Page 452 of Biker's Virgin
“I was just thinking that it’s interesting that you began creating distance between yourself and others from such a young age.”
“Aren’t you supposed to be off duty at the moment?”
Emma smiled. “The truth hurts, big bro,” she said. “If you don’t recognize and accept it, you’ll be doomed to repeat the same mistake over and over again.”
I flagged down a waiter instead of responding to Emma. “Get me a glass of bourbon,” I said.
“I thought you weren’t drinking tonight?”
“I am now,” I said. “Because if I’m going to make it through this dinner with you… I’m going to need it.”
Emma gave me a smile as she reached for her wine. “Denial can be comforting,” she said. “But trust me, it won’t comfort you forever.”
Chapter Thirty-Six
It had been only five weeks since I’d last seen the resort, and yet it felt like a different lifetime ago. Perhaps it was because my whole perspective had changed and that made me see everything differently. Tristan was no longer the reason I was here. I was here for myself. I was here because I was taking control of my own life and refusing to be scared any longer.
I had booked a room for three nights. I was hoping in that time to speak to Ben and Tristan and tell them that if it was still an option, I would like to resume my job, at least until my contract was up. I hadn’t informed anyone of my arrival; the only person who knew was Alani because she was the one that had taken my reservation. I walked around my room.
It was much smaller than the grand suite, but it was cozier, too. There was no living room or dining area, just a massive bed surrounded by stunning views. I walked over to the bed and sunk down into it. It was just as comfortable, and I felt the need to lie down and take a nap, if only to soothe my frayed nerves. I was rehearsing my speech for Tristan when I heard a knock at the door.
Tensing slightly, I walked over and looked through the peephole to see who was there. I could see Alani’s profile through the unclear glass. With a sigh of relief, I pulled the door open.
“Hi,” I smiled.
She just walked straight up to me and gave me a big hug. “It’s so good to see you.”
“I know,” I said. “It’s so good to see you, too… I’ve missed you these past few weeks.”
“Me, too,” she nodded. “It hasn’t been the same around here without you.”
Alani walked in, and I closed the door behind her. She joined me on the edge of the bed and we both sat down together.
“How have you been?” she asked, cutting to the chase.
“I’ve been dealing,” I said.
“You never told me why you left.”
I sighed. “I’m sure you’ve heard things.”
“But I wasn’t sure whether to believe them or not,” she said. “The rumor is that you found out that Tristan had been cheating on you.”
I sighed and Alani’s eyes went wide. “It’s true?”
“I’m afraid so,” I nodded.
“That’s crazy...”
“Is it?” I asked. “This is Tristan we’re talking about. You yourself told me that he was famous around here for playing the field.”
“Playing the field, yes,” Alani nodded. “But he’s never been in a real relationship before you, so I figured he’d…changed.”
“I thought so, too,” I nodded. “Turns out I was just being naïve.”
“Come on,” Alani said, sounding unbelieving. “I’ve seen him with you. It makes sense for the two of you to be together. You have chemistry, there’s an obvious connection there.”