Page 98 of The Daddy Box Set
Sierra came over to me, and we watched Gina dance and mimic the sounds from the song.
“Haven’t seen you in a few days,” Sierra said. “Are things going well?”
“Yeah, they are. Sorry I haven’t been in touch. Gina keeps me busy, and I’m knackered by the end of the day.”
“Are you sure it’s not because you’ve been a naughty nanny?”
Not this again. “Keep your voice down.”
“She has no idea what I’m talking about.”
Gina sang loud enough that she probably wouldn’t hear a freight train passing through the store.
“I’ve actually set Noah up with Kimberly.”
“You what?” Sierra asked.
“They’re going out Saturday night. I’m watching Gina.”
“Kimberly, the yoga instructor? I thought she was seeing what’s-his-face?”
“That’s been over for a while now. She’s single. Noah’s single. They both like fitness. It’s a good match.”
“Are you sure you’re okay with this?” Sierra asked.
“Why wouldn’t I be? I’m the one who set them up,” I said.
“Yeah, but you do that.”
“Do what?”
“Create excuses for yourself. Remember when you liked that guitar player?”
I cringed, knowing where she was going with this.
“And then you slept with his brother?” Sierra continued. “You created that barrier so you’d never be able to date either of them.”
“That was different.”
“Was it?”
“And I was young and stupid. Isn’t that guy married now? So, it wouldn’t have made a difference.”
“You two could be married by now,” Sierra said. “Not that that matters now. The point is that you always do this with men you like.”
“I don’t have feelings for Noah,” I said, sounding like a broken record.
“Sure you don’t,” she said incredulously.
“Sierra, he’s my boss. I need this job, remember?”
“There’s another set of excuses…” Sierra trailed off.
I had to make her understand my side. “That’s like you being in love with Harold.”
She pretended to gag herself. “No way is that the same thing. Harold is gross and old. Noah is sexy, wealthy, and has a daughter you clearly adore. Tell me you wouldn’t want to be her mommy during the day and his wifey at night?”
I opened my mouth to say something, but the music cut off. Gina didn’t need to be involved or overhear anything Sierra and I spoke about her father.