Page 292 of Rock Star Billionaire
“That will be all for today. Thank you.”
I finished drafting up the document and briefly considered running it by my lawyer, but decided against it, more for Aria’s sake than my own. If she was going to agree to this deal, I might as well have her feel comfortable about it. I looked at the bouquet of red roses that had been returned to my office that morning and grinned. One down, twenty-nine to go. After today it probably wouldn’t take twenty-nine days before I got to screw her. After printing the document, I removed a rose from the bunch and placed it over the pile of papers on my desk.
I picked up the phone to call Aria. It was game time. I watched her answer the phone, looking somber.
“South National Bank, how may I help you?”
“Come into my office. Mrs. Brian seems to be doing quite well by herself over there.”
“Did you get a chance to talk to Wil-”
“Come into my office,” I repeated and hung up.
The nervous look on her face as she tentatively walked towards my office worried me a bit. What if she didn’t take the deal? What else could she do, though? I had made it all but impossible for her to get a loan at this bank, and could repeat the process for every other bank within a thousand mile radius.
She would have to take the deal.
As she stepped into the office my eyes were fixated on her skirt. I could offer to give her 60,000 dollars upfront in exchange for letting me throw her against the glass window, lift that tight skirt of hers, pull down her panties and fuck her. But that would be no fun. When I finally felt the sweet warmth of her pussy, it would be because she asked, because she couldn’t resist me. Nobody was allowed to resist me when I decided I wanted them. That is what made Aria seem so fascinating, and making her decide all on her own that she was wrong to ever resist me was going to be the best part.
“Sit down, Aria,” I ordered.
When she did, the hem of her skirt lifted a few inches upwards, revealing her toned, smooth thighs. I felt myself tightening in my pants.
“So did you talk to Wilson?” she asked again, looking ready to burst into another round of tears.
“I did and it’s not good news. Well, it’s not the particular piece of good news you were hoping to receive.”
The tears began to fall onto her cheeks. I would have to get her to stop doing that.
“So I’m not getting the loan?”
“You are just too young with too many responsibilities,” I said, trying to sound sympathetic. “I’m sorry.”
The crying was in full swing now, her makeup all smeared. Should I wait a little to make my proposition? I decided against it. Knowing she felt helpless right now made it significantly more likely that she would accept.
“Thank you for trying,” she said, starting to get up.
“Wait! Did I say I was done?” I said more harshly than I had intended. “Sit back down.”
“But you said that-”
“The bank cannot give you a loan right now, but that does not mean you there aren’t other ways you can make that money.”
Her eyes widened. “No!”
“You haven’t even heard me out yet.”
She was shaking her head vigorously. “I can’t sleep with you for money. That’s wrong. And illegal.” She looked horrified and softly added: “And I’m a virgin.”
Oh fuck. I hadn’t considered that a possibility at all. A girl so attractive should have caught every guy’s attention, which meant she was a virgin by choice. Did I really want to go through with this? Regular girls could be troublesome to get rid of, but virgins were on a whole other level. But I wasn’t paying her to sleep with me. The document in front of me mentioned nothing about sexual favors – though I had assumed that would naturally be the outcome sooner or later, and that she would initiate it. This changed things. But those damn thighs and that damn skirt and most importantly, that goddamn restraint of hers.
“That’s not what I was going to propose,” I said, making the decision to go forward with the plan. “But glad to know you hold me to such excellent standards.”
That got a laugh out of her. “What? You’re really going to sit there and act surprised that that’s what I assumed after relentlessly hitting on me? Even the note on your bouquet said you were counting down the days until you supposedly convinced me to sleep with you.”
“That is not inaccurate.” Why was she so bold? It was endearing and it pissed me off. “But hitting on you and paying you to get naked are two completely different things, I would say.”