Page 363 of Biker's Virgin
“He’s driven, ambitious, and hard working. All necessary traits to have in life. But the fact that he also happens to be charming, charismatic, and handsome has catapulted him ahead of men twice his age. He inherited his father’s legacy, and he made it twice as successful in a short period of time.
“In short, he’s a man who’s used to getting his way. He’s a man who always gets the girl. And if he starts seeing you as something he can’t have… Well then, you’ll have him.”
I’d have him. The thought terrified me as much as it thrilled me. One thing was certain: I didn’t want to be just another name on Tristan’s list. I didn’t want to be yet another girl that he had used only to cast aside later. My feelings for Tristan were real, which meant I was the one in danger of getting hurt.
“Are you okay?” Alani asked. “You look upset.”
“Not upset,” I clarified. “Just…contemplative.”
“What are you contemplating?”
“What I’m trying to achieve out of this whole plan,” I said. “Do you I just want revenge for that forgotten kiss or am I hoping for something more?”
Alani gave me a sympathetic smile. “It sounds like you might still be in love with him.”
“Is that even possible?” I asked. “Is it possible to be in love with someone you’ve never actually been with?”
“Of course it is,” she assured me. “It happens all the time.”
“How depressing.”
She smiled. “The point is you need to see this thing through—either for closure or else for…”
“For what?”
“A chance at a relationship with Tristan?”
I took a deep breath. “Is it just me or do the words ‘relationship’ and ‘Tristan’ not go together?”
Alani smiled. “I think that’s all you.”
I sighed. “You know what I wish? I wish I didn’t have feelings for Tristan. That would make everything so much easier. Then I could actually enjoy this vacation instead of constantly obsess about him.”
“Is that what you’ve been doing this whole time?”
“It was just…something about seeing him the day I arrived. It was like all the old feelings came rushing back and somehow, they managed to magnify. I feel like I’ve become the hopeless fourteen-year-old girl I used to be.”
“You’re not fourteen anymore,” Alani pointed out as we made our way out of the gym.
“And yet, what has really changed since I was fourteen?” I asked. “I’m still single, unemployed, and hung up on my brother’s best friend.”
“Wow, you really know how to paint a dismal picture, don’t you?”
I laughed. “Who’s the next guy on your list?”
“His name is Raymond Burke,” Alani told me. “His father owns a chain of golf courses around the country, and he’s in Hawaii on a bachelor trip with his friends.”
“I’m assuming it’s not his bachelor party?”
“Of course not,” Alani said. “I think he’s going to get more of a rise out of Tristan than David did.”
“How do you figure that out?” I asked.
“David’s part of the older, white collar, predictable, and sensible kind of group,” Alani clarified. “Whereas Raymond Burke is...”
She laughed. “Most definitely not. He’s twenty-six and over six feet tall, sandy blond hair, great smile, and a fantastic body. Trust me; I’ve seen him without his shirt off.”