Page 27 of A Miami Love Tale 2
I left out of the studio and walked to my car. I cried the whole way back over to Breesha’s and Mani’s house. I had my key, so I opened the door and went into the guest room with my daughter. I kicked off my boots and cried myself to sleep. I knew after this incident that my marriage would never be the same. I’m not going to even sit here and say that I was going to leave Sincere, because me and everybody else knew that wasn’t going to happen, but I am going to teach his ass a lesson, though. As for that Jasmine chick, she better hope that I don’t see her ass on the streets, because I want my second round with that hoe!
Chapter 17: Nae
I woke up the next morning to a banging ass headache. I guess this is the shit that happens when you cry yourself to sleep. I walked into the bathroom and brushed my teeth with the toothbrush that I kept over here and washed my face. Looking into the mirror, I couldn’t help but notice that that glow that I always sported was now gone. In fact, I looked like I was miserable. From all of the crying that I did last night, now my eyes were red and puffy, as well as my nose. Shaking those ill thoughts off, I threw my hair in a high bun and headed downstairs.
“Hey Mommy,” my daughter said, getting up from the table and coming over to hug me. I picked her up and kissed her on the lips, and patted her butt to tell her to go finish eating. I then joined Mani on the couch.
“Girl you look like shit,” Imani told me. I waved her off and focused my attention on the TV. “What happened when you went over there anyway?” she asked me.
I told her what happened and when I got to the middle of the story, Breesha had come down and I had to start all over again. By the time I was finished, I was back to crying again. Funny, because I wasn’t a cry baby by a long shot; I guess I just thought Sincere’s days of cheating on me were over. Plus, I couldn’t help but wonder if something would have transpired between Jasmine and Sincere last night had I not came to the studio. What I couldn’t understand though, was the fact that Sin was shocked that I beat Jasmine’s ass. I mean, what the fuck did he think I was going to do when I walked in on the two of them being too damn close to comfort? I couldn’t help but think that maybe this was karma from giving Chris my number that night at the beach.
“Ya’ll both were in the wrong though, Nae. Yes, he shouldn’t have had that bitch all in his face like that, and you should have never hit him, then he wouldn’t have hit you,” Breesha let me know once I finished with my story. I was taken aback by her saying that, because how the fuck was I in the wrong by spazzing out when I saw a bitch all in my husband’s face?
“So let’s see if Dontae slap the shit out of you, will you still be singing the same tune!” I fussed.
“I don’t put my hands on Dontae, so I’ll never know,” she smirked.
“Fuck you, man,” I said, and sucked my teeth.
She laughed at me and said, “Bitch don’t take that shit out on me because you took your ass down there thinking you was damn Floyd Mayweather and ended up getting your ass smacked the fuck up,” Breesha said, going into the kitchen.
I wanted to curse her ass out but I didn’t want to curse in front of my daughter, so I politely flipped her ass off. I picked my daughter up from the chair and carried her upstairs. I put on her shoes and put my boots back on. We headed downstairs and Breesha stopped me saying, “You coming over this weekend to help me and Mani move out?” she asked.
“Hell no! Bye,” I said, walking towards the door.
“Bye girl, with your miserable ass. Call me later,” she said.
I jumped into my car and drove home. Sincere had been blowing up my phone since last night with text messages, missed calls, and voicemails. I knew I was going to hear his mouth as soon as I stepped foot in the door, because the texts and voicemails that he was leaving me weren’t friendly at all. Sincere knew where the fuck I was at last night, so if he wanted me home that bad, he would have come and got my ass. This is the shit that I be talking about! I felt like Sincere didn’t fight for our marriage the way that I fought for it. I knew I wanted him home last night, which is why I went to the studio. I had plans on bringing him home last night when I got there; I didn’t expect that I was going to have to bring these hands from out of retirement. Ten minutes later, we were pulling up and I shut the car off, and got my baby from the back. I walked into the house, and I could hear the TV on in the den.
“Hey Daddy,” my daughter said, jumping into her father’s arm.
“Hey princess, where were you? I missed you!” he said, burning a hole at me with his eyes. He knew damn well were I was, so I don’t know why he would even ask my daughter that dumb shit.
“Auntie Breesha and Auntie Mani’s house,” she said, wrapping her tiny arms around his neck.
“Niy, come on so you can take a bath,” I told my daughter.
“I’ll be right back Daddy,” she told Sincere, and then kissed his cheek.
I took my daughter upstairs and ran her a bath. After the water was ready, I let her get into the tub. I sat on the edge of the toilet seat and watched as my daughter bathed herself.
“You know you don’t have to stay in here Mommy? I’m a big girl!” my daughter let me know, matter of factly.
I laughed and had to do a double take at my daughter. I’m sorry, but I’ll be damned if I
leave my daughter in the tub by herself. All these kids drowning in pools and tubs nowadays–so no, I was going to stay my ass right here. I was very overprotective of Niy, and I wasn’t willing to make that one mistake that could cause my daughter her life. Lord know that I would lose my mind if something were to happen to my baby. Every move I made was for her. Hell, she was the reason why I got my ass up every day and took my ass to sleep at night. That little girl was my everything, and I wanted to do everything in my power to make sure that I gave her the world.
“Niy hurry up so I can go take my shower,” I told her.
Ten minutes later, she stood up and I let the water out of the tub. I wrapped the towel around her, and put her Frozen stool in front of the sink so that she could brush her teeth. When she was finished, I dried her off, put on her baby lotion and powder, and threw on her pink Polo dress.
“I’m going to take a shower Janiya, so if you need me, I’ll be in the room,” I said, kissing her cheek.
“Mommy, later on today can we go see the new Cinderella movie?” she asked me, hugging my waist. Since I didn’t have class tonight, I figured that I might as well. Besides, I didn’t want to be nowhere near Sincere, so I figured I may as well have a day out with my daughter.
“Anything for my princess,” I told her.
“Thanks, love you Mommy,” she said.