Page 18 of Little Miami Girl
I reached in my uniform pants pocket and handed her the money that my mom had given me this morning.
“Here, that’s from my mom. She told me to give it to you and to tell you happy birthday,” I told her.
“Tell her I said thank you. Keep the money, it’s fine,” she told me, pushing my hand away, not trying to accept the money.
“Just take it! You know you need it,” I said, shoving it into her hand.
She took the money from me and put it in her pants pocket this time.
“Well, umm, I don’t know if you know, but tomorrow is senior skip day, and all of the seniors are going out to South Beach tomorrow. I was wondering if you wanted to come?” I asked her and it pained me to do so.
“Wow. I ain’t ever been to the beach before. Yeah, I wouldn’t mind going,” she said happily.
See why I didn’t like to hang with this bitch? She was too damn lame. Who the hell has never been to the beach before?
“Okay, well just meet me at my house tomorrow at eight,” I told her.
She wrapped her arms around me in a hug, thanking me. I didn’t hug her back, and when she was finished, I gave her a fake smile and went and joined my friends in the cafeteria, leaving Antonia behind.
The next day
It was 8:15 in the morning and I was standing the mirror, making sure that my makeup was up to par. I was in a black and white two-piece bathing suit, with a black sarong over my bottom. I had my long bundles in some beach curls, and I was wearing a pair of black gladiator sandals on my feet. As I was putting on my lip-gloss, there was a knock at the door and I’m pretty sure that it was Antonia.
I sucked my teeth and went to answer the door for her. I opened the door and she had on her school uniform, with those dirty ass converse that she had been wearing since last year.
“Antonia, we’re going to the beach! Why are you in your uniform?” I asked her, shaking my head.
“Don’t worry, don’t worry! I have change of clothes in my bag. I had to make things look as normal as possible so my aunt wouldn’t get suspicious,” she said, throwing her hands up, defending herself.
I opened the door for her to come in, and she made her way into the house. I closed the door and went back into my bedroom with her following me. We got in the room and she set that big ass book bag on the floor and then dug in her bag to pull out this outfit that she was so damn hyped about. I stood there and watched as she pulled out a pair of jean capris, with a lime green tank top and some silver sandals. Oh my God, poor child! If only we were the same size, I would have helped her ass out. Too bad her ass had the body of a damn ten-year-old, while I looked like a grown woman.
She went into the bathroom to change, while I packed my purse with all of the necessities that I was going to need. Antonia came out of the bathroom, and this time, she had taken her hair out of the ponytail and had her curls loose. It’s a shame because she was such a pretty girl, she just didn’t know how to keep up with herself. I watched as she put her school uniform in her backpack and then pulled out the money that I had given her yesterday and placed it in her pockets.
“Okay, I’m ready. You look pretty by the way,” she told me and I nodded my head.
I couldn’t even say the same about her because she was killing me with this outfit she had on. After making sure to lock up the house, we were outside. Antonia put her backpack in the backseat and then she got in the passenger side. After we were both inside, I pulled off. I was in a group message with Patrice, Kelsey, and Meccah and they were asking me where I was because they were already at the beach. I let them know that I was on my way as I jumped on 95.
We finally made our way to South Beach and I was able to find a parking space on the first floor of the parking garage. But before we got out, there were some things that I needed to address with Antonia.
“Antonia, I was thinking, while we’re here, you can just hang with your other friends from school, and I’ll hang with my friends,” I told her, trying to say it in the sincerest way that I could.
She looked at me and laughed. “Come on, Tacarra. Why you playing? You know that you’re the only friend that I have from school,” she said, not taking the statement that I had just made seriously.
“No, Antonia, I’m serious. I’m pretty sure you have somebody from school that you can hang out with while you’re here,” I told her.
The smile on her face quickly faded once she saw how serious I was. My mom told me to invite Antonia to the beach, she never said that I had to entertain the bitch.
“Oh yeah. It’s fine. I have a few people that I might see out here that I know from class,” she said. I knew she was lying, but hell, I didn’t care.
“See, I knew you had somebody else you could hang with. You have to go to work tonight?” I asked her.
“No, I don’t work Fridays anymore. School work has been getting tougher so I had to cut back a day from work,” she let me know.
“Okay, so after you finish having fun with your friends, just meet me back over here at the car at five. You’re cool with this, right?” I asked her. Shit, I didn’t care if she was cool with it or not because this was the way it was going to go down.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Have fun with your friends,” she said, sadly and then got out of the car.