Page 372 of Rock Star Billionaire
“That was…quite a show,” I said, my dick pointing straight at her, rock hard.
“It felt as good as it looked,” she said after a few minutes and then eyed my dick. “We will take care of that shortly. One more idea, Zayden.”
It took me everything I had to look away from her and into the notebook. After a few difficult attempts, my brain finally worked
and with great hardships we finally had a suitable third bullet point.
“I am going to fuck your mouth so hard,” I said longingly as she approached me and kneeled across from me. “You better brace yourself.”
As soon as she took me in her mouth, however, I was completely unable to speak. Or think. Or function in any way other than pulling her head harder and harder on to me and thrusting myself as deep into her throat as I could. It couldn’t have been longer than a few minutes when I exploded all over her face. She swallowed whatever was in her mouth immediately, without my asking.
“Lick whatever you can off your face,” I said triumphantly when I was able to speak again, feeling relieved and ecstatic. She did as I said and just watching her was enough to get me excited again right away.
The fourth bullet point, however, was much easier to tackle now that I had been satisfied. When it was over, I was delighted to have the opportunity to finally taste her sweet, wet pussy. Taking my time to torture her just as she had been torturing me all evening, I started from her inner thighs and spent an unreasonable amount of time licking them, while pinching her nipples with my hands. The effect was just as I had desired. She was so drenched that her drips were beginning to run down her thighs and into my mouth. She tasted sweet and perfect, it started getting difficult to not devour her, so I jumped face-first into her pussy and sucked on it as hard as I could. I licked her clit and fucked her with my tongue. She came even faster than I had, if that was even possible. She quivered and moaned my name.
Now that we had both been immensely pleased, the final bullet point took a mere few minutes to perfect and I was more than glad to feel the insides of her pussy once again. I threw her onto the sofa, her back facing me, then grabbed her breasts with my hands before entering her with fierce strength. She felt better than I remembered and I couldn’t help but move so fast that I was automatically sliding in and out of her pussy.
By the time it was over, both of our bodies temporarily stopped functioning.
Chapter 8
Today was the day! Zayden Sinclair was finally coming to my tiny little apartment to hang out with me and my roommates. The thought induced some panic of severe magnitude each time it crossed me. What if he hated it? What if he got super claustrophobic? My entire apartment, after all, was the size of his living room. Surely it would bother him more this time around because when he was here last time he had just hovered around terrorizing Nick. To spend an entire evening here was a different matter altogether.
As though this wasn’t enough for a source of crippling stress, this afternoon I was supposed to accompany Nick to purchase an engagement ring for Stacey. The afternoon after Zayden and I had excitingly finished my paper, I had found Nick lurking around the living room all-alone, trying to hide a jewelry magazine underneath some book. He had jumped a little too comically when he’d seen me gazing and it had taken less than two seconds for him to blurt.
This afternoon, Stacey was going to be off buying baking products to bake some of her popular goodies for dinner with Zayden tonight. I had intentionally piled a long grocery list on to her – including things she would have to drive far away to get – and begged that she retrieve those things for me while I prepared the apartment for Zayden.
It was surprising that she bought it, however, considering there was hardly much to “set up” and I had stayed up all of last night cleaning up. Luckily Stacey didn’t ask many questions and was off mid-afternoon. As soon as she was gone Nick knocked on my door. He looked like he was ready to throw up.
“Hey, hey, hey,” I said sympathetically. “You need to calm down a little there, Nicholas. If you freak out so much while buying the ring, how do you suppose you’re going to handle proposing?”
He quietly sat on the edge of my bed, looking deeply sickened. “I haven’t quite thought that far yet. One step at a time. It’s the ring first. Just the ring.”
“Nick.” I looked at him incredulously and even though as Stacey’s best friend, I should have been nothing short of a complete cheerleader when it came to this looming engagement, I was also Nick’s friend, so I had to ask, “You’re sure you want to do this, right?”
His eyes widened as though understanding exactly what I was thinking. “It’s not... I’m not being forced into this proposal or anything! Stacey has absolutely no idea. It’s just that the other day – you were around for this –when I mentioned us being married in the future, her reaction really took me by surprise. She looked shocked at first, as though this simply hadn’t occurred to her, which was not a good sign. After you left she started tearing up and seemed so happy...”
“And that gave away that she was ready so you decide to propose right away?” I asked starting to somewhat tear up.
“Yeah, pretty much. I’ve been ready for years now. Honestly, a couple of months into us dating I knew where we were going, that we would obviously get married someday.”
“So did I,” I said and nodded thinking back to those days. “And everyone else knew, really. You and Stacey were a match made in heaven, Nick. It’s incredible that you found each other. I can’t imagine a world where you hadn’t…”
“That’s really sweet, Aria,” Nick said, looking like he was about to tear up too. It made me a little uncomfortable because Nick wasn’t exactly an expert at showing his feelings. “It gives me quite a boost. I am so glad we have you in our life.”
I took his words as my cue to tell him something that I had been considering over in my mind since I had first run into him with the magazine and found out what his plans were.
“And I am really glad that I have two of the most amazing people in the world as my best friends,” I said sweetly. “Who are now going to be married, which is an incredibly wonderful thought. I can safely assume I’ll be the maid-of-honor at this wedding since Stacey already promised me that when we were like fifteen. That’s a role I am looking forward to fulfill in your lives. There is one role that I can no longer play, Nick, because you guys are about to start an epic life ahead and you need your privacy. Don’t even try to deny that! After the proposal I am going to move out.”
Nick looked disappointed but nodded. “Stacey is not going to be happy about it. Neither am I.”
“I’m not happy about moving out, Nick!” I exclaimed, hoping he didn’t think it was because of anything they did. “I love living with you guys! You’re my second family. And my god, these past few years have been some of the best of my entire life. You guys are growing up now though and I have to do the same. I can’t be living with a couple that’s about to be married.”
“If there is anything I or Stacey can do for you – in terms of finding a place or beating someone up or anything – you just have to say the word.”
“I know that. I always knew that, don’t be silly, Nick. Nothing has changed. I do need your help telling Stacey about this after the proposal though. I’ll need someone to grab the pillow she will most definitely throw at me,” she joked.