Page 532 of Biker's Virgin
"I mean, it doesn't matter what happened this week."
"What do you think happened? I said it was good."
"I remember you telling me that you could join a minor league team and work your way up-"
"Tiff," I cut her off, "none of that happened. It was good."
"So, you're joining a team?"
"Not exactly. It's not as simple as just showing up. A scout told me that his team is interested in maybe signing me, but I have to wait a while before they get back to me."
"That's great," she said. "That's what you wanted."
"It was. It's just this team... It's not really close by."
"Yeah? How far are we talking?"
"Miami. How far is that?"
/> "It'll be a trip, but worth it. I mean, this is your way in. You wanted to get in the league, and if this works out, you will."
"I know. I keep telling myself that. It's just timing, you know?"
"I think I might, but I want you to say it," she said. I looked out the window.
"I'm finally getting somewhere with Ron."
"Don't, Roman."
"Don't what? I wanted two things when I came back from Afghanistan: to play again and to get Ron back."
"You didn't see this coming?"
"I did. I just didn't see Miami coming. I wanted to think I could find a spot somewhere closer where the distance wouldn't be that much of a strain."
"Roman, what are the chances that that's going to happen? If you have this opportunity now, you need to take it."
"I don't want to leave Ron behind."
"You can talk to Ron and figure stuff out with her. You can't do that with this team. They don't care that you and her are trying to work things out. You can't say no to this."
"I impressed one team – it could happen again."
"You don't know that. You can't bank on something like this happening again."
"I'll think about it," I said.
"I'm just saying," she said. Of course she was, it was easy for her. This wasn't her problem. She was quiet till we got to my place. I felt better when I got inside, but not that much better. It was good to be back home, even though I hadn't been living here long and likely wouldn't be for much longer.
I didn't know what I was expecting Tiffany to tell me. What the hell would she have said? What had I wanted to hear? That her best friend, Ron was the person I needed to focus on right now so fuck Miami, and fuck getting in the league. I knew this was going to be hard,but I wasn't looking forward to making these decisions.
Obviously, I wasn't losing Ron again. People did the long distance thing all the time – maybe we could become one of those couples. Maybe we wouldn't have to because the team wouldn't end up taking me after all, there was that. I wasn't in yet, not really. It sucked because I wanted to be, but thinking about Ron took some of that sting away.
Why was this happening to me again? What the fuck was it that didn't want me and Ron to be together? First the army, now this. Were we being tested? This was bullshit.
And, I had to see her tonight. I would have been excited – and I was – but I was not looking forward to talking about this with her, even though I knew I couldn't hide it. I couldn't do that to her again, leave her hanging when she thought everything between us was good.
But wait, I didn't have to tell her anything right now, did I? All I knew was that the team was interested and that they were located in Miami. They hadn't set a contract in front of me or anything, I didn't technically have any decisions to make about them; it was a waiting game. That meant Ron didn't have to hear any of it. It wasn't something she had to worry about, why would I make her worry behind something that might not even happen?