Page 14 of I Choose You 3
“See what you been missing!” I said, placing my hands on her waist and bouncing her in fast and rough motions as we connected with each other with our strokes.
“You feel soooooo…good baby!” Tisha screamed. “Fuckkkk righttt therreee,” she said, speeding up the pace of her grinding.
After she came, I placed her down and carried her out of the shower, and sat her on top of the kitchen counter; meanwhile, I still had my dick inside of her. I pulled her up so that her ass was sitting on the edge of the sink. After spreading her legs a little bit more, I rammed the rest of my dick inside of her opening. As I was deeply stroking her, I watched as she threw her head back in pure ecstasy.
“You gon’ bring your ass home now?” I asked, hitting her spot even harder.
“Yes!” she moaned, not missing
a beat.
“Yes what?” I asked, pulling out and rubbing the mushroom head of my dick against her clit. She looked at me with wide eyes, because I had fucked up her orgasm.
“Baby, stop playin,” she said, reaching down and sliding my dick back inside of her. I plunged deep inside of her and I had to bite my lip so that I wouldn’t start moaning in that bitch like a pussy.
“Girl you so fuckin wet and tight,” I grunted, fuckin her hard and deep. I watched as she made those sexy ass fuck faces, and I had to pray to God that I didn’t cum first.
“Baby….Ima come home,” she moaned, taking the dick. I grabbed her by her neck, and she met me halfway as I sloppily kissed her lips while still penetrating her pussy. She just said the words that a nigga had been dying to hear for the longest. She stuck out her tongue and I gently sucked on it, turning us both on even more.
“Mmmm,” she moaned after I released her tongue from my grip. The way her pussy muscles was clamping down on my dick, I knew she about to start cumming again. Her pussy was so tight; it felt as if she hadn’t been fucked in three years instead of three months. When she threw her head back, I knew that was it for her and I started cumin too.
“Shit Tisha! Fuck girl!” I yelled out, releasing my seeds inside of her. Talk about some good ass make up sex!
After getting her breathing under control, I pulled her up and carried her to the bed. I went inside of her drawer and looked for me some shorts to throw on. Tisha’s ass was already under the covers about to take her ass to sleep after that good dick that I just blessed her ass with. After throwing on my shorts, I got under the covers, pulling her closer to me.
“Your ass coming home in the morning. I hate this uncomfortable ass bed,” I said, wrapping my arms around her waist.
“Boy, you a lie if my bed is uncomfortable. Plus, didn’t I say that I was coming home in the morning anyways?” she asked, looking up at me.
“You right, but I thought it was the dick talking,” I said.
“Yeah whatever,” she mumbled, closing her eyes.
“I love you girl,” I let her know.
“I love you more baby,” she said and that quick, she was knocked out.
Chapter: 9: Tisha
Here I was, four months pregnant and I didn’t feel as if life for me could get any better. I was seeing less and less of Otis, because he and Ty were trying to open up another club in Atlanta, Georgia, so he was back and forth between home in Miami and there. It’s like I had no help around the house. When I would go into the shop for work, I would drop the baby off at Ka’lani’s dad’s house with Aaliyah.
Everything with his baby mama, Akira, had been pretty good for the most part as well. She always called at a respectable hour, and I didn’t see any signs of her trying to keep Tamia away from Otis or Harmony. Tamia was a sweet little girl, and I really liked her. I swear, that lil girl loved her some Harmony though. She would spend nights over at our house, but I wouldn’t let Harmony stay the night at Akira’s house because I wasn’t too comfortable with Akira, and I didn’t think that I wanted to jump into that too soon.
Really, for the most part, I had been good. I hadn’t been receiving any mysterious phone calls lately or anything. The only thing that I wished was that Otis was home a little more with me. Being four months pregnant and having to take care of a one year old, and sometimes a four year old could, become a little stressful and nerve wrecking. I don’t feel as if I couldn’t handle it; it would have just been nice to have a little bit more support.
I had just come home from picking up the baby and a long 8-hour day at the salon. I was literally on my feet all day, and I didn’t even get a chance to take my lunch break. All I had to eat all day was the bowl of cereal that I made that morning before I went in for work. I walked in the house, put Harmony in her playpen in the leaving room, and turned the TV to Dora for her. Next, I went to find something to cook in the kitchen. I decided on shrimp parmesan and some garlic bread. After taking the meat from out of the fridge, I walked over to the kitchen cabinet to take out a pot, and as I was reaching up to take a pot from out of the cabinet, I felt a sharp pain in my lower stomach. I didn’t really think nothing of it until I felt it again, and I swear this time it hurt worse than the first. It felt like I was having contractions. The pain was enough to have my ass doubled over in pain on the kitchen floor. It wasn’t until I looked down that I noticed something warm flowing down my legs. When I saw the dark color of blood dripping down my legs, I literally lost it.
“Oh my God, no!” I screamed, trying to stand up, but I was knocked back down by another sharp pain.
I knew I couldn’t call Otis to come get me because he was probably still on the plane on his way back from Atlanta. I reached in my back pocket and quickly called Ka’lani, telling her to get to my house immediately. I waited on the floor for her for at least fifteen minutes, crying and holding onto my stomach the entire time. A few seconds later, I heard the front door open.
“Oh my God Tisha, what happened?” Ka’lani asked me, squatting down next to me.
“I’m losing my baby!” I cried, and that’s when I looked at Ka’lani and I saw that she was crying too. I don’t know why, but I was hoping for her to say something positive, but the face that she wore only confirmed that I was indeed having a miscarriage. She went and got Harmony from out of her playpen and came back to where I was, and helped me from off of the floor. She held my hand and helped me outside to get in the back of her car, placing Harmony inside of Aaliyah’s car seat. As soon as Lani got in the driver’s seat, she footed it the whole way to the hospital, speeding like a bat out of hell. I knew already at the moment that my baby didn’t make it, so I wasn’t about to sit there and beg God to fix it, because the damage was already done. I swear, if it wasn’t one thing, it was another.
I was on my way home from being in Atlanta for a whole week straight. I missed the shit out of my girl and my daughters. I couldn’t wait to get back home to see them. I was in my Camaro doing 90 all the way home. I hoped like hell that Tisha ass was up when I got to the crib, because a nigga was in dying need of some pussy. Every night that I could, Tisha and I were having phone sex and Face timing each other, but a nigga wanted the real thing. I swear if she wasn’t pregnant, I would have made her ass catch a flight up there to be with me, but I didn’t need Tisha doing all that. As I was driving on the highway, I felt my phone vibrating in my pants. I looked and I saw that it was Ka’lani. I just knew some shit was up, because Lani never called me. Now that I think about it, the only time that she did call was to deliver some bad news, so I wondered what the fuck was going on and what Tisha’s ass had gotten her ass into this time.