Page 187 of Biker's Virgin
“He’s getting up there,” the old lady replied. “And, I’m terrified of the day when I’ll have to say goodbye to him. Thanks to you, that day is not today.”
“You must be careful with the candles, ma’am,” I told her.
“Please, could you call me Linda?” she asked.
I smiled. “Of course, Linda.” I nodded.
“My neighbors have told me to stop lighting candles,” Linda said sadly.
“That does sound like the safest option,” I said. “They were too close to the curtains, in any case. Thankfully we got here before the fire got too bad.”
“How is the damage?” she asked. “I haven’t been able to go in there yet.”
“It’s best you don’t,” I said. “At least until the area has been properly settled. The dust fumes can be dangerous. And as for the damage, it’s minimal. One room will need to be redone, but the rest of the house is fine.”
“I’m moving out of this house next month,” Linda revealed.
“You are?”
“I finally decided that it was ridiculous for me, a woman in her seventies, to be living alone,” she said.
I smiled. “Perfect timing, then.”
She laughed. “Not everyone will agree. Thank you again… Alfie thanks you, too.”
“Don’t mention it,” I insisted.
Unexpectedly, she came forward and gave me a hug, and I hugged her back fondly. A few minutes later we loaded up the truck and set off back to the station.
“Made yourself a girlfriend, did you?” Kendrick teased.
I rolled my eyes at him. “You’re just jealous because you didn’t make an impression—not that you ever do.”
“Please,” he said. “The ladies love me.”
“Is that why you haven’t been on a date for weeks?” Ryan asked teasingly.
Kendrick shot him a glare. “I’ve been busy.”
“We’ve had the exact same schedule for the last few weeks,” Ryan reminded him. “And I’ve had sex three times this week.”
“Huh…me, too,” Mel piped in.
“Five for me,” I said, giving Kendrick a suggestive smile.
“Fuck you all,” he said, throwing his hands into the air. “Mel, Phil, you two are in serious relationships, so it doesn’t fucking count.”
“Sex is sex, dude,” Ryan pointed out.
“I was making fun of Phil,” Kendrick pointed out. “How did you manage to turn the tables on me?”
We laughed together and a couple of minutes later, we were back at the station and ready for lunch. I had a nice, long shower and joined the boys in the common room. Kendrick and Ryan were at our usual table, and they had sandwiches and subs unwrapped in front of us.
“Excellent,” I said, reaching for a sub. “I’m starving. Is this chicken or beef?”
“Chicken,” Kendrick replied, with his mouth full.