Page 79 of Biker's Virgin
I turned to Zack, and he was looking around like he really was seeing a ghost. I wondered for a second why he had chosen to bring me here and why he had chosen to come inside after years of avoiding it. Was that significant to him, or was it significant to us?
“When I was a kid, I always assumed I’d spend the rest of my life in this house,” Zack said, breaking the silence.
“You never know.”
Zack turned to me. “You think I’ll come back here?”
“Why not?” I asked.
Zack shook his head. “This house is part of a different story,” he said. “Its purpose is different. I think I may just tear it down and put up a new structure… something specific for the club.”
“Really?” I asked, in surprise.
“My parents are gone,” Zack said. “They raised their family here, and now I’ve moved on too. Maybe a fresh start is necessary.”
I wondered if there was a double meaning to his words. Was he trying to encourage me in the same way? Was he trying to tell me to get on with my life, to start fresh in a new place? Was he trying to tell me that since Walter had vanished into thin air, it was time to move on?
“A fresh start,” I repeated. “It sounds scary to me.”
“It always is,” Zack nodded. “Even if you want it.”
“What if you don’t want it?” I asked.
“Who wouldn’t want a fresh start?” Zack asked.
I nodded. “Yeah…”
Zack was looking around the house with faraway eyes, and I knew he was seeing the house he had grown up in. Not as it was now, neglected and old, but fresh and vibrant and filled with sound. I walked right up beside him, but I resisted the urge to take his hand. That had never been our relationship.
“Show me your room,” I said.
He nodded and started waking up the stairs. I followed behind him, and the stairs creaked beneath our feet. The staircase led to a small landing with a narrow corridor to the left and two doors to the right. Zack took me down the corridor to the last door on the right. He pushed open the door, and we walked in. It wasn’t as small as I had imagined. Or maybe it just looked that way because there was nothing in it.
The windows were large, however, and light streamed into the space, making it seem brighter than the rest of the house. There was nothing left of Zack’s childhood. No posters or mementos… nothing to tip me off as to the child or the teenager he had been.
Zack walked to the window. “It’s been years since I’ve been here,” he said softly, as though he were talking to himself.
“Why did you bring me here?” I asked.
His eyes focused in on me, and the beautiful hazel seemed to sparkle a little brighter for a second. “I don’t know,” he replied after a moment.
I frowned. He didn’t know? What did that mean? Maybe he was still confused about his feelings for me. I could understand that to a point. I had been confused for the longest time too. But I had come to terms with how I really felt about Zack in the last few days. I could just never admit it out loud to him. I decided not to think about it. What would be the point? What would happen would happen and worrying about it wouldn’t change a thing. So I decided to simply make the best of the moment.
I walked up to him and kissed him softly on the lips. He seemed taken aback but pleased. I realized I had never initiated sex with him before. He was always the one who approached me. I felt his hands on the small of my back, and I felt that familiar tingle between my thighs as I moistened in anticipation.
I acted on instinct, driven by the need to live in the moment and my desire for Zack; I slipped to my knees and unzipped his pants. He stood still and watched me as I pulled down his pants and yanked his erect cock free of the material. I had never given head before, but I decided to do what I had done so far and simply go on instinct.
I slipped the tip of his cock into my mouth, and I heard him moan. Encouraged by the sound, I opened my mouth wider and took the length of him inside me. I could feel him at the back of my throat, and I almost gagged, but I managed to keep from choking. Saliva engulfed his cock, and I sucked on his dick until I felt his body shiver. He was the one that stopped me, and I knew it was because he was close to cumming, and he wanted to prolong the moment for as long as possible.
He got to his knees too and pushed me down on the dusty floorboards. I could tell that he didn’t want to wait or go slowly. He was ready to fuck me, and that was exactly what I wanted, too. He pushed inside me desperately, and I moaned in delight at the thread of sensations that enveloped me. He started pumping into me harder and harder until all I could hear was the sound of his balls slapping up against my thighs.
I tried to cling to his back, but he grabbed my hands and pinned them down against the floor. His chest was pressed up against my breasts, and I could feel the perspiration on his body wipe off on mine. He was fucking me so hard that he couldn’t kiss me, but it didn’t matter. There was nothing more personal than this. He was as deep inside me as a man could be in a woman. When I sensed he was close to cumming again, he changed position and flipped me over before fucking me hard doggy style. The wooden floors scraped my hands and knees, but I didn’t care. It barely even registered. All I could concentrate on was Zack’s cock slamming into me.
For the next position, Zack positioned me on top of him, and I had to ride him to my climax and his. My breasts bounced around with the urgency of my movements, but I kept going, spurred on by the way his hips moved in rhythm with mine. Afterward, we lay side-by-side, naked on the hardwood floors and looked out the open window at the sky above us. It was a pale blue dotted with little tufts of cloud that moved slowly past us.