Page 74 of Biker's Virgin
I felt his hands travel over my body, tearing at my clothes like some starved animal without actually removing them. He turned, with me in his arms and pushed me up against the wall. I felt his hands slide up my skirt. A second later, his fingers hooked into the waistline of my panties and with one clear yank, he had ripped them right off, and I couldn’t even bring myself to care.
He shoved himself inside me, and I could feel how severe his erection was. He shot right up inside me, and I realized that he had gone as deep as it was possible to go. I could feel my gasps turn into moans and screams, but this time I had absolutely no control. The intensity of his lips and hands and thrust made it impossible for me to maintain any sense of calm.
I knew that if I wasn’t careful, the boys would be able to hear us, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t bring myself to concentrate hard enough to keep the screams from escaping. He wasn’t gentle or slow or calm or soft this time. This time he was ravenous and passionate and violent… and I realized just how arousing this type of sex was. I could understand why people craved it. I could understand now… having experienced it what it was really about.
It was about wanting the other person so much that you couldn’t keep your hands off them. It was about unadulterated lust and desire and carnal pleasure. And it was special because you could only ever experience this type of desire once or twice in your life with a handful of people. This kind of connection didn’t happen every day. It wasn’t common. It was unique and special, and it was meant for only a chosen few who happened to make the right connection.
He fucked me so hard that for a second, I wondered if it was possible for a woman to split in two. It was a giddy moment of hysteria that was mixed in with so much pleasure that I realized that if indeed I did break into two, I wouldn’t mind in the least.
I knew when he was about to cum because his legs and arms clenched around me, and he was grinding his teeth together in an effort to last longer. He didn’t need to bother though, because I came at the same moment he did. I felt his body subside into stillness the moment he came, and I wrapped my arms around him, knowing that he would need my help to stay upright.
He rested his head on my shoulder while I wrapped my arms around him and waited for his breathing to slow. After a few minutes, I kissed his cheek, and he lifted his head up. Our eyes met, and I saw confusion and uncertainty and fear. Then he pulled away from me, zipped himself up, and went to lean back against my windowsill. I just watched him, unable to think of one thing to say. The silence stretched on and on, and finally I sat down on the bed and took a deep breath.
“You know… you could lie down,” I said, patting the space next to me.
He eyed the bed, and I was sure he was going to make some offhand comment and leave immediately. But to my surprise, he walked over and sat down beside me.
“Will you teach me to ride a bike?” I asked, on the spur of the moment.
He turned his face towards me, without really ever meeting my eye. “You really want to learn how to ride?” he asked, a small smile playing on his face.
“Ok then,” he agreed.
“Tomorrow,” he promised.
Chapter Twenty-Five
I remembered the moment I had come back home. It was a drizzly Tuesday when I’d walked up to the front door of the house I’d grown up in. I had been gone only a couple of years, but it felt like a lifetime had passed. I had left an angry teenager, and now I felt like the weary old traveler who simply wanted to lay his head down on a place he was familiar with.
If I concentrated really hard, I could see it all happen in real time. I could see my father’s face contort into relief and anger. I could see my mother looking at me with the hugest smile on her face. I could hear the words that we flung at each other directly after that moment. Then dad had stormed off, calling me an ungrateful child, and Mom had come and hugged me so hard that I could barely breathe. It had been a long time since I’d revisited that memory in such detail.
But I was on the open road, driving fast with the wind slapping against my face, and the memory wasn’t uncomfortable anymore. It came easily, and suddenly I was reliving it again… like I was there.
Mom pulled back and cupped my face with her hands. “Let me look at you.”
She had aged. I could tell right away. It was like the last few years had expanded into ten. There were lines around her eyes and mouth; her hazel eyes were paler now. It was like they had lost some of the bright brown that used to make them sparkle. Her hair was a fierce and bright brown, which told me that she dyed it regularly. She would have only started doing that if she had started to go gray.
“Hi, Mom,” I said softly.
“You’re huge,” she said, grabbing my arms. “Where did all these muscles come from?”
I smiled.
“And you have new tattoos.”
“A few more,” I nodded.
“A few,” she repeated with a laugh.
Then her laughter faded, and she gestured to me to sit down. We sat next to each other at the round kitchen table that faced large windows so that we could see the trees outside.
“You’ll need to give your father some time,” she said.