Page 22 of The Daddy Box Set
Well, what do you know? Maybe I’d left a lasting impression, after all.
Chapter Eleven
The sun burned hot on my neck as I stepped onto the beach. My eyes scanned the mostly empty stretch of sand from behind my sunglasses. I grabbed my towel and bottle of water and jogged to Gabrielle, who was already there, stretching her lithe body out on her towel and rubbing sunscreen into her skin.
“Can I give you a hand there?”
She jumped at the sound of my voice.
As incredible as she looked in casual clothes, as devastating as she was all dressed up, the sight of Gabrielle in a tiny polka dot bikini was enough to make the air get stuck in my lungs.
Gabrielle’s lips curved into a coy smile. “With what do you want to give me a hand, exactly?”
I laughed as I spread my towel next to hers, giving her a smirk. “Jeez, and you thought the football players were the ones with the lines. Judging by that, lawyers have us beat.”
Her cheeks flushed. “Aspiring, maybe-someday lawyer over here, but sure. Judge the whole profession.”
I raised my eyebrows. “You’re honestly talking to me about judging a whole profession?”
“Okay, you may have a point.” She laughed and threw the bottle of sunscreen at me. “Does your offer still stand?”
I caught it in one hand and rolled over to her. “Why yes. As it happens, I’m in a forgiving mood. Just don’t let it happen again.”
Her skin was silky smooth under my fingers as I lathered her back with sunscreen. I massaged it into to her, lingering longer than was strictly necessary.
“Yeah, sure.” She groaned, sending a shock wave right to my cock. Straddling her back as I was, I had to get a hold on my libido. “I’ll be good from now on. Scout’s honor.”
Her body shook from a quick laugh, causing her ass to graze my cock. She was trying to kill me. I was sure of it. “Were you actually ever a scout?”
She snorted. “What do you think? Do I look like a good little Girl Scout to you?”
“At the risk of being accused of using a line, I could totally imagine you dressed up in the outfit. We could always role play it sometime if you wanted.” The thought of her in a Girl Scout outfit did things to me.
“You get a free pass for that one, but only because of my earlier mishap.” I lay on my back on my towel as she flipped onto hers. “So, what unspeakable alliance did you have to enter into to get my number?”
“A gentleman never tells,” I said solemnly.
“Good thing I don’t see any gentlemen around here then.” I clasped a hand over my heart, like she’d injured me.
“You’re terrible for my ego.”
She rolled onto her side and smirked. Her eyes were hidden by her sunglasses, but she seemed to be genuinely having fun. “Good thing it can afford being taken down a few notches.”
This girl. I’d only known her a week or so, but she was already one of my favorite people. I had fun with her. I hated people, in general. They were mostly too predictable. Gabrielle, on the other hand, kept surprising me. “You wound me, woman. You should kiss it better.”
She groaned. “You had one free pass, quarterback. You’re on thin ice.”
“That’s the NHL, not the NFL, actually.” I liked testing the limits on the depths of the ice, apparently.
“Wise ass.”
We lay in silence for a couple of minutes, soaking in the sun and getting lost in our own thoughts.
Eventually, she spoke out. “You’re really not going to tell me how you got my number?”
A bell tinkled in the distance, calling childhood memories to mind. “Nope. Trust me; it’s better for you this way. You want to get some ice cream?”