Page 80 of The Daddy Box Set
“On a Sunday?” I asked.
“My friend said his nanny left on Friday. So, he seemed motivated to get someone right away.”
I’d hoped I’d have more time for my break, but if this guy was an executive, then he might be able to match the pay I got from Ricky’s parents.
“Do I have to call for an interview?” I asked.
She scrolled through her phone and then made a face. “Ugh.”
My heart sank. “Did he hire someone already?”
“I have no idea, but the interviews were until five.”
I checked my phone. It was already five-thirty. Damn. I should have picked up the phone when Sierra called before. But if it was meant to be, then it was meant to be. I wanted to get my name on the list at least. I couldn’t imagine he’d hire someone in one day. I could call in the morning and squeeze myself in for an interview. There was no harm. At least I could rehash my interview skills.
“Send me that info,” I said to Sierra. “I’ll contact him and see if I can interview tomorrow.”
“Sure thing,” she said and forwarded me the info.
The name Noah Stone popped up on my phone screen. A light tingle ripped down my arms. There was something serendipitous about the whole situation. I had to take the chance on the job.
“Thanks,” I said. “What are you doing for dinner?”
“I’m free as a bird,” she said. “You?”
“Let’s get some food, and you can tell me all about last night.”
“I’d love to. What are you in the mood for?”
“Anything but Chinese,” I said.
Chapter Five
Even after five interviews with potential nanny candidates, I still woke Monday morning with no one to help me. It had been a surprise that people actually responded to my email on the weekend, but that was the type of loyalty I fostered within my company. I called each of the referrals first thing Sunday morning and spent the entire afternoon interviewing.
Since Gina had another year until preschool, there was nowhere else for her to go other than to work with me.
I woke extra early so that I could get myself ready and then pack her bag with as many things as I thought she’d need for the day. I knew I had too many snacks, but I wanted her to be comfortable in the new situation.
All night, I mulled over the two at the top of my candidate list. Allison, my secretary, had kept Gina in her office during the interviews. I wanted to be sure of a person before introducing them to my daughter. And none of them wowed me enough to warrant an introduction. I’d decided to take the night to think about it.
My schedule was packed with meetings, as most Mondays were, so I wouldn’t be able to get to introduce the final applicants to Gina until Tuesday. I hoped that Gina would connect with at least one of them.
I woke Gina around six-thirty, and even though that was an hour earlier than she normally got up, she jumped out of her bed, ready for the day.
“Today’s work with Daddy!” she said, reaching up to me.
I embraced her, and she squeezed her little arms around my neck.
“Sorry you have to come to work with me, but you can bring whatever toys you want,” I said.
“I’m happy to work with Daddy.”
“You are?”
“Now I can see you all day!”