Page 173 of Rock Star Billionaire
When I caught up with her, she was sitting on a bench leafing through her notes. Unlike the day before, Liz looked rested and healthy.
"Hey, how are you doing?" I asked as I sat down next to her.
"Much better," she smiled. "I'm not sure what happened to me yesterday. I just felt like crap, but there's nothing that fifteen hours of sleep won't fix! You go out with Mr. Hot Pants last night?"
"Is that what you've named him?" I laughed as Liz grinned. "Yeah, he took me to Grace and then came back to my place."
"Holy shit, lady!" she exclaimed. "That's the place where it takes months to get a reservation! He must have some serious connections!"
"Nah, he said a friend had the reservation and couldn't make it, so he passed it on," I said trying to get her to quiet down as people waiting on the platform stared at us. The train came a few minutes later and we hopped on.
"Did he spend the night?" Liz whispered as she elbowed me.
"No, he left before I woke up," I whispered back. "Had to let the dog out."
"Sure, sure," she grinned. "But was it good? I mean, is he worth it all?"
"Liz! What kind of question is that?" I giggled knowing exactly what kind of question it was. I nodded and flashed her a big smile.
"Good, then my work here is done," she said with a satisfied nod. "Now on to more important things. About the practice exam, how do you think you did?"
"I'm not sure, I think I made a mess of the middle part, but the rest seemed pretty straight forward," I said taking the cue that it was time to move from boys to more important topics. "How about you?"
"I have no idea," she shrugged. "It could have been the best test of my life or the worst, it's all a blur."
"Maybe you should tell Professor Jackson that you were sick?" I suggested. "She'd understand and maybe she'd give you a chance to retake it if you didn't do well."
"Nah, I'm good," she said looking out the window. "I'll take my chances. It's only a practice exam, anyway. If I did bad, then I can figure out what needs to be improved."
As we walked into the classroom, Professor Jackson motioned us over to her desk and said, "I want to have a word with you both after class."
As we headed to our seats and prepared for the lecture, I looked at Liz and she shrugged. The whole class I was on pins and needles as I wondered what Professor Jackson needed to talk with us about, and by the time class ended, I was convinced that I'd failed the practice exam and that she was going to tell us we were out of the program.
After everyone had left the classroom, Professor Jackson shut the door and returned to the front of the room to retrieve our exams.
"Ladies, I'm concerned about these exams," she said as she handed them to us. "I've had a report that you two were seen cheating on during the exam."
"What?" I gasped. "I didn't cheat!"
"Neither did I," Liz said quietly as she scanned the sheets and looked at the score.
"I was hesitant to believe the report given the source," she said with a wry smile that let me know the source was Violet Metzler. "But when I graded the exams and came up with the scores, I have to admit that it looked suspicious."
"Why? What did we do?" I asked as I flipped through my own exam noting the questions that I'd gotten wrong.
"Because when I graded the exams, your two exams were the only ones that looked absolutely identical," she said pointing to the scores. "You got the same scores and you also got the same questions wrong."
"But that's because we study together," I said as I tried to remain calm. "We go over everything together, so it would make sense that we made the same types of errors."
"That may be the case, but I have to inform the program of the accusation," she said with a regretful look. "It's department policy when a matter like this is reported. I'm sorry, ladies."
"We're being accused of cheating because Violet Metzler has a bone to pick with me?" Liz blurted out. "That seems like shaky grounds for an investigation."
"It goes further than that, Ms. Baker," Professor Jackson said. "There have been reports of your questionable behavior at the hospital, and so we need to investigate that as well."
"I was sick," Liz said flatly. "It had nothing to do with Alex, so I don't see why she should get pulled into this mess."
"Like I said, Miss Baker, it's program policy," she said as she began gathering her things. "It's not personal."