Page 145 of Dr. Daddy's Virgin
"That's not what you wanted? Okay, I'll tell you what. You pick the date. Where do you want to go tomorrow? Anyplace in the city. The sky is the limit."
"Any place in the city? Really? You mean it?" I grabbed onto the hopeful note in her voice.
"Of course. Just tell me where."
"Well, the place I want to go is best if we arrive early during the day, and then we won't want to leave until after midnight."
"That's fine."
"And, you are going to want to wear comfortable shoes and probably shorts and a tee-shirt."
"Okay." Now I was intrigued. "Where is this place?"
"The happiest place on earth!" she cried out with girlish glee.
"Disneyland?" I couldn't believe it. Of all the amazing places in this city, she picked a child's amusement park, but I had agreed, so I couldn't back out now. "You got it. Grab your mouse ears, and I'll pick you up in the morning.”
When I pulled up in front of her apartment the next day in the Ferrari, she looked adorable with her blonde hair parted in the middle and tied back into two pigtails. She was wearing denim cut off shorts, walking shoes, and a tightly fitted red tee-shirt that made her breasts look like two, gigantic, luscious cherries. I felt like a fool in brand new khaki shorts and a polo shirt. It was the most casual outfit I had, and I'd never even worn it before.
"Ready to go?" I asked as she climbed into the car.
"Yes! I'm so excited. I haven't been since just before Tommy's heart surgery to treat his myotonic M.D. The whole family took a trip together just in case the he didn't survive, so we would have a special memory of him to share."
"Man, that's tough." I didn't know what else to say.
"It's okay. It turned out we didn't need it; obviously, he survived fine, but we still got the awesome memories anyway. So, how long has it been since you've been to the Magic Kingdom?"
"Actually, I've never been," I confessed, and she looked shocked and horrified.
"How can you spend your entire life living in Los Angeles and not have been to Disneyland? It's the happiest place on earth."
"Well, my childhood wasn't very happy. My mother abandoned me when I was a kid, and then I was taking care of my father. By the time she came back, I was working and going to school full time. In college, my idea of the happiest place on earth was getting high on speed, and after that, it was burying myself in work. As I aged, it became building my company, and now it's having sex with you."
"Well then, it's about time you discovered a whole new kind of joy. No wonder you fear commitment and the family life; you've never had the chance to be a real kid and do real family things. Get ready for the experience of a lifetime." She beamed at me as she took me by the hand and led me up the front gate.
I felt like a fool. What was a 42-year-old man going to do at a kids’ amusement park all day? But Kayla was right. There was a magical quality to the place that allowed me to put aside such notions and throw myself into the fun. The trip on Space Mountain was my first ride on a roller coaster, and for the first time, I understood what the excitement was all about.
I loved watching Kayla's eyes glisten with joy as she sang along with the mechanical parrots in the Tikki Room, and as our boat drifted through the dark caves of It's a Small World, we kissed tenderly and I longed to make love to her so that we could make a child of our own to bring back there someday. It was the first time I had ever had those feelings, and I knew it was from feeling all the joy that filled this magical place of play and wonder.
Making it out of the crowded parking lot was hell, but we finally did it, and I had to admit it had been the perfect way to spend the day.
When we finally got home, I scooped Kayla into my arms and carried her up the stairs to our bedroom and tossed her playfully onto the bed. I threw the blanket up over us to simulate the way we had been in the park, and whispered to her with a grin, "Now, where was I? Oh, yeah, right here."
I lifted her top and took her nipple into my mouth, suckling it sensuously while she arched her back and moaned with pleasure beneath me. She unzipped my slacks, found my dick, and began to massage me there as we both delighted in each other's bodies.
Stripping off my clothes, Kayla straddled my waist and playfully began to kiss her way down my chest, working her way towards my groin.
"So, was I right? Isn't Disneyland the happiest place on earth?" she asked me with a naughty giggle.
"Oh, it was pretty happy, but I think I know a place that is even better: right here, in this bed, with you. Nothing makes me happier than when I'm with you, Kayla Brandt."
Her eyes lit up as she beamed at me with pure joy. "I knew taking you there today would finally get you to commit to me. I'm happiest when I'm with you, too. I only want to be with you for the rest of my life."
"Wait a minute. That's not what I said," I objected, bring
ing her trail of tender kisses down my chest to an abrupt halt. She sat up straight and stared at me with a look of true heartbreak.
"What are you saying? You still don't want to commit to me?"