Page 3 of A Miami Love Tale 3
“The way I was feeling, I was liable to fuck you up. Since this happened, a nigga really be thinking like damn, what if you really had taken that last pill? You wouldn’t be fuckin’ here right now and the thought of that really kills a nigga. So to avoid that feeling, I tried to stay away and hoped I could lose feelings for you so that the shit wouldn’t hurt so bad,” I said, telling her the God honest truth. I wasn’t saying that I was trying to run away from my problems, I just didn’t want to face them at that time.
“That’s not a good enough answer! Don’t ever do no shit like that again!” she ordered to me.
“And you better not pull no shit like what you did again. That was real stupid man. I’ma need you to make a promise to me that you won’t attempt to do even think about doing that shit again!” I said, looking into her eyes.
“I promise it won’t ever happen again,” she told me. I squeezed her ass one final time and shook my head.
“And what’s this shit I hear about you going to find you a new nigga or some shit like that?” I asked her, dead ass serious.
I watched as she busted out laughing like a nigga just told the biggest joke of all time. I didn’t see shit funny. “Wait! Who told you that lie?” she asked me after she finished laughing.
“Shard told me that earlier. He said he heard you tell Mani that last night on the phone,” I told her.
“Well Shard lied. I didn’t say no shit like that,” she said, wrapping her arms around me.
“Let me find out,” I said, kissing her neck.
“It’s nothing to find out. I said what I had to say, take it or leave it,” she said.
I already knew my baby was telling me the truth. For one, couldn’t no other nigga handle her body the way that I could. Not a soul on this earth cold have my lady in damn tears when a nigga be hitting that shit from the back. I’d like to see a nigga even say that he can. Her expectations were too high, so it was going to take a hell of lot for a nigga to even think that they could take my place.
“So you gon’ give your nigga some pussy or what?” I asked her.
“Hmm as tempting as that sounds, I can’t baby. I’m still bleeding,” she told me.
I removed my hands from her ass and went to pull down my pants. Before I could even get my dick out, Breesha stopped me. “What you doing girl? You don’t see how hard my shit is right now?” I asked her, pissed off. Shit, if a nigga couldn’t get no pussy then at least let a nigga get some head.
“I’m not doing that Tae because then I’m going to be horny and we can’t do nothing to get mines off. Sorry baby but no licky-licky, no sucky-sucky,” she said and kissed me on my cheek and headed upstairs.
I was left with my jaw damn near touching the floor. But I should have known she would do some fucked up shit like that because Breesha didn’t even like for a nigga to touch her when her period be on. I went in the bathroom, retrieved that Johnson & Johnson, and got myself off since my lady didn’t want to handle that for me!
Chapter 3: Imani
“Oh myyyyy Goddddd, this shit hurts so fuckin’ badddddd,” I cried out in pain. This was the worst pain that I had ever experienced in my entire life. Those little cramps that I got once a month wasn’t shit compared to this. I just knew my ass was going to die any minute now. My parents stood on both sides of me, holding my arms and coaching me along the way.
“Just give me one last big push and I promise that’s it. I can already see the head,” the doctor told me but I didn’t believe her because she had been saying that shit for the past twenty minutes. I was frustrated, in pain, and annoyed because Rashard was standing behind the doctor with his camcorder out, recording the whole damn thing. I wanted to slap the shit out of his ass too! I specifically told him I didn’t want him to record it but he talking about this is history so he needed it on film. Breesha and Nae stood on both sides of the doctors, giving out orders as well. I swear everybody in the room was getting on my fuckin’ nerves.
“Mani less crying, more pushing baby,” Rashard told me.
“Rashard, shut the fuck up and leave me alone. You get your ass on this bed and…oh my Goddddd…fuckkkk,” I cried out in pain as another contraction hit my ass.
“Shard leave her the fuck alone,” Breesha told him, causing him to laugh. He made me so mad that when I pushed this time, cries filled the room. I threw my head back and cried. I was fuckin’ exhausted and so happy that agony was finally over.
“It’s a boy,” the doctor informed us and I cried even harder. Shard and I didn’t want to know the sex of the baby while I was pregnant, so we waited. I reached my hands out to hold my baby and the doctor laid him on my chest. He was so small and beautiful. He was Shard all the way but he did have my big eyes.
“Baby look up at me,” Shard said and I looked up at him and smiled to the camera.
“My li’l man packing just like his daddy,” Shard said, which caused everybody in the room to laugh at his nasty ass. The nurse walked over to me and took the baby from out of my hands so that they could weigh and clean him.
“Rashard Prince Lewis, Jr.” I sai
d, smiling.
Breesha and Nae stood over me raining kisses all over my face. “You did so good crybaby,” Nae told me, smiling.
“Yes you did Mani. Congratulations girl,” Breesha told me again and kissed my cheek, followed by my mom, dad, and grandma.
Shard walked over to me and kissed me on the lips, which led to a full out tongue kissing session.