Page 225 of Dr. Daddy's Virgin
“Not yet, Nina,” I sighed heavily. “She doesn’t get home for another couple of days. You know that.”
“You guys need to get it together,” she said, stubbornly crossing her arms over her chest. “I don’t want to go back and live with Mom!”
“I’m sorry, kiddo, the judge is in charge of the decision,’” I said, hoping that I wasn’t making a promise I couldn’t keep as I said, “I’ll do what I can to try and convince your mom, but you know how she is about you living with me.”
“Why can’t the two of you ever make a decision about me that I want?” Nina said, pulling away from me. “Why do I always have to do what you want?”
“Because that’s the law, Nina,” I said, trying to stay calm.
“I hate the law,” she cried, as she turned away. Halfway down the hallway, she turned back and yelled, “And I hate you, too!”
“Nina!” I shouted, as Emily grabbed my arm and shook her head. I pulled back my arm back before raising a hand to rub my eyes as I sighed, “Jesus, no one tells you about this shit when you decide to have kids. Maybe this is what sex education in schools should consist of — fights with teenagers that you’ve raised from infancy.”
“What’s going on with her?” Emily asked, as we watched Nina disappear from view. “She was silent at school today, and she didn’t turn in her homework.”
“She’s mad about her mother being gone,” I sighed. “And she’s also mad about the fact that if she wants to come live with me full-time, she’s going to have to ask Remy first.”
“She wants to come live with you?” Emily asked, with a furrowed brow.
“She hates living with Remy,” I said, feeling uncomfortable airing our family’s dirty laundry this way. “I get it, but I don’t want to get in the middle of this battle since it really doesn’t involve me.”
“Huh, interesting,” Emily said, looking back down the hall toward Nina’s room. “I know how she feels.”
“Didn’t get along with your mother either?” I asked.
“You met my mother, what do you think?” Emily said, as she stared at me.
“Yeah, right, sorry,” I said, feeling stupid for having asked the question. I quickly shifted the subject, “You ready to go to dinner?”
“Mmm hmm,” she nodded, obviously lost in thought. I moved close enough to rest my hands on her waist and pull her toward me.
Emily, can we leave this behind us and enjoy this evening, please?” I murmured, as I bent down and kissed her.
“Yeah, sure,” she said, returning my kiss before adding, “You want to check on Nina before we leave?”
“Nah, she’s just being a teenager,” I shrugged. “If I leave her alone for a bit, she’ll be back to normal when we get home.”
“You know her best,” Emily said, smiling as she took my hand. “Let’s go cheer the Celtics on, shall we?”
“Unless you want to skip the whole game and, you know,” I said, wiggling my eyebrows suggestively.
“And miss the game?” she said with a shocked look. “What would your dad say about wasting these tickets?”
“My dad never has to know,” I grinned,as I leaned down and kissed her neck.
“But I would!” she laughed, as she swatted me away.
“Totally up to you, Teach,” I said, as we moved into the front hall where I grabbed my coat and keys. “I’m driving?”
“No, I invited you on the date, so I’m driving,” Emily scolded. “C’mon, be a modern man.”
“Oh, I’m modern all right,” I said with a wry smile. “I’m just not sure you’re a safe driver.”
“I only burn things down, not up,” she said with a teasing grin. “You’re safe with me.”
“So reassuring,” I laughed, as we exited the house and headed for the car.