to be at?” he asked, and I blew out a sigh of relief. God, I swear if that hoe had taken my baby, I didn’t know what the fuck I was going to do.

“Tisha!” Otis barked into the phone, because I guess I had zoned out again.

“Yes bae I’m here,” I said, rolling my eyes. I hated when his ass screamed into the damn phone like I was deaf or some shit.

“I said where the fuck she supposed to be at? Why you calling me asking where Harmony at when you knew she was with me?” he asked me, in a much calmer tone this time.

“Because Marshae just called–”

“Wait, who just called you?” Otis asked, interrupting me from telling my story.

“Marshae fuckin called. She said she had the baby, and after I told her I didn’t believe her, I heard a baby crying in the background and I thought it was Harmony,” I told him.

Laughing Otis replied, “I wish that bitch would think about even touching my daughter, I swear for God I’ll blow that bitch fuckin head off. Your ass crazy for even feeding into that bullshit. You know damn well ain’t shit gon’ happen to my daughter as long as she’s with me, so why the fuck would you even try me like that?” Otis asked me, and I could sense the attitude all in his voice.

“Well, what the fuck was I supposed to do? That bitch said she had my daughter and then the cries only confirmed it. Excuse me for wanting to know if my daughter was fuckin okay,” I screamed into the phone.

“I’m about to hang up on your ass because you feeling yourself right now, and I don’t want to have to come to the shop and jack your ass up in front of everybody. So finish doing what you doing and then bring your ass home. Harmony good, she right here,” he said, and then hung up the phone on me.

I couldn’t believe that Otis was being so inconsiderate towards my feelings right then. How did he expect me to react when somebody called me and said they had my baby? He acted like that wasn’t no big deal.

“So what happened?” Tamika asked me once I got off the phone.

“He said that Harmony is with him. Then gone get mad at me because I questioned whether or not he had her. What the fuck was I supposed to do?” I asked, crying. My nerves had gotten the best of me and I couldn’t control my emotions. I was finally able to breathe after coming to the conclusion that my daughter was safe and in good hands.

“Tisha, relax, you shaking girl,” Ka’lani said, hugging me.

“I swear that Marshae bitch is fuckin crazy. Who the fuck goes around telling people that they took their baby? Don’t she know that people get killed for shit like that?” Kyla asked.

I just sat there, taking it all in. This situation only confirmed that bitch was back, and that she was out for blood. Too bad for her, because when it comes to my nigga and my daughter, I swear to God I was going to catch a body. But this time, I promise you I wasn’t going to fuckin miss. It got personal when the bitch got my daughter involved in this bullshit. I could handle her ass trying to come for me, but when you start sending threats about my daughter, it’s time to go to war. Sad thing about it, I can’t even get the bitch if I wanted her, because I didn’t even know where this hoe was resting her damn head. It’s all good because her ass can’t hide for long.

Anyways, I was not about to let this bitch stress me or my family right now, only because the simple fact that I had a wedding that I had to hurry up and plan. We only had less than a month to go, because our wedding date was set for Valentine’s Day. Of course, Otis wanted to hurry up and get married because his ass wasn’t helping with any of the ideas; he left it all up to me, my girls, and the wedding planners. I was stressed and I couldn’t wait for this big day to come. Don’t get me wrong, I was ready to marry Otis; I just felt like I had a lot of pressure on me because I was trying to have the perfect wedding. Now, to add to my stress, I had to look out for this Marshae bitch. Damn, why wouldn’t this bitch just die already!

One Month Later

Chapter 1: Otis

Here it was February 13th, the night before my wedding day, and I was at King of Diamonds with my niggas, turning up for my bachelor party. I was getting lap dances from all the strippers there. I felt like the fuckin king in the building tonight. My niggas really did go all out, and if Tisha knew about all

these strippers dancing butt ass naked on a nigga, she would probably kill my ass. I mean, it was ass and titties every fuckin where. I swear if this was back in my days where I was fuckin anything with a pair of titties and a pussy, I would have been took one of these hoes to the back and fucked they damn brains out, but a nigga was about to be a married man and ain’t no way I was going to do my lady like that.

My niggas was clowning me, talking about get ready to be fuckin the same pussy for the rest of my life. I swear if these niggas only knew what Tisha pussy smelled like, they would be rushing to tie her ass down too. If those niggas only got a dose of the pregnant pussy, I swear for God, they would be trying to get Tisha’s last name! That’s how good the pussy was, so technically I didn’t give two fucks about fuckin the same pussy for the rest of my life. I swear to God I didn’t. It ain’t even all about the pussy though, that’s just an added bonus. I want to marry Tisha because straight up, I love the person that she is. I love everything about her ass. Those deep ass dimples, that fire red hair, and damn I can’t forget that lil ass waist with that plump ass booty. Point blank, my girl was a dime and I couldn’t wait to marry her fine ass.

I wonder what my baby was doing right now anyway. I had been sent her ass a text message over an hour ago, and I noticed that her lil ass didn’t even text me back yet. All these titties and asses in my face had a nigga ready to go see my girl right quick and bust a nut. Tisha was having her bachelorette party at the hotel that she was staying at, and God only knows what they asses was in there doing. I already knew that shit was going to be wild, because Ty was telling me the shit they had planned because Ka’lani had told him. I couldn’t get Tisha’s ass to tell me shit about her party, but you better believe she made my ass tell her what was planned for my bachelor party. I missed my baby so much even though I had just seen her ass this morning, but that was only for a few minutes because when I woke up this morning, she was getting ready to head to the hotel. Her ass didn’t even want to look at me, talking about it’s bad luck and all that other crazy shit. So a nigga didn’t even get his morning dose of puss this morning, so I was backed up and ready to knock some shit out the fuckin frame. The next time that I would be able to see her was tomorrow when she would walk down the aisle, and I don’t think that I would be able to wait that long. Hell naw! And I definitely wasn’t about to fuck one of these strippers, so calling Tisha was the best thing for me to do.

I was getting a lap dance from this big booty freak named Turquoise. Her entire body was laced in tattoos, but the one that held my attention was the big ass butterfly that she had on her ass that took up both of her butt cheeks. When she would clap her ass in front of me, the way that shit would spread was sexy as fuck. She was winding her hips on me in nothing but a G-string. I knew for a fact that she could feel my dick poking her ass. I swear to God, it took everything in me not to flip her thick ass over.

“You want me to handle him for you daddy?” she asked me, turning around and straddling my lap. I was hypnotized by those lil ass titties, but the piercings that she had on her nipples were sexy as fuck, I can’t even lie. Turquoise was bad as fuck though, with her light skin, almost making her look like she was Hispanic, her curly turquoise hair that fell several inches past her shoulders, those hazel eyes, and deep dimples engraved in both of her cheeks. She was giving all these other strippers in here a run for their money. I’m going to be honest here though, yes, I fucked Turquoise before. Shit, we’ve fucked numerous amounts of times, but that was way before she became a stripper and before I got with Tisha. Turquoise and I never been on no exclusive shit like me and Tisha; we was just fuckin buddies. She knew at the time that I wasn’t looking for a relationship and she was cool with that, so we never had any problems. It wasn’t until Tisha decided that she was ready to ride with a nigga that I decided to cut off all of my hoes for her, including Turquoise.

“Naw I’m good. Let me up, I got to go make a phone call right quick,” I said, smacking her on her ass. Even though getting my dick sucked from her sounded real tempting at the moment, I couldn’t disrespect my girl like that. Turquoise just sucked her teeth and got her ass from up off of me.

“Fuck you going nigga?’ Ty asked me. His ass was sitting in the chair getting a lap dance from two thick ass strippers, like he was the one getting married tomorrow or some shit. He knew if Ka’lani even found out his ass was entertaining these hoes, she would go fuckin crazy.

“I’m coming back nigga, I’m about to go holla at Tisha ass right quick,” I said, and he nodded his head.

I walked outside, pulled my phone out of my pocket, and called Tisha, praying to God her ass was going to answer the phone for a nigga.

“Hey baby,” she answered the phone, and I could hear a whole bunch of noise in the background.

“Tisha what you doing?” I asked her, because she sounded like she was having too much fun over there. I know I was getting lap dances and shit tonight, but I didn’t want another nigga over there all up on her dancing and shit. I knew it was strippers there and I swear I would fuck one of those faggots up, dancing up on my wife and shit. I swear, us niggas will do our dirt, but we don’t want our women doing that shit to us.

“Nothing baby, we just chilling,” she said, laughing at whatever the fuck was so funny.

“I’m on my way over there, I should be pulling up in about ten minutes,” I told her, walking over to my Camaro.

“Baby what? That’s bad luck for the groom to see the bride the night before the wedding. I told you that this morning, Otis,” she whined.

“Have your ass out there in ten minutes,” I told her, and then hung up the phone.

I knew it was wrong for calling my girl to meet me, but a nigga needed some pussy right now and only Tisha could give me that fix that I needed. God knows, I felt bad as fuck for stopping her from having fun but shit, what was I supposed to do? Go back to my hotel and jack my dick? Hell no, not when I got some A1 pussy waiting on me. I shot Ty a message, letting him know that I was leaving the club. Shit, it was already two in the morning already so it was about time for me to be leaving anyways. I pulled up to the front of the hotel ten minutes later, and Tisha was standing there looking pissed off. She wanted some dick too because if she didn’t, then she would have stayed her ass in that room. Right?


My bachelorette party was all the way turned up. My girls and I were staying in the penthouse at the Fontainebleau hotel out on Miami Beach. We had bottles, male dancers, and food. My girls had literally dragged me into the chair and I was getting a lap dance from this nigga named Mandingo. This nigga was big as hell. When he jumped in my lap, I really thought this nigga was going to break my little ass. He caught my ass off guard when he picked me up by my waist and flipped my little ass upside down. I was screaming for this man to put me down; all the while, my girls were recording the whole damn thing, laughing at my ass. This nigga literally threw me in the air and I swear I thought I was going to die.

Once he put me back down on the chair, he went to grinding on me and I could feel his big ass dick resting on my stomach. If Otis were to walk in on me, I knew without a doubt his ass would shoot first and ask questions last. I felt so wrong having his ass dance on me, but Tamika and Kyla wasn’t letting my ass get up because they were each holding onto my arms so that I wouldn’t move. Eventually, after the song went off, I was able to get up and I told the stripper, Dark Chocolate to get Ka’lani next since she found this shit to be so funny. That shit was so funny when she tried to run and he damn near tackled her little ass and threw her in the air. I swear, I was crying laughing as I headed into the kitchen to go get me a drink.

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