Page 4 of I Choose You 3
“Tisha, please just chill, you out here causing a damn scene,” Lani told her, and Tisha continued to cry even harder with her extra dramatic ass.
“I swear I fuckin hate you Otis, with your selfish ass!” she screamed at me, punching me in my chest.
Now I felt like Tisha was trying to show off, so I had to take control of the situation right away. I walked over to her and jacked her up roughly, and told her to calm her ass down. I told my niggas and the girls bye as I damn near dragged a crying Tisha with me to the car. She knew damn well she didn’t hit me, but she got bold when she got around a crowd of people and felt as if they could protect her; I would still jack her ass up in front of every damn body out here, though.
Chapter 3: Otis
The whole ride back, the only thing that was heard coming from the car was the sounds of Tisha’s sniffles and the AC blowing. At that point, I could care less about those little crocodile tears coming from Tisha. Yes, I fucked up, I will admit that–but I will be damned if I were to let her clown on me like that in front of everybody. I’m still kind of in a shock right now due to the fact that Marshae is still alive. I mean, I remember when the shit made the news, but I didn’t think that hoe would remember every damn thing and come back trying to murk some shit. I remember every detail of that night. I remember Tisha letting off the whole clip in that hoe. That shit is crazy! That’s cool though, because next time I was to handle it, and I bet I wouldn’t miss it. The whole ride back, I hadn’t even noticed that our daughter wasn’t with us.
“Where the fuck is Harmony?” I asked Tisha, turning down the air.
“At the hotel with Kyla,” she sobbed, not even looking in my direction.
“Tisha, quit with all that damn crying, we still going to get married. The wedding doesn’t start until 4, we got more than enough time,” I said to her, annoyed with all that extra crying. She looked at me like I had sprouted another head.
“Nigga, if you think I’m getting ready to marry you right now, you got another thing coming,” she said, with too much bass in her voice for my liking. All of a sudden, all the tears stopped and she found her balls again. I quickly swerved the car around and pulled over on the side of the road.
“What the fuck you mean you not marrying me today?” I asked her, not understanding what the fuck that comment was supposed to mean.
“Exactly what I just said. I just can’t do it, not right now anyways. How the fuck do you expect me to marry you, being as though I just got released from jail! And for what? For fighting your dumb ass ex, the bitch you should have handled when we first got to together!” she spat.
“So you mean to tell me you gon’ let a bitch disrupt of our day?” I yelled back.
“Man, this don’t have shit to do with her. This isn’t how I envisioned my wedding day to be. I’m sorry Otis but I can’t,” she said with them damn tears starting back up. I swear her ass was emotional as fuck.
I needed to get the fuck away
from Tisha’s ass right now, because I was likely gon’ choke the shit out of her any minute now. She gon’ let a bitch that means nothing to me get in the middle of us getting married. That shit got me feeling that maybe she didn’t even want to marry my ass in the first damn place. Maybe all of that shit was just too damn good to be true.
“You know what Tisha, fuck you! Straight up,” I told her, and she looked at me in disbelief and didn’t even reply.
If she was going to let something like this come between us, then fuck her! I wasn’t about to sit up there like no fuckin pussy and beg her ass to marry me because from the looks of things, she had already made up her mind. For the remainder of the ride to the hotel to pick up our daughter, I didn’t say shit to Tisha’s ass, and the way I was feeling, I didn’t know when the next time I said something to her would be.
Here it was, two weeks after the day that I was supposed to be marrying the love of my life. I still couldn’t believe that shit, though. I was supposed to be somewhere in Jamaica right now, making love to my husband, instead of walking around the house moping. I hadn’t seen Otis since the day Otis and I were supposed to get married. This nigga didn’t even have the audacity to call and check to see if his daughter and I were okay. I was calling him every day, but he wouldn’t answer his phone for me for shit. Harmony and I could have been in there dying, and I couldn’t get in touch with his selfish ass. I knew he was mad at me, because when he told me fuck me the other day, those were the last words that he said to me. It wasn’t like I called the wedding off to be selfish or anything; I just felt like that wasn’t the right way to do it. No way in hell I was about to get married knowing that I had just bonded out of jail earlier that day. I just couldn’t do it, and I’m mad that Otis couldn’t agree with me on that. It wasn’t like I was saying that I would never marry him; I was just letting him know that I wanted to hold off on it for a while.
Lately, my girls have been calling me, but I haven’t been answering or returning none of their calls. I just needed my space. I felt like at the end of the day, nobody could empathize with what I was going through right now, and there was nothing anyone could do or say to make me feel a little better about the situation. I wasn’t even going to work because I was too hurt, and I didn’t want to be answering all the questions about why I didn’t get married, even though I knew Otis and I were probably the talk of Miami at the moment.
I just felt like shit right now. I had just finished taking a shower, and I was wearing some black Victoria’s Secret PINK leggings with a purple-colored PINK sports bra. I had my hair on top of my head in a high bun. I was in the den area with my daughter watching her play with her toys when there was a knock on the door. I left Harmony right there on the floor to see who was at the door. I peeped through the peephole, and standing there were all three of my girls. Each had a gift of some sort in their hands.
“I ought to kick your ass for not answering the damn phone, but I’ll let you pass,” smart-mouthed Lani said.
I apologized to all the girls and let them inside. We went into the kitchen area to start drinking. The way I was feeling right now, I could use a cup or two.
“So, when was the last time you talked to Otis?” Tamika asked as we made our way into the den.
“Not since the day we were supposed to get married,” I said nonchalantly.
“Bitch what? He didn’t even call to make sure y’all was still alive?” Lani asked me.
“Nope, fuck him too. I can’t wait until he bring his ass home, I swear he gon’ feel me,” I said to them, and I meant every word. He was treating me like some sideline bitch, sending me to voicemail and ignoring my text messages. I understand me and him were going through our problems, but that don’t mean he could take the shit out on our daughter by not coming to see her. That’s not fair to her at all, and I was going to tell him that too.
“Girl, yo ass not gon’ do shit because as soon as Otis get to yelling at you, you start with the water works,” Tamika said, describing me to a tee.
“Not this time though,” I told them. I didn’t even know if I believed the shit my damn self.
My girls stayed at the house with me until about 8 o’clock that night. I admit, I had fun and I did miss them so much. After making myself some dinner and feeding my baby, we were off to the bathroom so that we could take a bath together. While we were in there, I softly washed my baby’s hair with the Johnson & Johnson Baby Shampoo. I got out and wrapped my towel around me, and put Harmony on her little cute baby robe. I laid her on the bed and dried her off, lotioned her body with baby lotion, and put on her pajamas. Meanwhile, she was sleep the entire time.