Page 204 of Biker's Virgin
I could still smell the smoke off Brent’s so-called friend, and I was starting to really worry about where Brent might have disappeared to. Something was not adding up, and I was realizing that maybe I was the one who had been wrong this whole time. I was just about to force some chicken down my throat when the doorbell rang again.
I tensed immediately, assuming it was shady Tim back to push his way back into the apartment. I went to the door and peered out through the peephole. Much to my relief, it wasn’t Tim at all, but the officer who had visited me at work yesterday. I opened the door.
“Officer Manolo,” I said, remembering his name easily.
“Good evening, Ms. Jacobs,” the officer replied politely. “I’m very sorry to disturb you at home, but I thought it would be much more convenient than dropping by your place of work.”
“Yes, it is.” I nodded. “Why don’t you come in?”
“Thank you.” The officer nodded, as he walked in.
“Can I get you anything to drink?” I asked.
“No, thank you, I’m fine,” he replied.
“Please, take a seat.”
The officer sat down on the sofa and gestured for me to take a seat opposite him. I sat down, finding that my mind was running riot suddenly. Something about Brent’s behavior was not adding up and with his new disappearance, I was starting to smell a rat.
“I came to ask you a few more questions, ma’am,” Officer Manolo said.
“Sure.” I nodded nervously. “About Phil?”
“Uh…yes, about Phil.” He nodded. “And also about your brother.”
I felt goosebumps erupt on my skin. “Okay,” I said uncertainly.
“You said your brother and Phil were friends?”
“Yes.” I nodded.
“How did they meet?” officer Manolo asked.
“The truth is, I’m not sure,” I said, in embarrassment.
Officer Manolo raised his eyebrows. “You don’t know?” he asked. “Neither one ever mentioned it to you? And you never asked?”
“That’s not what I mean,” I said, hurrying to correct myself. “What I mean is, they both told me different stories about how they met. And I suppose…at this moment…I don’t know which one to believe.”
Officer Manolo looked interested instantly. “Why don’t you tell me both versions then, please?”
I took a deep breath. Even if Phil was guilty, I didn’t want him to get into worse trouble because I decided to run my mouth off to a cop. I still loved him, and I wanted him to be okay. And at the same time, I worried about my brother...though I had to admit that my concern for Brent was far less than my concern for Phil.
“Ma’am?” Officer Manolo said. “Please, this would really help.”
“Help whom?” I asked, without thinking.
He smiled kindly at me. Then he reached into his shirt pocket and pulled out a tissue, which he handed to me. It was only then that I even realized I was crying. I accepted the tissue and wiped away my tears.
“I’m sorry,” I said.
“That’s okay,” he said. “Take your time.”
Once I had composed myself, I looked up at him. “Phil told me that he met my brother through a mutual friend. A man named Harvey.”
I didn’t mention that Harvey was a dealer because that would undoubtedly get Phil into more trouble and the last thing I wanted to do was make things worse for him.
“Harvey?” Officer Manolo repeated.