Page 148 of Biker's Virgin
We sat down together on the couch and angled our bodies towards one another. Our legs touched slightly, and our hands were only inches apart. I could feel little currents of excitement jolting up and down my arms and legs, and I could feel something happening inside me that had never happened before. Phil was looking at me almost shyly, and I returned his smile.
“Feels like we just met,” he said, breaking the silence.
I nodded. “It’s still me, though,” I said. “I’m the same girl you’ve been talking to for the last couple months.”
“It’s kind of unbelievable,” he said.
“What is?”
“It’s rare to find the kind of girl who’s funny, intelligent, cool, and who also happens to be beautiful.”
I smiled. “Don’t,” I said, looking down. “You’ll make me blush.”
I felt his hand touch mine and when I looked back up at him, he caught me by surprise by leaning in and kissing me. I felt a little gasp escape me as his lips came down over mine. They were soft but insistent—and they knew exactly what they were doing. My body responded almost immediately, and I lost all control as I surrendered to instinct.
My hands reached up and wrapped themselves around Phil’s neck. He pulled me in closer until our bodies were pressed up against one another. It started off as a tender first kiss, and then it became a fully-fledged make out session, and suddenly, Phil was on top of me, pushing up my skirt.
There was something I needed to tell him, but for the life of me, I couldn’t bring myself to say it. It didn’t matter. Nothing mattered anymore but him and me.
It was hard for me to describe the intoxicating headiness of our passion. It was like this immense and colossal storm that hit all at once, without warning and without any build up. One second, all was calm, and the next, there was rain and lightning and thunder and nothing to do but run for cover. That was what it felt like to me. One second, we were on the couch, smiling at each other and talking. And the next moment, Phil was kissing me, ripping my clothes apart, sucking my nipples, pulling off my panties, teasing his finger inside me, squeezing my ass, and finally pushing inside me while I gasped and clung to him.
There was a sharp but expected pain that lasted a few moments, and then I settled into the feel of his cock inside me. His hands were on either side of my head, his face hung over mine, his breathing tickled my ear, and all the while, his cock slid in and out of me. I wasn’t completely prepared for how hard he fucked me, but I loved it all the same. There was something incredibly carnal, satisfying, and freeing about being taken by a real man.
He had stamina and managed to keep up the pace for so long that I started to lose track of time. I started to pay attention to the new wave of sensations pricking at my skin. He was drawing me out of my inexperience and teaching me all the ways sex could be wonderful and exciting and satisfying. I curled my toes and threw my head back, screaming as the orgasm hit. I felt his lips circle my exposed nipple as he came, as well. Then silence descended around us and I could hear only our breathing. It was almost musical.
A few seconds passed before Phil righted himself and extended his hand out to me. I placed my hand in his, allowing him to pull me up into a sitting position.
He glanced at me and gave me a shy smile. “I… That was… I didn’t plan on that,” he said at last.
I smiled. “It just happened.”
“You looked at me and… I just couldn’t stop myself and then—”
I silenced him by leaning and kissing him gently on the lips. When I pulled apart, I kept my face close to his. “I think it was the perfect way to start our first date.”
Phil laughed. “Shall we head over to the theater?”
“Let’s.” I nodded.
The car ride was quiet, but it was only because I was reliving the moment we had just shared, and I was almost certain that Phil was doing the same. We walked into the theater hand in hand, and I wanted to burst with happiness.
I was finally on a date with Phil. We had just had sex. Suddenly life didn’t seem so bad, and my future didn’t seem quite as bleak.
We were standing in line at the popcorn stand when I heard a woman’s voice call out Phil’s name.
Phil and I turned around and came face to face with a tall woman with dark hair, blue eyes, and exotic features. She was a beauty, and I felt instantly threatened by just the sight of her.
“Well, well, well… I can’t believe it’s you, Philip.”
I frowned a little when she said his full name.
“Anna,” Phil said, and as he said her name, he dropped my hand.
I felt my heart thud a little harder, but this time, it was not fun or exciting.
“How are you, darling?” she said as she leaned in and hugged him.