Page 356 of Biker's Virgin
“And, you never said anything to him?” Alani wanted to know.
“I never had the guts,” I admitted. “I knew it wouldn’t have mattered even if I had told him. He only ever saw me as a child, his best friend’s kid sister.”
“So, nothing’s ever happened between the two of you?”
“I knew it!” she cried triumphantly. “What happened?”
“We kissed,” I said. “It only happened the one time, and… I thought it meant something.”
“Apparently, it only meant something to me,” I admitted. “Tristan claimed not to have remembered the kiss at all.”
“It’s believable, coming from Tristan,” I said. “He was always a player. Every time he and Jason came home during the holidays, they would regale us with stories about their conquests.”
“He’s had a lot of girlfriends?”
I smirked. “Tristan’s never had girlfriends…he has flings. And apparently, the list is so long that he can’t even remember all their names. Apparently, even their faces blur together.”
“Considering what I know about his romantic track record, you would think I’d be completely disinterested,” I sighed. “But… I can’t seem to squash my feelings for him. It’s been six years since I saw him, and it hasn’t made one iota of difference.”
“He’s the one that got away, huh?”
“I never had him in the first place,” I said. “He’s only ever been a daydream for me.”
“He did kiss you, though,” Alani pointed out.
“Because he was drunk,” I said. “Or so he claims. I didn’t really think he was that drunk, but what the hell do I know? The ugly truth is that he probably would have kissed any girl in that situation.”
“I don’t know about that,” she said confidently.
I laughed. “How can you know that?”
“Because I saw the way he looked at you when you entered his office the day you arrived. He’s definitely noticed you the way a man notices a woman.”
“Uh… I think you may have read a little too much into his reaction.”
“No, trust me, I can tell,” she promised. “The trick is you need to force him to see the woman you’ve become. He’s got you trapped in his head as his best friend’s little sister, and that’s the barrier between the two of you.”
“Uh… Alani—”
“I think I have a plan to get him to pay some real attention to you.”
“Alani, that’s really not necessary,” I said quickly. “I think it’s just better that I come to terms with reality and accept that Tristan and I will never be together.”
“He’d probably make a terrible boyfriend, in any case,” I said. “Womanizing is not a vice that’s easily fixed. And as far as I know, Tristan’s never really committed to any woman for longer than a few days.”
“It only takes one woman to change that,” Alani said optimistically. “It only takes the right woman to come along.”