Page 12 of The Boss 5
She giggled and let out an adorable little snort. “You guys must all stop this ridiculous praise of my intelligence. It’s starting to get way too funny. I am twenty years old and I don’t even have an undergraduate degree yet.”
“Exactly my point,” I said cheerfully. “But anyways, moving on. You can go over checks and balances and ‘pay back’ whatever you think you need to. We have a whole lifetime for you to do this as it happens. I am firmly intent upon this so if you put up further arguments, we will just be wasting precious time that could be spent fucking. I will not ever agree to a prenup. The whole idea behind it suggests that there is even the slightest bit of possibility that you and I might not be together forever. I would rather die the most painful death than allow myself to even entertain such an idea. I have been married before and it was a complete disaster, as you know very well. Given that I had made up my mind that nothing would convince me to partake in a union again. Then you came along. Believe me when I say this, Aria, I would never have proposed to you if I had even for a second thought that there was a possibility that we wouldn’t last forever.”
She hugged me tighter, kissing my chest. “How did you get to become such a sweet and loving person? God I am so lucky.”
I shrugged. “It’s the effect you have on me. Most people – my own mother included – would laugh at the idea that someone used those words to describe me.”
“Well your mother sounds kind of awful anyway,” she said.
“Yeah, you will have the opportunity to experience it firsthand soon enough. Apparently it is the norm to invite your parents to your wedding or something.” I rolled my eyes.
She laughed. “I am sure she isn’t so terrible. She did give birth to the most amazing man in the world after all.”
“You are too sweet,” I said and kissed her forehead. “But seriously, my mother can be a nightmare, so if I were you I would be careful. She is going to try and make you feel as though you aren’t good enough for me. She obviously won’t have any idea what the fuck she is talking about, so if I were you I would ignore everything she says.”
“I’m sure I could get her to like me,” she said confidently.
“You know what?” I thought about that for a second. “You actually might just accomplish that, Aria. It is rather difficult not to fall in love with you, as I speak from very personal experience.”
The doorbell rang. “Were we expecting company?” Aria asked.
“Oh yeah, that’s kind of a surprise. I’ll be right back,” I said and walked to the door to welcome Fiona Davis.
“Sorry our house is a bit of a mess, my fiancée just moved in today and we are still figuring out where to put everything.”
“No worries at all, Zayden,” Fiona said, kissing me on the cheek. “Now where is the lovely bride?”
“Right in the living room, come on in.”
I escorted her to where Aria was, who looked rather alarmed at the sight of a beautiful blonde woman standing in front of her.
“Your sister. Please tell me she is your sister,” Aria said with her eyebrows raised. “I mean hello, sorry I didn’t mean to be rude.”
Fiona giggled as I looked at them in amusement. “Oh darling, aren’t you absolutely adorable?” She looked at Zayden. “Wow, well done Sinclair. I can’t wait to work with her.”
“What is going on?” Aria asked suspiciously and then her face lit up in realization. “You’re Fiona.”
She got up nervously and then sat back down, apparently unsure how to react to a celebrity wedding planner standing in her living room.
“That is what they call me.” Fiona giggled. “But you can call me anything you like. From this moment on, I’m here to do your bidding.”
“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.” Aria was hyperventilating and it was entertaining to watch. I felt a sense of pride at being able to do this for her. “Is it okay if – can I – may I call my best friend and maid-of-honor to come here? It will make her day. I can’t believe this.”
“Of course, dear,” Fiona said, pulling out a binder from her pocketbook. “I hear I will be assisting this lady’s wedding too later in the year. So it only seems logical that we spend as much time together as possible.”
“You haven’t changed one bit since college.” I rolled my eyes. The woman was so good at her job and so enthusiastic about everything to do with it.
“You guys went to college together?” Aria gasped. “What other celebrities did you go to college with?”
“A couple here and there. Now let’s get down to business. We have a rather extravagant wedding to plan here.”
“First things first,” Fiona said, pursuing her bin
der. “Do you have a theme in mind, Aria? It’s a specialty of the Plaza; they can transform the venue to look like your wildest imagination.”
“A Hogwarts themed wedding would be rather nice,” Aria said after pondering for a few moments. “But I suppose that isn’t the most romantic. Hmm…”
Fiona, who was giving Aria a very understanding look, gleamed with pleasure. “You know, you would be surprised. I have actually planned two Hogwarts themed weddings so far and the clients were extremely satisfied. Technology is so advanced these days we were able to make the venue appear enchanted.”