Page 22 of A Miami Love Tale
McDonalds it was. We walked back to the car and when we got inside, I headed in the direction to get baby girl something to eat. On the way over, I felt my phone vibrate. When I stopped at the red light, that’s when I looked to see who it was.
Baby: Baby, just come to my crib when you finish. I’ll be at the shop for a little and then I’ll be home. Bring you some clothes over so you could spend the night too. I left the key under the mat.
I smiled after I read his message. Ten minutes later, we were pulling up to McDonalds. They had the little play area inside for the kids, so I decided we could eat inside. After I ordered the food for Bria, I waited to the side until they called us. I wasn’t really hungry, so I didn’t get anything for myself. Five minutes later, they were calling our number and I went and got the food and sat a table in the back, in front of the play area. We sat at the table in silence as I watched Bria eat–well, play with her food for the most part.
“Breesha, can I go over there and play when I’m finished?” she asked me.
“Yes,” I told her, smiling.
Two minutes later, she stood up and told me that she would be right back. I watched her run over and hurry to get on the slide. I looked over at her food and noticed that she barely even ate anything. I let her play for ten more minutes, then called her back over to the table.
“Bria, you don’t want the rest of your food? You barely ate,” I told her, pointing to the one chicken nugget that she took a bite out of and the maybe three or four fries that she ate.
“No I’m okay,” she said, smiling.
“Okay, you can go slide one more time while I put this in the trash,” I told her, and she took off running.
I gathered up the food and dumped it inside of the trash. I walked over to the play area and Bria looked at me, and quickly slid one last time on the slide before she came rushing over to me so we could go. We walked back over to my car and headed to my house so that I could pack myself an overnight bag. I hated that I had to be the one to tell Dontae this bad news, but it had to be done. There’s no way in hell that I would be able to sit back and pretend that I didn’t know what the fuck was going on.
Chapter 19: Dontae
A nigga was dog shit tired. I’ve been up since 6 this morning, running around all day. I had a big meeting this morning in downtown Miami. We were trying to open up another spot for my tattoo shop. I’ve been drawing and shit since I was about eight years old and when I turned 16, that’s when I started doing tattoos. By the time I turned 21, I had enough money to buy me my own apartment, so I started doing tattoos from out of my house. That’s when I had enough money to open up my own shop. 26 years old and I was living th
e fuckin life, by doing something that I loved to do. I still planned on keeping my old shop, but I just wanted to open up an even bigger one. Everyone in Miami came to me to get their tattoos done. Me and my cuz Rashard were the shit down here, and everybody knew that shit.
I was on my way home and I couldn’t wait to see my daughter and my lady. Bria might be sleep right now though, because her little ass couldn’t hang for shit. I was hoping to get some pussy from my lady, because I hadn’t had any in weeks due to my busy ass schedule. I pulled up to my home and parked the car. I walked up to the door and let myself in. When I walked inside, I heard the TV on in the den. Both Breesha and Bria were knocked out on the couch. That sight right there did something to a nigga. Bria lay with her arm wrapped around Breesha, with her head resting on her chest. I picked my daughter up, and carried her upstairs and put her in her bed.
It made me feel good that Breesha could take care of my baby. From her smell, I could tell that she had been bathed and everything. I tucked my daughter in and headed back downstairs. When I came back in the den, Breesha was sitting up now.
“Hey baby,” she said stretching her arms out for me to give her a hug.
I walked over to her, hugged her and picked her up. I sat down with her straddling my lap.
“How was your day?” she asked me.
“It was good. Even better now,” I said, trying to lift up her pajamas shirt. Shit, a nigga was horny as fuck right about now.
“Wait Dontae, I have to tell you something,” she said, stopping me.
“It can wait,” I said, sucking on her neck while trying to put my hands in her pajama bottoms.
“I’m serious, Dontae. It can’t wait,” she said with seriousness in her voice.
“What Breesha? Damn,” I asked, annoyed that she was stopping me from getting some pussy.
“Today when I went to go pick Bria up from school, I took her to the mall to buy her a few outfits. When we went inside the fitting room, I saw a big bruise on her back when she took off her shirt. I had to damn near beg her to tell me what happened. She told me that Sharice’s boyfriend, Fred, had punched her,” Breesha said.
I felt like the fuckin air had left my body. I know I didn’t just hear that another nigga had just put his fuckin hands on my seed. I didn’t even hit my damn daughter, so what made another nigga think he had the fuckin right to do that shit! I tapped Breesha on the ass, signaling for her to get up. I headed to my daughter’s room and flicked on the light. She was knocked out on her stomach, so I knew she wouldn’t wake up. I walked over to her and lifted up her shirt and sure enough, there was a big nasty bruise on her upper back.
I pulled her shirt back down and put the covers back over her body. I turned the lights back off and headed downstairs. I already had my gun on me, so I was good.
“Lock the door, I’ll be back,” I said to Breesha. She looked like she wanted to say something, but she just walked over to the door and closed it after I left.
On the ride over, I couldn’t help but to figure out why the fuck Sharice would let a fuckin man hit on our god damn daughter like that, a four year old little girl, weighing only 35 fuckin pounds. A grown ass nigga gon’ put his hands on my fuckin baby and he didn’t think that I would fuckin find out about this shit! Sometimes I swear I just wanted to fuckin kill Sharice’s stupid ass, with the decisions that she made over the years. I can’t say that I regret putting my dick in her, because then we wouldn’t have Bria. The only thing that’s stopping me from killing her ass is the fact that I didn’t want my daughter to have to grow up motherless.
I pulled up to the house thirty minutes later and got out the car. I banged on the door a few times, and Sharice came to the door a minute later. She opened the door with wide eyes and from the look on her face, I could tell that she was in there asleep. I closed the door behind me and quickly snatched her up by her neck and slammed her into the wall.
“Where the fuck that nigga at?” I asked through clenched teeth.