Page 50 of Biker's Virgin
I heard the crunch of broken bone, and I knew I had made contact with his nose. He dropped his arms immediately, and I felt him fall to the ground behind me. Feeling euphoric at my victory, I turned around to face my attacker.
“Justin!” I gasped in shock when I saw him lying there on the kitchen floor, clutching his nose while blood flowed from his nostrils.
“Fuck!” he screamed. “Why’d you do that for?”
I could hear the other men filing into the house, and within moments they had entered the kitchen and were looking between Justin and me with worry in their eyes. Zack emerged between Red and Lonny, and his expression was hard, but I could tell he was shocked and worried about what had just happened.
“What do you mean what did I do that for?” I said. “You attacked me!”
“I didn’t attack you,” Justin replied, in a muffled voice. “I mean… I grabbed you from behind, but I was just trying to scare you. I didn’t expect you to go all ninja Barbie on me.”
There was a split second of total silence, and then the men started howling with laughter as they realized what had happened. My eyes widened as I realized that I’d just broken Justin’s nose for a little harmless fun at my expense.
“Oh my God,” I said, rushing to his side. “Justin, I’m so, so sorry. I just… you grabbed me, and I thought it was Walter, and I freaked out and just… went for it.”
“Don’t apologize,” Zack said, stepping into the kitchen and helping Justin to his feet. “If he grabbed you from behind, he had it coming. Well done. You certainly know how to defend yourself now.”
I looked at Justin. “How bad is the bleeding?”
“You definitely broke my nose,” he sniffed.
Bones gave another cackle of laughter. “Should definitely improve your face.”
“I’ll get you some ice and water…and maybe we should get you to the hospital,” I said, a little frantically.
“Don’t be crazy, Mila,” Justin assured me. “It’s fine. It’s not the first time I’ve broken my nose. I just have to lock it back in place, and then it’ll heal.”
“Maybe try and stop the bleeding first,” Zack said, throwing a towel at Justin.
Everyone slowly moved into the larger living room space, but I stayed back in the kitchen feeling both proud of myself and guilty for what I had done to Justin.
“Are you sure I can’t get you anything?” I asked, calling after him.
“Chill out, Mila,” Justin replied. “It’s no big deal. I’ll survive.”
“I’ve never broken anyone’s nose before,” I said, partly in shock.
“First nose break, huh?” Lonny said, patting me on the shoulder before he headed to the living room himself. “I think we should throw you a party. You’re officially one of the MC gang now. Who said a woman couldn’t fit in around here?”
I bit my lip and took a deep breath.
Zack was the only one who stayed behind. “Are you still worrying about Justin’s nose?”
“He was bleeding a lot.”
“I’ve seen him bleed worse than that.”
“You’re just saying that.”
“I’m really not.”
I sighed. “I don’t know what came over me. I just… panicked when he grabbed me.”
“He had it coming.”
“He was just trying to have a little fun.”
“You have a lot on your mind,” Zack replied. “He shouldn’t have been playing games like that with you. In any case, I don’t think he’ll try that anytime soon.”