Page 481 of Biker's Virgin
"You have had an entire year to think about this and you still think it was the right thing to do?"
"I can't change what I did. I made that choice, and I had to stick to it."
"And continuing to lie to her? What about that choice? Why would you let her keep thinking you thought she was a burden to you?"
"That's not what I said to her."
"You haven't said anything different. All she knows is you loved her one day, and you were telling her it was over the next. You're my brother, so it isn't my place to say anything to her, but that was fucked up, Roman. And, it's wrong to pretend you really cared what those words you said did to her after all this time."
"I do care, Tiff. You think I liked dumping her? You think it got me off seeing her crying and breaking her heart? I felt like an asshole. It took everything inside of me not to go after her. I hurt her, but it fucked me up, too."
"And now you're back. What are you going to do?" she asked.
"I just want to know how she is, Tiffany. Don't tell me if you don't want to. I cared about her for a long time, and that didn't change after we broke up." She looked at me coolly from the other side of the table like she was debating whether or not to tell me about Veronica.
"She's had time to get closure. Don't do anything stupid and rip that scab off," she warned.
"Is she happy with that new guy?"
"I don't know what she sees in him, but there must be something. She seems to like him."
"That's not what I asked," I said.
"She's doing great at school, dating a new guy, and on her way to graduating with honors. Yes. She's pretty happy, Roman."
Fine. That was all I needed to know. That was good, I wanted her to be happy. After the way, we had left things and the last things we had said to each other, her being happy was all I could ask for. I just had to make sure. I had been that guy who got to make her happy so long, I just wanted to make sure that was still happening. Like I didn't fuck her up by accident after breaking it off with her. It sucked that she was dating but that wasn't my business anymore. At least she was happy...right?
Chapter Six
I took a sip of my coffee. It was almost cold. After one of the servers had come to my table twice trying to take my order already, I had just given in and gotten a chai latte. I had tried to tell them that I was waiting for someone, but since I had been sitting here for thirty minutes with no partner in sight, I didn't believe myself, either.
Being late wasn't some kind of unforgivable crime. All Sean had to do was call me or text me that he was running late, just let me know in advance. Either that or he had to have a bulletproof reason why he was late once he got here.
What made it even worse was he was the one who had asked me on this date, the least he could do is show up. Sitting alone in a coffee shop was fine, I just didn't appreciate being stood up. I had rescheduled plans to accommodate this guy, and he didn't even have it in him to show up on time to a date he had asked me out on.
This was sort of just what I got though, wasn't it? It was just the same shit different day. He was always like this. Sean could be a nice guy sometimes, but then he would do shit like this and I had to wonder whether I could just stay home the next time he asked me out and see whether it even made a difference.
My phone lit up on the table next to my hand, just like he had heard me mentally talking shit about him. I picked up.
"Veronica? Hey, where are you right now?"
"Where am I? I've been waiting for you for almost forty minutes, where the hell are you?"
"Listen, I'm not gonna make it for our date." I rolled my eyes. I wished I could be surprised by his behavior, but at this point, his flakiness was just expected. Just because I expected it, though, didn't make it any less infuriating.
"Why won't you make it? You can't set plans with people and wait till the last minute to break them."
"Something came up, okay? Shit, what's the matter with you?"
"Don't call me making plans unless you know you can make it."