Page 29 of I Choose You 3
“I’m in the kitchen baby!” I yelled back.
He walked inside the kitchen and I was met with an American Pit Bull Terror. I jumped up on that kitchen counter quick as hell. I fuckin hated dogs and Cevon knew that, so I didn’t know why the fuck he would even bring that shit in the house–and it wasn’t no small dog either; this dog was probably about two times my damn size. I should have known Cevon’s ass was up to no good when he started asking me questions last night about how would I feel if he brought a dog.
When Cevon and I first got together and I moved in with him into his first apartment, he had a big ass pit bull named B.J., and I swear to God that I hated that damn dog. I remember one time, that dog ran after my ass around the whole block and I was screaming and crying for Cevon to get it, but he was too busy laughing at my ass. That same dog was killed maybe like a week later, after being ran over by a big ass 18-wheeler. That’s because Otis didn’t watch that damn dog and he was always somewhere roaming, which is why he chased my ass down that day. Cevon was so mad when that dog died, but me on the other hand, I was happy as fuck. Of course, I never told that to Cevon but shit, that damn dog was evil!
“Cevon, what the fuck? Why you brought this big ass dog in the house for?” I asked, still sitting on the counter and not planning on getting down until he got that big ass dog from out of there.
“Baby, this is Champ,” Cevon said, petting the dog. The way the dog was breathing, with his tongue hanging all out, was giving me the damn creeps.
“Okay but Cevon, you know fuckin well that I don’t like dogs and then you go out and buy one, that’s so fuckin selfish and inconsiderate,” I said to him, because I felt like he was being petty.
“Kyla, you tripping for no fuckin reason. This dog is harmless, it’s not gon’ do shit to your ass!” he said, walking over to me with the dog, and I took off my house shoe and threw it at Cevon’s stupid ass; he started laughing like the shit was fuckin funny.
“I know one fuckin thing, I won’t be staying here with this big ass dog walking around, to fuckin bite the shit out of my ass,” I said, jumping up off the counter and walking around so that I wouldn’t be in contact with the dog. Cevon left the dog in the kitchen and followed me upstairs to our bedroom.
“You really about to leave because I bought a fuckin dog, Kyla? That’s stupid as fuck,” he said, sitting on the bed and watching my every move.
“No, what’s stupid as fuck is the fact that you went and bought that shit without even asking me! I still got marks on my damn body from when B.J bit the shit out of me!” I screamed, pulling up my dress so he could see the mark that was left on my left thigh from being bit by his old dog.
“I didn’t ask your ass because I knew your scary ass would say no! B.J. only bit your ass because you was running from him. Don’t you know that you not supposed to run away from no dog, they gon’ think your ass is playing with them,” he said, and I waved his ass off.
“Well, I’ll be back and when I get back, I want that shit gone or in the fuckin backyard somewhere!” I demanded.
“Well, that’s not going to fuckin happen. But I know one thing, let your ass not come back in this house tonight!” he said, roughly pulling me by the front of my shirt so that I was facing him.
After he let me go, I went over to the dresser and grabbed my purse and my keys and I was out the door, heading for work. Cevon might talk shit now, but I already knew for a fact that when I got home, he would have that damn dog in the back somewhere like I had asked him to. He was crazy, but he wasn’t that crazy.
Today was the day that I was going with my girls to look for wedding dresses. After a whole month of picking out the perfect DJ, lighting, and the perfect shade of pink and white roses, all of the planning was pretty much done. Now the hard part was for me to find a damn dress. I was so damn picky, and I didn’t like any of the dresses that I saw, so, it came to the point where I ended up putting the dress on hold just try to worry about the actual wedding plans, so that everything else was perfect. A few weeks ago, Otis came to me with the idea of us getting married–for real this time. After everything happened with me going through the miscarriage and him having another baby, I decided to put things on hold until I felt like we were really back on track, so last week while I was home laying down with my daughter watching TV, Otis came into the den and I could already tell that he had something up his sleeve.
“Baby, when we going to get married?” Otis asked, kneeling in front of me and kissing me on my lips. He had totally caught me off guard with the question, and I didn’t know what the hell to say. Yes, I wanted to get married, but this time I wanted to do it the right way and actually walk away from it as husband and wife.
“I’m ready whenever you are,” I told him, because honestly I was. I was ready to walk down that aisle and spend the rest of my life with this man. I was giving Marshae too much satisfaction by letting her be the reason why I hadn’t married this man yet. I was just scared that she was going to try some shit again on my wedding day that would lead us to have a part two of what happened the last time.
“Tisha, I’m serious, I’m not playing. I want to have a big wedding. I want the whole fuckin Miami to come out and witness us getting married,” he said, and I could see all the love in his eyes that he had for me. I sat up in the chair and looked him directly in his eyes. I needed a moment to take him all in.
“Baby you’re serious? Like you really want to do this?” I asked, unable to control my excitement.
“I’m serious baby, let’s go ahead and make that shit happen,” he said.
“Ohh baby, I can’t wait. I have to call the girls. Oh, and I don’t want to wear the dress that I was supposed to wear for our first wedding. I want a brand new dress,” I said.
“Anything for you baby,” Otis said, wrapping me up in his arms.
That was the day that we decided to go ahead and make this happen. From there, up until now, I was running around like a chicken with its head off, trying to make sure that I had the perfect wedding. I swear, I was on a whole other level from being a bridezilla. I wasn’t up for a mediocre wedding, which is why I was so hard on the wedding coordinator down to the damn cake decorators. I wanted everything to be perfect. Now all I had to do now was find my damn dress.
Twenty minutes later, I was pulling up to Boca Raton Bridal off North Federal Highway. I ended up having to drive an hour and a half away from home just for the perfect dress. I had Harmony and Tamia in the backseat along with me as well, even though I wanted to leave Harmony’s little bad ass with her daddy, but Otis kept saying that he had business to handle. I already knew her little bad ass was about to be all over this damn store, especially since she was beginning to walk now. Funny how I couldn’t wait for her to walk, and it’s like now that she’s actually doing it, I wish that I could take it back because her ass was always getting into something.
When I walked inside of the store, I spotted Ka’lani and her mom, Tamika and her mom, and Kyla. I had invited all of the ladies, because I wanted everybody’s honest opinion.
“Girl, you finally showed up. How the hell you gon’ be late to your own dress fitting,” Ka’lani said, walking over to me giving me a hug. I laughed at her and pointed to Harmony, letting her know that she was the reason why I was late. After saying hello to everybody, I sat down and waited for the sales lady to come over to me.
“So which one of you lovely ladies are about to get married?” the sales lady asked, making her way over to me. She was very pretty with her almost pale skin and her honey blonde hair that she had on top of her head in a bun. She was sporting a white pants suit and a pair of six-inch, Steve Madden heels on her feet.
I stood up from my seat, ‘That would be me,” I said, smiling from ear to ear.
“Wow, you are beautiful and congratulations,” she said, giving me a big smile, and I thanked her.