Page 52 of The Daddy Box Set
I was miles ahead, and she knew it, but I was willing to let it go for her. This one time. My competitive side groaned, and I pushed it down. “Okay, but then we’re having lunch where I want.”
I hadn’t taken her to the Spanish place yet, and it was only a short walk up the beach from where we were.
“Fine, your pick for lunch, but you better make it good.” She took off and beached her jet ski with expert precision.
“Don’t I always?” I muttered to myself and took off after her.
The Spanish place was exactly as my teammate had described it, and it didn’t disappoint.
Gabrielle clapped her hands together as she inspected the platt
er of tapas that the server placed on our table. “This looks divine!”
“I thought that you might like it.” I smirked and gave myself a mental pat on the back.
She sampled some of the cold meats from the platter. Her eyes lit up, then fluttered closed. I loved that she appreciated good food the same way that I did and that she didn’t give a damn about pigging out in front me.
“You have to try that one,” she said. “It’s delicious.”
She dove into the rest, trying everything at least once, and spouted off random facts about the different tapas that she had learned from her mother.
She had pushed her sunglasses up into her wet hair, and her blue eyes sparkled. Her cheeks had a rosy hue thanks to our time in the sun. Her small hands were animated as she talked, a permanent smile lighting up her face.
It was captivating. She was breathtaking.
I found myself hanging on her every word, completely enthralled by her. It was completely ridiculous how easy it was being with her, how she relaxed me and wound me up all at the same time. It felt right. Or something that I couldn’t quite put my finger on.
The buzzing of my phone on the table distracted me.
The name on the display set my heart pounding as reality came crashing into me. “Richard calling.”
Gabrielle fell silent, spotting her father’s name at the same time that I did.
“It’s okay, answer it,” she encouraged softly. I looked at my phone like something that was about to bite me. This was it. The call that would determine my future.
“Richard, my man.” I tried to keep my tone light and my voice steady. Like I didn’t have a care in the world. Like I wasn’t sitting across the table thinking dangerous thoughts about his pride and joy.
“James, how are you?” His voice was brisk, but he sounded the same as always. It didn’t sound like he was about to shatter my dreams with a shitty offer or tear me limb from limb for being with his daughter.
“I’m good, Richard. Really good, actually. How are you?” My eyes met Gabrielle’s and held them.
“Probably about to make you feel even better,” he said, chuckling. Lightness and relief creeped into his tone.
“Yeah? You’re calling me with good news, then?” Hope surged in my chest. I knew that Richard would have done anything to keep me happy and to make me stay, but I wasn’t sure whether he would be able to meet some of the better offers on the table.
“I am. I had a look over our financials and talked it over with the bean counters. I think you’re really going to like what we’ve put together for you.” Fuck yeah.
Gabrielle smiled brightly at the expression on my face. Or maybe she could hear some of what her father was saying. The point was that she looked genuinely happy. She knew how much it meant to me that the contract restructure went well.
My heart did something strange when I realized that my happiness meant that much to her. That she gave a single fuck about me getting what I wanted. The best of both worlds, as she’d so aptly put it.
“That sounds promising.” My dreams were within reach. All I had to do was reach out and grab them.
“It is. I’d like to get you in here as soon as possible to talk it over. Lock it down.” I wanted that, too. More than fucking anything.
“Sure thing, I’ll come by whenever you’re available to see me.” Fingers crossed, it would be later that day. The sooner I got my new contract signed, the better.
“Are you kidding me? I want that ink drying on the contract like yesterday, my boy.” My heart constricted, and my stomach clenched. He’d called me that so many times in the past. Why was I having a different reaction to it now?