Page 368 of Biker's Virgin
It was a strangely singular experience, and even though a part of me was already scared, I couldn’t stop watching the elements ravage the world outside. There was something feral and violent about Mother Nature that no one realized until she was pissed off. I was so absorbed in my philosophical thoughts that I almost didn’t notice my phone ringing.
Thunder drowned out the sound, and the only reason I realized someone was calling was because of the flashing light next to me. I grabbed the phone and saw Jason’s number on the screen.
“Hi, bro,” I said.
“I heard there’s a storm in Oahu,” Jason said, cutting right to the chase.
“Fuck, is that thunder?”
“Fuck,” he said again. “Are you okay?”
I laughed. “I’m stranded at a five-star resort with four world-class restaurants, two indoor pools, and a full entertainment unit in my very own suite, and you’re asking me if I’m okay?”
“Ok, silly question. Let me rephrase,” he said. “How have you been?”
I paused a little, as my mind flitted to Tristan for a moment. I had been on three more dates in the last week, and Tristan had barely looked my way on all three occasions. He had nodded at me from afar one time, but that was the extent of our interaction. I wasn’t sure why I was continuing with Alani’s plan since it obviously wasn’t working, but a part of me was hoping that Tristan really was getting jealous, and it was just that he was so good of an actor that he didn’t let on easily.
Something told me that I couldn’t share all this with Jason, however. So instead, I kept the conversation predictable. “I’ve been great,” I said. “The resort is amazing. Tristan really did an amazing job.”
“I wouldn’t expect anything else from him,” Jason said. “I wish I could have seen it myself.”
“I’m sure you will one day,” I said.
“Do you think you’ll consider a position there?”
I paused. “Tristan hasn’t really mentioned anything,” I said. “Well…he did mention it once, the day I arrived but nothing after that. Maybe he’s reconsidered.”
“If that we the case, he would have let me know,” Jason said. “Tristan’s a straight shooter.”
“Even with his friends.”
“Especially with his friends.”
“If you say so,” I said. “The truth is, I’m leaning towards a no…that is if his offer is still on the table.”
“Really?” Jason sounded disappointed.
“I’ll admit, it would be a fantastic job,” I nodded. “But it would also mean moving to Hawaii.”
“Which is most people’s dream.”
“True,” I nodded. “But it also means working for Tristan.”
“Which is a problem because…”
“I don’t know,” I lied, deciding to be vague. “It’s weird.”
“Oh okay, it’s weird,” Jason laughed. “That makes perfect sense.”
“I thought there was no pressure,” I reminded him.
“I’m sorry,” he laughed. “You’re right. This is totally your decision; no pressure, for real.”
“Thanks,” I said. “So…have you spoken to Tristan lately?”