Page 29 of Little Miami Girl
“Dear Ms. Antonia Taylor. I, Dr. Julio Frenk, the dean of University of Miami, am glad to announce that your application for admission into our institute has been ACCEPTED!” I screamed that part and jumped up out of my seat, clutching onto the paper, jumping up and down.
“Shut up with all of that damn noise in my house!” my aunt barked.
I walked out of the kitchen, over to her, clutching the paper.
“Auntie, you don’t understand! I got in! The University of Miami wants me. They want me!”
I was so happy that tears were falling from my eyes. I had never in my life been so proud of myself. I was even more proud than when I found out that I had been recognized as number two in my graduating class.
“Do I look like I give a fuck about any of that shit? Go sit the hell down before I get up and get my belt,” my aunt said.
I walked out of the living room, still with the smile plastered on my face. I went back into the kitchen and sat back down at the table, noticing that I had more mail. It was three envelopes and they were all from the school.
I sat down at the table and opened one of them.
Dear Ms. Antonia Taylor,
It is a great pleasure to inform you that you have been selected to receive a University of Miami excellence scholarship.
I skimmed through the rest of it, and when I saw the amount they were giving me, I damn near passed out. “University of Miami excellence scholars receive tuition scholarship of $10,000 dollars a semester,” I read aloud.
Wow, these people would pay for my tuition if I wanted to go as far as getting my damn doctorate degree? And people
say that there’s no such thing as God! Man, if they don’t go on with that shit! I opened up the two other envelopes and the first one was from the D.M.H. Foundation Buy a Book scholarship, in which they were awarding me with $2,000 dollars a semester to pay for my books. I opened the last one, which was from Apple Scholars. They were awarding me my own Mac laptop and IPad. I read the letter and it was saying that I should receive the items in a few weeks or so.
It was December and I knew for a fact that I wouldn’t be receiving any Christmas gifts from anybody in this house, but this topped any tangible item that I could ever receive. This was my Christmas gift to myself, and I had worked my ass off to get it. Not only was I going to University of Miami, but I was going to go there on a full ride. I got up from the table with the letters in my hands and my phone in my pocket then made my way out the kitchen. We didn’t have Wi-Fi in the house, so I was never really able to get a good signal, so I had to step outside.
“I’m going to step outside for a minute,” I told my auntie and she ignored me, like I knew she would.
I walked over and stood by the stairs and called Jah. I leaned against the wall and waited for him to answer the phone. “There you go. I ain’t hear from you all day, what’s up with that?” Jah asked me with an attitude.
I smiled because I could tell that he was missing me. We weren’t really a couple; hell I didn’t know what we were because Jah didn’t want to put a label on whatever it was that we had going on. That day he fingered me in his bedroom was the most intense thing that we have done since. We would kiss every now and then, but he was treating me like his home girl, instead of someone he liked. It was crazy because every time we got into a heated kiss, I would always go for what was in his pants, but he kept claiming that I wasn’t ready for that yet.
“We’re about to be on winter break soon, so we’ve been having a lot of testing before grades closed. I have some good news, where are you?” I asked him.
“I’m at the shop now. I probably won’t be leaving forabout another hour or two. You trying to kick it with a nigga tonight?” he asked me and I smiled.
“Yes,” I told him, with a goofy smile on my face.
‘Alright, when I leave here, I’ma go home and shower and shit and then I’ll come and scoop you,” he told me.
“Okay,” I said and was about to hang up but he stopped me.
“Wear that tight ass dress I got you the other day from BCBG,” he told me.
I giggled and then hung up the phone on him. I knew exactly what dress he was referring to.
“Shorty, I’m out. I’ll catch up with you later,” I told this bad bitch named Winter who was lying down in her bed, knocked out after the three rounds of sex we just had.
I met lil mama yesterday when she came into the shop to get a tattoo. She wanted this big ass butterfly on her ass, and I fell in love with how beautiful her body was. She ended up giving me her number and vice versa, and a day later, I was fuckin’ the shit out of her.
I felt so damn bad because Antonia had just called me and I had to lie to her about where I was. At the end of the day, Antonia wasn’t my girl, so it wasn’t like I was cheating on her or no shit like that, but I knew she was feeling me and vice versa. I was scared to take that chance with her. She already had me doing shit that I didn’t normally do on a regular, and I was scared that she was going to change a nigga, which is why I was holding back some.
“Are you going to come back over tomorrow?” Winter asked me, laying on her stomach with her hair all over her face.
She had this innocent look about her, which drew me to her in the first place, but I knew for a fact that she and I would never be anything more than just a fuck. I didn’t care to know what was her favorite color, movie, or no shit like that. I just wanted my dick sucked from her and a couple of rounds, nothing more nothing less.