Page 22 of I Choose You 3
I was on my way to the crib after being at the club all damn night. We had a big birthday bash there tonight, so the club was packed. There was all type of famous people there, such as Trina, Rick Ross, and DJ Khaled, just to name a few. It was three in the morning, and all I felt like doing was going home, kissing my daughter, and laying up with my girl.
I pulled up to the driveway and headed inside. I walked in the house and noticed the TV on in the den. That’s when I noticed both my ladies knocked out on the couch. Tisha was lying on her back as Harmony was laying on her chest. I walked over and picked Harmony up, and laid her on my shoulder. I tapped my wife on her shoulder and she instantly woke up.
“Come on baby, let’s go upstairs,” I told her.
She pulled back the blanket from over her and we headed upstairs to get in the bed together. A nigga was dog shit tired.
I woke up the next morning around 11 a.m. to my daughter slapping me in the face.
“Da-da,” she called out, trying to wake me up.
I stared into her hazel eyes and damn–she was a mini Tisha. I picked her up and started kissing all over her face while she laughed. I turned to my left, and Tisha was still knocked out cold.
“Go wake mommy,” I told Harmony.
She climbed over and started hitting Tisha on the back.
“Ma-ma. Ma-ma,” Harmony kept saying.
Tisha woke up and just like me, she started kissing all over our daughter’s face.
“Good morning baby,” Tisha cooed to me.
“Morning bae,” I said to her, attempting to slob her down, but Harmony shut that down real quick. She started pulling Tisha away from me. She hated to see her mama all over me.
“That’s your spoiled ass daughter,” Tisha said, walking into the bathroom.
I headed downstairs to get breakfast started with my daughter on my hip. Ten minutes later, Tisha came in the kitchen, wrapping her arms around my waist. I had put Harmony down in her playpen while I cooked breakfast for us, so she wasn’t paying us any attention. Tisha started kissing me on my neck as I was trying to make the eggs.
“Baby I love you so much,” she moaned, slapping me on my ass. She knew I hated when she did that gay shit. I didn’t want nobody going nowhere near my damn ass, yet Tisha continued to do that shit on a daily basis, knowing that would only piss me off.
“Tisha move na with that gay shit,” I told her, moving her from behind me, and she started laughing.
She walked out the kitchen to go play with the baby. She looked so damn good in her yoga tights and her sports bra from PINK. If our daughter wasn’t here right now, I would have had her ass bent over the counter, but I couldn’t. After breakfast, we all got ready to have a little family shopping day. Of course, it was Tisha’s idea. Neither her ass nor Harmony didn’t need no more damn clothes. I couldn’t bring Tamia with us, because Akira had taken her out of town to Tampa so that she could visit her grandparents.
We spent well over three hours in the mall and were on our way to the movies now. As we were driving, Tisha’s phone kept vibrating and I noticed that she kept ignoring the shit. I tried not to say nothing, but the shit was starting to look real suspect to me.
“Tisha, who the fuck keep calling your phone? And why you keep ignoring that shit? I asked, frustrated.
“I don’t know,” she said, never even looking at
“Fuck you mean you don’t know? Obviously you know who it is if you keep ignoring them!” I barked.
“I really don’t know who the fuck it is. They started calling me last night, but when they did say something, you could tell that they were disguising their voice. At first I had thought it was Marshae, but when I picked it up earlier today, it didn’t sound shit like her ass; it sounded like a nigga, so I don’t know. Plus whenever Marshae calls, she’ll say something about what happened, but this person’s not saying anything other than calling me a bitch and then hanging up the phone,” she told me.
“That shit happened last night! So why the fuck you just now telling me this?” I asked.
“I don’t fuckin know. I didn’t think it was that serious,” she yelled, her voice matching how angry I was.
“Tisha, get fucked up if you want to. Your ass tell me everything else, but you didn’t think it was important to tell me that someone was playing on your damn phone! That’s bullshit!” I barked.
I didn’t have to worry about our daughter hearing what we were saying because she was in the backseat knocked out. I decided fuck the movies and made a U-turn, and was heading back to the house.
Tisha didn’t have shit to say; she just sat there looking out the damn window. I swear sometimes, I just want to choke some sense into her ass. We pulled up to the house, and Tisha went and got the baby from out her car seat and headed into the house, leaving me to bring all the shopping bags in the house by my damn self.