Page 5 of The Daddy Box Set
“Yeah, maybe I will. That’s not a bad idea, actually. I just can’t get that last game out of my head.” My fists clenched in frustration. That game ran on a loop in my head. It had been, ever since the final whistle blew and I had to accept that I wouldn’t have a shot at a ring, again.
“It was pretty bad.” He shook his head.
It was way fucking worse than “pretty bad.” And he knew it. “Pretty bad? We were shit, Jimbo. There are high school teams out there who could beat us.”
The coach mulled over my words. I could practically see the gears turning in his head. “That may be a slight overexaggeration, but I get the point you’re trying to make. What does that mean for you, though?”
“I don’t know. I’m not sure about my future he
re anymore. I want to stay, but if I do, they’re going to have to make it worth my while.” I hopped on the balls of feet, anticipation coursing through my veins. They were already paying me well. I was pushing my luck.
Jim didn’t even flinch. “You mean you want more money?”
“For starters. I have to provide for Harper now, too.” It felt good to get the admission off my chest.
“I get it, James. Trust me. Just know that I would hate to see you go. You’re a great player, son, but you’re a better leader. The team needs you. Hell, I need you. Why don’t you talk all this over with Richard?” His voice rang with sincerity. Maybe I wasn’t pushing my luck, after all. Besides, he was right about one thing: they did need me.
Everyone knew the Dolphins had to get into the business of keeping their players. We needed to build a team around our strengths rather than one that had to rebuild every season. To do that, Ralls had to identify players we couldn’t lose and hang on to them with both hands. I was one of those players.
If I’d been having any doubts about it, my mind was made up after talking to the coach. He was great like that. “I will, Jim. Thanks. I’ll let you know what he says.”
“You do that, son. I’d hate to lose you. Take it easy with that thing.” He gestured to the punching bag and disappeared into his office, leaving me to my workout.
“James Skye calling for Rich.” That was all it took for me to be connected to one of the wealthiest men in Florida. Sometimes it was unbelievable to think that I had that kind of clout.
Richard Ralls’s voice hit my ears through the speakers of my Range Rover not a second later. “Jamie, my boy. How are you?”
I made a left onto my street, suddenly itching to get to Harper. She’d crashed into my life like a comet 18 months ago. After the initial shock had worn off, she’d become the most important person in my life. “I’m all good. Thanks, Rich. How are you?”
“I can’t complain, son. What can I do you for?” Richard cut straight to the chase.
I hesitated. It wasn’t something that I did very often, but Richard and I had gotten close over the last two years. He had become something like a father to me. I hated that I had to have the discussion that I was about to have with him. But at least I had the balls to talk to him myself instead of having my agent do it.
“I need to talk to you. As soon as you’re available.”
“Sure thing, James. I can’t see you today. I’m out of town. I’ll be back first thing in the morning. Come by tomorrow. I’ll make time for you anytime. That good for you?”
Fuck yeah. “Sure, Richard. I’ll drop by tomorrow morning.”
I felt like a complete douchebag. Richard was a good guy. He had given me a chance when I needed one. Maybe I should stay with the team without asking for more money.
Harper’s warm eyes flashed in my mind. As did my own dreams.
No. I couldn’t stay for nothing more. I had to provide the best I could for Harper. And I wanted a ring more than I needed a friendship. Even if it was a friendship that I valued more than almost anything.
He clicked off the line just as I pulled into my cavernous garage. If you’d have told me two years ago that I’d have a house out in the suburbs near the beach, complete with a swing set in the backyard and a swimming pool covered in a child safety net, I would’ve laughed my head off. And then probably have kicked your ass all the way to next Sunday.
That was exactly what I had though, all thanks to the little girl with the bouncing dark brown curls, my exact shade, and hazel eyes careening towards me.
I dropped to my knees and opened my arms, grinning like an idiot as my baby girl flung her skinny arms around my neck and hugged me tight.
“Harper!” Mrs. Watson’s voice called out from the doorway where she watched us, shaking her head with a slight smile on her face. “Every darn day. At least we’ve taught her to wait until the engine shuts down.”
“I wouldn’t have it any other way, Mrs. W.” I smirked as I scooped Harper up and carried her to the kitchen.
“I know, Mr. Skye.”