Page 24 of A Miami Love Tale
“Calm down baby, I was just playing with you,” he said, kissing my lips.
I kissed him back. All eyes were on us, and I made sure that those hoes that were sitting next to him were watching us as well.
“I missed you,” I cooed in his ear.
“I can’t tell. I haven’t seen your red ass in a week,” he said.
“I’ll make it up to you. I don’t have class tomorrow, so I’ll sleep over tonight,” I whispered in his ear.
“That’s what I’m talking about!” he said, grabbing my ass.
I kissed him one last time and turned around to leave. When I was walking out the door, his cousin Mark was sitting by the door staring at me. He reminded me of the nigga Beans from the movie State Property. The lustful way he stared at me made me feel some type of way. It’s like he was undressing me with his eyes, and that shit made me feel uncomfortable. He licked his lips in anticipation, and I could feel his eyes burning a hole through my back as I walked out the door. I paid it no mind as I headed back to my car. I was going to go home and pack my bag so that I could spend the night with my baby.
Chapter 21: Nae
“Baby, do you have to go?” I whined as I watched my husband pack up his suitcase. Every time he would put an item of clothing inside, I would take it back out and he would put it back in. I didn’t want him to leave me. I begged him to let me go, but he said that I needed to be here to watch Janiya. He just used that as a bullshit excuse because he didn’t want me going with him.
“Yes Nae. I will only be gone for two days. What the fuck are you tripping for? You act like a nigga ain’t going to come back!” he barked at me.
“Fuck you, Sincere. All your ass care about is fuckin work. You probably got another bitch up there that you about to meet, that’s why your ass want to go so bad,” I accused.
He walked over to me on the bed, yanked me up by my shirt, and threw me against the wall.
“Watch you fuckin mouth. Only bitch I got is you. The one that’s always nagging me about staying home and trying to make a nigga not go to work and get this money,” he gritted, shoving me back on the bed.
“I don’t care. You can stay your ass up there forever for all I care. See if I’m going to be here when you get back,” I said, getting from off of the bed.
“You ain’t that fuckin crazy,” he said continuing, to pack his bag.
That was his fuckin problem now, this nigga underestimated me too much. He thought that I was his fuckin puppet and he could just string me along. Well no, I was fuckin tired of sitting at home waiting for his ass. Today, I was going to go register for some classes at the community school so that I could go back to get my degree in nursing. I wanted to start focusing on me and become more independent. Here we were fuckin arguing, when I should be getting dicked down before he left. I changed clothes and grabbed my purse.
“Where the fuck are you going, Nae? You know you got to take me to the damn airport!” he said.
“Tell that bitch you meeting to take you! I’m leaving.”
I tried to hurry out of the room, but he had already pulled me back.
“I already told you to stop saying that shit. I swear to God you about to make me slap the shit out of your ass,” he said, holding me tight by my waist.
Sincere had never put his hands on me before but from the look in his eyes, I really felt like if I kept on, that I would be laid out on my back somewhere. I sat down on the bed and waited for him to finish packing.
“Alright let’s go,” he said, walking out of the room with his Louis Vuitton suitcases.
I stood up from the bed and led us downstairs. I was so pissed off right about now. The whole ride to the airport was a quiet one. I was quiet because I was in my feelings about my husband leaving, but I wouldn’t dare let him know that. We pulled up to the airport and I parked the car. Sincere turned in his seat to face me.
“Alright Nae. Be on your best behavior while I’m gone. Try me and get fucked up if you want to,” he said.
He kissed me on the lips and told me he loved me. I didn’t say anything as I sat there in silence. When he got his bags, I sped off without saying another word. He didn’t love me that much if he wouldn’t let me go with him to Atlanta for two fuckin days. I wouldn’t have bothered him at all, I just wanted to be around my damn husband. Ladies let me know, was I wrong for that?
Chapter 22: Breesha
I don’t know what went down the night that Dontae left but when he came back, I was still up waiting for him. He came in the room and I saw spots of blood on his clothes and on his boots. I wanted to ask him what happened, but I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t tell me anyways. I felt like he did what he felt he had to do for his daughter, and I couldn’t stop him from that. God only knows what I would do if an outsider had laid hands on my child, which is why I wasn’t going to judge Dontae for what he had done.
I was at the shop in my office. I had just finished up some paperwork and I was getting ready to go on my break. There was a knock at my door, and I sucked my teeth. I didn’t understand why is it that every time I chose to go on break, people decided to bother me. I opened the door with an annoyed look on my face.
“Damn, you not happy to see daddy?” Dontae asked, standing there with a playful, sad look on his face.
“Yes I’m happy to see you baby, but I was just about to go on break,” I said, hugging him.