Page 12 of A Miami Love Tale
“Go ahead. I’ll be there in about an hour. Tell Imani cock blocking ass to take her ass to sleep too,” he said, and I laughed at him and got inside of my car.
It’s funny, because whenever Dontae and I decided to have sex at my house, Imani’s ass was always up. She would get so mad with how loud we were that she would bang on my bedroom door, telling me to shut up. I hoped her ass went out tonight or some shit, because I hadn’t had any dick since last night and I was feenin’ for my man and his touch all day. I had to try and keep my hands to myself while we were together today, because Bria was right there. I could hardly control myself though, because he looked so s
exy in his Jordan basketball shorts that were hanging off his ass, and the matching Jordan shirt and shoes to match. Every once in a while when Bria would turn her back or something, I would kiss her daddy, but I was glad that I was getting ready to feel the real thing in less than an hour.
Chapter 10: Sharice
I was sitting on my front porch, smoking some good Kush and waiting on my baby daddy to come back with my daughter. Dontae and I weren’t in a real relationship when Bria was conceived. He was just somebody that I had met one day when I went to his shop to get a tattoo done. From when I first saw him, I thought that he was the most handsome thing on this earth. Of course, he turned me down when I tried to pursue something with him. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a bad bitch by all means necessary, I just wasn’t the type of bitch that you would want to take home to your mama. I was the type of bitch that mamas would warn their sons to stay the fuck away from. His mama, April, with her mean ass hated me, and best believe that the feeling was indeed mutual.
When I saw Dontae again, I was stripping down at this club in Miami called Take 1. One night he came in and saw me, and I tried to talk to him again. This time he did actually look a little bit interested in me. Maybe it was the fact that I was standing in front of him with nothing on but a G-string. We went to one of the private rooms in the back and I gave him some of the best head that I know he’s probably ever received in his entire life. This nigga was so gone that he fucked me without a condom. That was four years ago, and that’s how we managed to have Bria. Just like every typical nigga who didn’t want to be with a hoe, he tried to convince me to get an abortion. But I figured if I had the baby, then we would be stuck together for life. For someone who acted like they didn’t want me to have his baby, he sure as hell spoiled Bria. He did anything for that girl and for that, it made me hate my own daughter. The way that he loves her, I only wish that he could be that way with me.
It’s crazy, because once Dontae realized that I was not about to get rid of this baby and that I was dead set on keep it, he began to accept the fact that he had a baby on the way. I’m not going to lie, this man moved me out of the projects and out into a nice three-bedroom, two-bathroom home out in Miramar, so that his baby and I could be safe. While I was pregnant, Dontae made it known that we weren’t in a relationship, but that didn’t mean that he treated me like shit either. He was there for every doctor’s appointment, and he had brought so much shit for Bria while I was pregnant as well. Being around him that much made me grow to love him, but I was too afraid to speak up on it because I knew for a fact that the feeling wasn’t mutual. I mean, I knew Dontae had love for me, but I knew for a fact that he didn’t love me. I wasn’t one of those women that was going to chase after a man, so I chose to let Dontae go. While I was pregnant, we probably had sex about twice, only because I told him that it was good for me. He went along with it the first two times and after that, he wasn’t breaking me off with anymore dick. Dontae was a good father to Bria, I just wished that he would show me some respect. Yes, I wasn’t the best mother in the world, Dontae made that clear every chance that he got, but I was doing the very best that I could.
I just figured that it was his loss if he didn’t want to be with me. You know how many niggas try and holla at my ass every fuckin day? And Dontae’s ass acts like he’s too good to wife me up! I’m standing at 5’5, 145 pounds, and my body is to die for. I still strip and I keep my ass in the gym every chance I get. After having Bria, I went and got my breasts done, so my once A cups, were now a set of 38 C’s. I kept my hair in a versatile sew-in that stopped at the tip of my ass, and I went to the Dominicans faithfully every two weeks for a wash and set. Most people probably thought that I was a hoe because I stripped, but in my eyes, I felt like I was doing what I had to do so that I wouldn’t have to be asking my baby daddy for money every two seconds. Of course, Dontae didn’t like the lifestyle that I lived, but he wasn’t my fuckin daddy so he couldn’t tell me what to do. I knew one day that he was going to try and take Bria away from me, because he had been making that same threat for the past few months, but I wasn’t going to let him take her from me. Me stripping wasn’t a problem in the beginning, so I didn’t understand why it was such a big deal now. Bria was only four years old. She didn’t know what the fuck was going on. Hell, my daughter didn’t even know what a fuckin stripper was!
Ten minutes later, I saw Dontae’s mustang pulling up the block. He parked and went around to the back to get Bria from out of her booster seat, and that’s when I noticed that she was sleep. Carrying her in his arms, he went to the back and he pulled out all types of shopping bags. And I bet the motha fucka didn’t even think to pick up shit for his own baby mama. I saw all type of bags from Puma, True Religion, Justice, and even Gucci. I put the blunt out and walked over to the car, just to see if he had gotten me anything.
“What did you get for me?” I asked, looking inside the bags.
“Shit,” he said, closing the trunk, which caused Bria to wake up from her sleep. I followed behind them as he walked to the front door. He walked inside the house with Bria and put all the bags in her room.
“Okay daddy’s baby. I’ll be back to get you tomorrow, and you can spend the night this time,” he said, giving her a kiss on her cheek.
“Okay Daddy, is Breesha going to spend the night too?” she asked, wiping the sleep from her eyes. I wanted to know just who in the fuck Breesha was. Dontae gave me a strange look before looking back down at our daughter.
“No baby, it’s just going to be you and me,” he said, and I knew the fool was lying. He just said that because he knew I would say something.
“Okay then daddy,” she said looking sad.
After he whispered something in her ear, she smiled and kissed him on the cheek, then he gave her a big hug. He turned to leave and I followed him to the door, going outside with him.
“Who the fuck is Breesha, Tae?” I asked Dontae with an annoyed look on my face.
“Lil mama, I’m not your nigga and you damn sure ain’t my bitch, so don’t question me,” he said to me nastily.
“When it comes to the company you keep around my daughter, I can question whatever the fuck I want to,” I said, getting in his face.
He shot me a nasty look and I backed up a little bit. Dontae has never put his hands on me, but I knew when to fuck with him, and right now wasn’t the time.
“Dontae, I’m not even trying to argue with you! All I want to know is, who is Breesha?” I asked calmly this time.
“My bitch, happy now? Go take your ass in the house and watch my daughter. Make sure you pack her bags and shit because I’ll be back over tomorrow to get her,” he yelled, getting inside his car. I watched him speed off and then I headed inside the house. If he wasn’t going to tell me, then I could get my daughter to tell me. Hell, she didn’t have a choice in the matter in the first place.
“Bria!” I yelled, coming in the house and closing the door behind me.
She didn’t answer me; she just came from out of her room with one of her dolls in her hand.
“Little girl, answer me when I call you!” I said to her.
“Yes Mommy?” she said, in a way like I was annoying her little ass or some shit.
“Who was Breesha?” I asked, trying to get info from out of my daughter.
“Daddy’s girlfriend,” she sang, smiling.
I looked at her and rolled my eyes. So I guess my baby daddy had his self a new bitch. If it was okay to bring outsides around our daughter, then that’s exactly what I was about to do. I had been talking to this nigga named Fred about a few months now, but I never brought him over to the house. But since it was okay to bring significant others and shit around our child, then that’s exactly what I was about to do. Two can play that game!
Chapter 11: Nae