Page 8 of Cowboy Baby Daddy
“Hey, let’s dance,” Perri said to Carl, a whine in her voice. “We’ve not danced at all.”
Carl nodded. “Okay, let’s do it.”
I glanced over at Aspyn. “Wanna dance?”
“You’re not gonna be pissed, are you, Joe?”
Joe smirked at me, a knowing gleam in his eye. “Nah, I actually have to get going. My wife’s on call tonight, and I need to go and watch the kids. Have fun, y’all.”
I walked over to give his hand a firm shake. “It was nice to see you again, Mr. Mayor.”
“Come by more than once every 10 years.” He nodded to everyone else and headed out.
Aspyn grabbed my hand. “Let’s hit the dance floor.”
Even though we’d missed the first minute of the song, she didn’t seem to care. We swayed to the music, my hands on her waist and her arms around my neck.
Her brown eyes were almost hypnotic. Every twitch of her mouth led my mind to places I wouldn’t have dared dream 10 years before.
I wasn’t going to lie to myself and pretend it was the booze’s fault. I’d wanted this woman for a long time. I’d just forgotten how badly I wanted her.
It was hard to touch her, be so close to her, her delicious body calling to my cock and her radiant smile calling to my heart, and not kiss her.
This fire had to be real.
There’s no way in hell she didn’t feel it too.
Perri and Carl walked up to us, hand in hand.
“Hey, we’re gonna head out for now,” Perri said, blushing.
I eyed Carl, and he shrugged, a vague smirk on his face. From what he’d told me in his emails, he and Perri couldn’t decide whether they were meant for each other or just good for rebounds, but, hey, a man has needs, and she didn’t seem to have a problem with it.
“See you later,” Aspyn said.
“Yeah, it was good seeing you again, Perri.”
Still red-faced, she giggled and then tugged on Carl’s hand. They all but jogged to the door.
“Wanna bail too?” I asked.
“No, no, no. I’m glad to spend time with you. It’s been 10 years. I want to keep hanging out and catching up.”
It was time to take a chance.
I leaned over to whisper in her ear. “How about we bail over to my hotel room across the street?”
Aspyn’s eyes widened.
I waited, my heart thundering. Maybe I’d been too aggressive, but there was no way I could pass up this chance. Even if it was just one night of fun, at least it’d be a damn good memory.
“Okay,” she said softly. “Let’s go.”
Chapter 3