Page 10 of Little Miami Girl
“Thank God. I thought you had that Antonia bitch in here with you,” Meccah said, taking a seat on my bed.
Meccah was a cool chick and she was older than all of us. She was nineteen and in the 12th grade because she had failed the 5th grade. She was a pretty, light skinned chick, and she had the body of a grown woman. I knew that for my age, I had a lot of ass, but Meccah was built like buffy the body. Whenever we went out, dudes would always try to talk to her.
“She tried to get me to take her to work, but I lied and said that I had dinner with my family,” I said and everybody laughed.
“Why do you hang with that girl, man? She just so fuckin’ dirty to me. And then she always bringing her ass to school with all of them damn bruises like Ike Turner is her daddy or some shit,
” Patrice said, causing all of us to laugh at the comparison that she had made.
“I be giving off vibes, basically letting her know that I don’t want to fuck with her, but clearly the little bitch can’t read between the lines. And then not to mention, she’s so fuckin’ dumb. Do y’all know who she said she went to dinner with this weekend?” I asked them.
All the girls looked at me with wide eyes, pleading for me to tell them who I was talking about.
“Girl, Jah,” I told them.
“That’s a damn lie because Jah only fucks with bitches his age or older. He probably still fuckin’ around with my older sister, Tynesha, too,” Meccah said.
I had completely forgot that she told me her sister who works at Red Lobster was talking to Jah.
“That bitch is just so damn dumb to me, and every time she comes around me, I just get mad. It’s like, bitch you are seventeen years old! Nobody should have to tell you to put on clean clothes when you come to school. And then she is so dirty too. She was over here this weekend, and after she left, I went in the bathroom and noticed that her thieving ass had stolen my last damn pad. Who the fuck does that?” I asked, causing everybody in the room to laugh.
I saw my room door open and I looked up and noticed that my mother was standing there and she didn’t look pleased at all. She had a scowl on her face, and I wondered if she had heard our entire conversation.
“Hey ladies, Tacarra has some things around the house that she needs to finish doing. You all can come back over this weekend,” my mom said, standing in the doorway.
I watched as my friends gathered up their belongings, waved bye to me, and they were out the door. My mom stood there and watched them leave, and then she turned her attention to me once she had heard the front door close.
“Do you think that’s fuckin’ funny, Tacarra?” my mom asked me. Clearly, she had heard our entire conversation. I didn’t even hear her when she had come into the house.
“Come on, Ma, it’s not that serious. We were just playing around, dang,” I said and browsed through my laptop.
She walked over to my bed and snatched the laptop out of my hands and looked at me.
“How the fuck you could think that’s funny is just so fuckin’ crazy to me! You, first hand know the type of life that Antonia has been dealt. That little girl lost her mom when she was only six years old, and then had to move in with her aunt. You remember the times that girl came over here after getting the shit beat out of her and asking if she could stay over here for a few hours, and begging us not to say anything. That girl has been dealt some fucked up cards in life, and you’re supposed to be her damn friend and you’re sitting here with these other bitches laughing as if that shit is funny.
“Antonia came over here Saturday morning and when I reached to give her a hug, I watched as she jumped away when my hand touched a spot on her back. You know what the fuck that let me know? It let me know that she had probably just gotten her ass beat that day or maybe the day before, and yet you sitting up in here laughing like that shit is funny,” my mom fussed, making me feel like shit.
“I’m sorry, Ma. I really didn’t mean anything by it. Antonia and I are just growing apart. We have nothing in common anymore,” I told her.
“You stop being her friend and she’ll have nothing. No fuckin’ body to talk to. I’m very disappointed in you, Tacarra, because I didn’t raise you that way. I considered Antonia to be like another daughter to me, and my heart went out to her when she was six and lost her mother. You would think that would at least mean something to you,” my mom said, and then dropped the laptop on my bed before she walked out of the room.
She was so fuckin’ worried about Antonia when I was her damn daughter. Fuck she care about that little bitch for? I was her fuckin’ child, not her! She ought to be lucky that I wasn’t in a situation where I was getting my ass beat on a daily.
Chapter 7: Antonia
It was Wednesday afternoon and today was early release, so I had a few hours to spare before I went into work. I had been home for the past two hours and I had this house cleaned spotless because I knew that my aunt would be home today, and to not hear her annoying ass mouth, I made sure to clean the house for her. So, now I was in the kitchen, sitting at the table, trying to finish this English paper about love. I hated to start things at the last minute, which is why I decided to start working on it now, since it was due Friday. Also because I knew I was going to have to think way back for me to remember a time in my life where I experienced love.
I was an hour into the paper and when I heard the front door open. I looked over and I saw my family coming into the house. They were all wearing shirts that said, “I love Orlando” on them. My little cousin, PJ, ran over and gave me a hug. My two other little cousins came over as well, and then they ran on back to the room. Porsha came in next and then walked to the back, most likely going in her room. Next, I saw my aunt come in, followed by this man who I had never seen before and I assumed it was her boyfriend. He looked like he was about thirty years old. He was kind of handsome, but something was off about him. He carried the luggage and then set them down on the floor. When gave my aunt a hug, he looked at me and winked. I turned around and went back to doing my homework.
I heard the front door close, and I looked over and her little boyfriend had left. I watched as my aunt’s eyes scanned the apartment. She looked from me to the kitchen. Me to the hallway. Me to the den, and it was almost as if she was trying to prove a point or something. She carried the two suitcases in her room and then she came back. When I turned around, she was standing behind me holding that big ass belt, with the metal part dangling. It was hanging like that from when she had beaten my ass with it the last time.
“Who the fuck did your ass have in my damn house while we were away?” she asked me with a crazed look on her face. I dropped the pencil that I had in my hand and turned to look at her.
“I didn’t have anybody in here, Auntie, I promise,” I said, with fear dripping from my voice because I knew what was coming next.
“You are a damn lie! You cleaned this house up spotless. You ain’t never did that shit before, so I know you had a nigga somewhere in my damn house!” she barked.
“I cleaned the house up so good because I knew that you all were coming back today. I knew you wouldn’t want to come home to a dirty house,” I said, trying to plead my case but it didn’t look like she was buying it.