Page 29 of Cowboy Baby Daddy
Joe gestured to his office. “Just step inside, and we’ll talk.”
“Personal service from the mayor. I’m honored.” Alex gave Joe a lopsided smile.
My breath caught at the sight. Something about that smile sent a jolt right through me almost down to my center.
ap. I didn’t want to hate the guy, but I also didn’t want to be responding that way after three years.
Joe chuckled. “You should be.”
Alex stepped into Joe’s office. The mayor glanced over his shoulder at me and nodded before stepping inside and closing the door.
“Just go,” Perri whispered. “I’ll handle anything he needs.”
“I’ve got to get everything closed down first,” I said, trying to keep my voice casual. “Not like I have to panic just because Alex showed up.”
Kadie sucked on her candy, completely clueless about the fact that her daddy had been right in front of her. She still didn’t even seem to realize she was supposed to have a daddy. That’d been nice. It kept me from having to answer questions I didn’t want to answer yet.
I clicked my mouse around and hit a few keys to save the progress of everything I’d been working on. I closed out all the programs and grabbed my purse.
“Thanks, Perri,” I said.
“Ready to go, sweetie?”
Kadie nodded.
I grabbed her hand and hurried out the front door, hoping Alex hadn’t spotted me, but it wasn’t like I’d been across a football field or something. He’d have to have been blind not to have seen me.
“I need to go potty,” Kadie said.
“I thought you said you were ready,” I grumbled.
“I have to go potty now.”
I groaned, but there was nothing I could do. Kadie had only recently finished potty training, and the last thing I wanted to do was make her wait and wet herself because I was trying to escape Alex. He wasn’t her fault.
“Come on, sweetie,” I said. “Let’s head to the bathroom.”
* * *
A few minutes later, my heart had settled. Kadie had done her business, and now we were at the car. Whatever forms Alex needed, Joe and Perri were apparently keeping him busy.
I finished strapping Kadie into her car seat and then walked around to get in on the driver’s side.
Alex had seen us. There was no way he couldn’t have. I wondered what he thought. Did he know that Kadie was my daughter? Did he see the resemblance to himself?
Maybe I’d get lucky, and he’d think I was married to someone else. I lifted my hand. No ring, though.
I chuckled to myself as I wondered if I should get a fake ring.
How pathetic. I needed to confront him and be honest. The longer I delayed, the more painful it’d be for everyone involved, including Kadie.
I moved my hand to start the car. Someone knocked on my window, and I jumped in my seat, my heart pounding.
“Good Lord!” I said. I blinked and looked out the window.
I cursed under my breath. Alex stood there, an apologetic look on his face. That’s what I got for waiting too long.