Page 24 of I Choose You 3
I was on my way to meet Symone at Aventura Mall. I just dropped Aaliyah off with Tisha, because Tyrone was at the club getting everything ready for tonight. Symone was supposed to be meeting me in front of Macy’s, and when I pulled into the parking lot, I saw her stepping out of her car. Luckily, I was able to find a parking spot next to her. I pulled down my visor to check myself out in the mirror. I applied a little gloss and said a little prayer.
“Okay Ka’lani, be good,” I coached myself.
“Hey Symone,” I said, walking over to her as I got out my car.
“Hey girl,” she said, too excited for me.
I had to give it to my sister though, the bitch was bad. She actually looked just like me, except she was thicker. She was probably about a size 6, whereas I was a size 2–that’s where I got my nickname Tiny from. It was actually Tisha that came up with that nickname for me when we were in middle school.
We walked into the mall and started out inside of Macy’s, where I purchased another Michael Kors handbag; this one was brown though since I already had the white and the black one. Symone purchased her a pretty brown Furla handbag. I had to admit, the bitch did have style.
Our next destination was True Religion, me and my husband’s favorite store. I purchased myself two pair of jeans. I got my daughter two outfits from out of there too, and my husband. We spent two hours in the mall, going in almost every damn store. I would help Symone pick out her clothes, and she would help me. After shopping, we decided to go to Olive Garden for lunch.
“I had a good time shopping with you. Like, it feels good to have a little sister and have someone who has the same style as I do,” Symone told me.
“I’m not going to lie, I had fun too. I never really met anybody who has the same fashion sense as me, besides my girls,” I told her, taking a sip from my Sprite.
“Yeah and Ka’lani again, I really am sorry about everything that happened,” Symone said.
“Girl it’s okay. I already forgave you, so you can stopapologizing about it. Honestly, I really don’t know why you felt the need to try and get my husband. I never told you, but girl you are pretty as fuck, you can get any nigga you want. Do you have a man, before I continue?” I asked, because I didn’t even know if she was dating someone.
“No I don’t,” she told me.
“Well girl, just wait your turn. You’ll find him,” I told her right when our food arrived.
For the rest of the time there we just talked, mainly about Aaliyah. I showed her pictures of her and I told her that one day I’d let her come over to the house and spend some time with her niece. It felt good though to spend time with my sister, I’m not even going to lie.
Chapter 15: Tamika
Here I was 6 months pregnant and I couldn’t be any happier. I had the perfect man and the perfect relationship. I know in the beginning I was tripping about having a baby with Pat, mainly because I thought it was too early. Yes, I still wish that we would have waited to have a baby, but it’s too late and we are expecting our angel into this world with open arms. Yes, we are having a girl and I decided to name my baby Princess, because that’s what she is to me.
I was leaving from the doctor’s office with Pat after doing our monthly checkup. Everything was going good with our baby girl. We just couldn’t wait for her to get here. When we got in the car, I laid the seat back in the passenger’s seat and relaxed.
“You hungry baby?” Pat asked, looking over at me from the driver’s seat.
“Yeah baby, actually I am. I want to go to Flanagan’s and get me some chicken tenders and fries,” I told him.
“Anything for my queen,” my baby said as we made our way to Flanagan’s.
We headed to pick up our food and after that, we were on our way back to the house. After we ate, Pat told me that he was going to head to the studio, and I couldn’t help but feel some type of way. I wanted him to lay up in the bed with me for the rest of the day and watch movies. When we first got together, I felt like Pat was always around me, but now that we’ve gotten closer and that I moved I, I kind of felt like his ass was always on the run. I wasn’t going to nag him about the situation, even though it would be nice to have him stay home with me for the remainder of the night.
“Aww baby, can’t you stay?” I asked, putting on my saddest face a
nd hoping he would give in.
“No bae, I can’t but I’ll be back before midnight, I promise,” he said, kissing me on the lips.
I looked at him and rolled my eyes, and turned to head upstairs.
“Fix you face,” he told me, and then slapped me on the ass real hard, and I turned around to go in the room.
As soon as I got in the bedroom, I went inside the bathroom to take a quick bath, and off to bed I went. I wasn’t even about to try and stay up and wait for his ass, because I know that he wasn’t bringing his ass home no time soon. He always told me to wait up for him, and I would end up waiting for his ass until like two in the damn morning–so no, I was not about to play with his ass tonight! Now, I might wake up in the middle of the night and wait up, but for now, I was about to take my ass to sleep.
It was one in the morning, and I was still in the studio trying to wrap up this last track. I promised my girl that I would be home before midnight, and clearly I had fucked that promise up. I didn’t even know what time it was until I looked down at my Rolex and saw that it was beeping, indicating that it was midnight; that’s when I figured I might as well stay for a little while longer, because I mean shit, it was already late. I figured Meek was sleep anyways, because she wasn’t blowing up a nigga phone like she always do, so I had a little time to spare before she woke up.
At 1:30 a.m., I looked down at my phone and saw my baby calling. The picture that showed when she called was one that I snuck and took of her one night while she was sleeping in the bed on her stomach, with the covers resting on her ass. I thought she looked so fuckin sexy, so I had to take that picture.