Page 14 of The Daddy Box Set
“Tell me about it.” She became animated as she outlined the struggle I was all too familiar with. “I mean, is it that difficult to chuck some garlic and white wine and herbs into a pot and drizzle it over a piece of meat. I don’t know why most places just serve the usual crap, and so few restaurants bother with that kind of perfection.”
“I feel your pain.” I curled a hand into a fist and tapped at my heart. “I order it whenever I have the chance. I just hope this chef doesn’t fuck it up. I had one a couple of weeks ago, and it came without garlic. Can you believe that?”
Gabrielle’s jaw dropped in genuine indignation. It was adorable. “Sac
rilege! I hope you mentioned that they should change the menu to read steak with white wine and herbs. I mean, come on.”
“I might have made a bit more of a scene than that. I am a spoiled football player, after all.” I teased her. I sensed she had an ax to grind with people in my profession, especially after that snark about the blowjob.
She rolled her eyes, but couldn’t completely hide the smile that formed on her full lips. “Of course you are. Tell me, though. Is there more to you than just that?”
The question surprised me more than I let on. I took a sip of wine as I tried to formulate an answer. I wasn’t used to women being quite this direct. Not when it came me, anyway. Propositioning me, sure. Getting to know me, no way.
“I’d like to think so, though I’m not exactly sure what you mean by ‘just that.’” It was Gabrielle’s turn to be surprised, though she didn’t manage to hide it quite as well as I did.
“I honestly did not expect you to answer like that,” she confessed. “I was actually kind of sure you were going to make some perverted comment about how much more of you there was and if I’d like to see it.”
Again with the directness. I was kind of digging it. I felt sorry for whatever poor schmuck had tried those kind of lines with her. “Seriously?” I asked. “Which players have you been hanging out with? Please tell me so that I can rub their lack of game in their faces.”
Her cheeks flushed. “I, uh, haven’t actually hung out with any of you myself, but I’ve heard the stories.”
“Wait, so you have this whole condescension thing going towards anyone who plays football based on stories you’ve heard?” I cocked a brow as I teased her. “I mean, fine. Some of the guys use lines like that, but it’s not like only football players do it. Or only men.”
I neglected to mention that I’d used those kinds of lines myself, or that they actually worked most of the time. I had no doubt it wouldn’t work on a girl like her, but not all women were like her. I hadn’t actually met one like her before, not that I could remember. And I have a great memory.
She mulled over my words, the flush on her cheeks deepening. “You’re right. I’m sorry. I guess there are lots of men, and women, out there who operate like that.”
“You’re giving up your assumptions that easily?” It was hard to believe. Everything I’d seen from her so far had pointed to a seriously stubborn, headstrong woman.
She met my gaze and held it. The flickering from the candle on the table reflected in her eyes, making it look like ocean waves rolled in them. It was intriguing. Almost as intriguing as the fact that she wasn’t succumbing to my charm and was actually engaging in real conversation with me.
“I’m a big enough person to admit when I’ve made a mistake. I may have miscalculated. With you, at least. I’m not letting go of my assumptions altogether.” She smiled, then clapped her hands together in delight as the server entered the room and set our sizzling plates down on the table.
The heavenly aroma filled the room in a way that made my taste buds tingle. I had lived off shitty meals, fast food, and health shakes for long enough to appreciate good food. It was one of the reasons why I paid Mrs. W. as well as I did.
Gabrielle tucked into her meal with gusto. It surprised me from a girl with a body like hers, but her eyes actually sparkled. Then, she moaned when she took her first bite.
The moan shot like a bolt of lightning straight to my cock.
Down boy.
We were both quiet as we ate, but it wasn’t an awkward silence. It was comfortable, like we’d done it a million times before. It was kind of weird how easy things were with her. I’d never been in a serious relationship, but being with Gabrielle was how I imagined it would feel to sit down with a girlfriend, or God forbid, a wife.
Now that was one thing I never intended to do. Just the thought of marriage made me shudder. Nope, not for me. Harper was my happily ever after. Settling down with a girl like her mother was my darkest nightmare.
I briefly wondered if I should tell Gabrielle about Harper, but I decided against it. I’d known her all of a couple of days, and we weren’t even on a date, not really.
“That was amazing,” Gabrielle exclaimed when the server removed our plates. She twirled the stem of her wine glass between her thumb and forefinger, pausing to take a long sip.
“It was. They even remembered the garlic.” I smirked. “Probably only to avoid your wrath if they dared forget it.”
“Oh, ha!” she replied dryly. “I wasn’t the one who threw that tantrum, remember? Speaking of which, you never answered my question properly. What more is there to you?”
She leaned back in her chair and seemed to really listen to my answer, interrupting every now and then to ask another question or throw in a witty comment. We talked for hours, until the server came to tell us it was last call and they would be closing soon. I glanced down at my watch. It was nearly midnight.
Where the hell had the time gone?
Gabrielle stifled a yawn as she realized the time, but her eyes were still alert. We’d polished off the bottle of wine, but she didn’t look like she was even slightly tipsy. It seemed she could handle her liquor as well as I could. It was a welcome change.