Page 33 of A Miami Love Tale
“No grandma, that’s not the reason. I be tired from school,” I whined, lying my ass off. If I wasn’t at school, I was with Rashard, spending most of my time with him.
“Yeah, whatever you say,” she said. I had to laugh at her jealous ass. I sat there playing with my fingers trying to muster up the courage to drop this bomb on them.
“Look y’all, I got something I need to tell you guys,” I said, looking up at them.
“What is It, Imani?” my mom asked. Shit, I was scared now. The on
ly time my mom ever called me Imani is when she was being dead ass serious. From the look on her face, I already knew she wasn’t about to like this news. I couldn’t turn back now, because I had already started.
“I’m pregnant,” I blurted out with my head down, unable to give them any type of eye contact.
“What?” my mom asked, sucking her teeth and walking over to me. My grandmother turned around with the spoon in her hand with her mouth hanging wide open.
“Imani, please tell me that you’re fuckin joking around,” my mom said, standing directly in front of me.
“No I’m not playing, I’m serious,” I said, this time looking at her.
“Did y’all plan this shit? Imani, you got all the time in the world to have kids. Your main priority right now is to focus on school,” my mom said.
“No, I didn’t plan it, it just happened,” I said, looking back down.
“What the fuck you mean it just happened? He wasn’t using a condom?” my grandma asked, cutting in.
“Sometimes,” I whispered, still twiddling my thumbs, which is something I always do when I’m nervous.
“Speak up, I can’t fuckin hear you,” my mom yelled, hitting her hand on the island in front of me.
“Sometimes he did. Not all the time though, Ma,” I said, annoyed that she was putting me out on the spot like this.
“Imani, you can’t be that fuckin stupid. You don’t know what that nigga got and you letting this man go inside you without a rubber. That was so fuckin stupid of you,” my mom fussed.
I sat there the whole time and didn’t say anything. Honestly, there wasn’t nothing that I could say. I knew Shard didn’t have anything though, because he’d told me numerous of times that I was the only female that he had ever went inside raw, and for some reason I believed him.
“So what you going to do about this?” my mom asked after she had calmed down.
“I’m keeping it. A baby not gon’ stop nothing. I’m supposed to be graduating next semester. I’m good ma, dang,” I said, frustrated.
“Ma, you talk to her because I swear to God, I want to slap the shit out of her,” my mom said to my grandmother, and then she left out of the kitchen.
“You know she’s pissed right?” my grandmother asked me.
“I know grandma. I mean damn, I’m upset too and I don’t need her judging me, making me feel even worse about the situation,” I said, and a tear dropped from my eye.
“Mani, she’s not judging you, she’s just upset. She’ll come around though; you just got to give her some time. She had high hopes for you, and you getting pregnant so soon was not one of them,” my grandmother tried to reason. I nodded my head and stood to leave.
“You not going to stay for dinner?” she asked me.
“No grandma, I’m good. I’ll see you later,” I said, kissing her on the cheek.
“Okay Mani, don’t let this stress you. Being stressed isn’t good for the baby,” she said.
With that, I left out the house and headed home. I had a lot on my mind. I knew that my mom would be pissed, but damn, I didn’t think she would get to the point where she didn’t have anything else to say to me. I know she’s upset, but shit, a mother was never supposed to turn her back on her child no matter what. When I pulled up to the house, I saw that Breesha’s car was in the driveway. Good, because I needed someone to vent to. When I walked in the house, I saw Breesha and Bria in the den watching TV. Bria was too cute, with her spoiled ass. She loved Breesha though, like she was her mom. I loved the little relationship they shared.
“Hi Imani,” Bria said to me, walking over to give me a hug.
“Hey pretty,” I said to her.