Page 450 of Biker's Virgin
“Of course, I’m right,” Emma said, shaking her head at me. “There’s no question.”
“I just… What do I tell him?” I asked. “I have no idea what Molly’s told him.”
“Probably the truth,” she replied, with a shrug. “At least, the truth as she knows it.”
“In which case, Jason probably hates me,” I said. “Which is why I haven’t heard from him since Molly left.”
“Can you blame him?” Emma asked darkly.
I rolled my eyes. “Are you still mad at me about that?”
“About what exactly?” she asked pointedly. “The fact that you used me to get rid of Molly? The fact that you tried to pass me off as the other woman?”
“Okay, calm down… Molly made her assumptions.”
“Which you didn’t bother correcting.”
“It was for her—”
“If you say, ‘own good,’ I will throw what remains of my wine in your face,” she said. “I promise you that.”
I groaned, but I didn’t finish my sentence—mostly because Emma was extremely capable of following through and throwing the wine in my face. She was famous for her dramatic outbursts, and I wasn’t interested in causing a scene in the middle of one of my most crowded restaurants.
“I had my reasons,” I said, finishing safely.
Emma smiled. “I feel like I need to explain to Molly.”
“Fuck, Emma, she doesn’t know it was you,” I said. “There’s nothing to explain to her.”
Emma glared at me for a moment. Then she seemed to relax. “Whatever you say.”
I narrowed my eyes. “Emma?”
“Yes?” she said sweetly.
“What are you up to?”
“Me?” she asked, looking a little too innocent. “Nothing at all, big brother.”
“The wine is fantastic,” she said, interrupting me. “You should have some.”
“I’m not drinking tonight.”
“Why?” she asked. “You’ve been hitting the bottle pretty hard the last few days.”
“Who told you that?”
“I have my sources.”
I rolled my eyes. “I need to fire the whole damn s
taff and rehire people who will keep their mouths shut.”
Emma laughed. “There won’t be anyone to wait on your tables and clean your suites if that is the case. Accept it, dear brother, this is the nature of man.”
“Are you seeing anyone back home?” I asked, trying to show an interest in her life so that she’d get off mine.