Page 296 of Dr. Daddy's Virgin
"If I make Chief aware of what you've been doing, I'm sure he'll have zero problem investigating the issue and finding out the truth," I said as I stared at Victor who was now visibly nervous. "I'm going to recommend that you back the fuck off and leave me and the other guys alone. If you get promoted, it'll be on your own merits, not because a single one of us supports you."
"You're an asshole, Connor," he said, narrowing his eyes. "And I don't like guys who are assholes."
"Good, then that makes two of us," I said dryly. "Now get out of my sight and stay that way or I'll have your ass checked out by the Investigative Affairs Bureau so fast your head will spin."
"You'll be sorry you did this, Connor," Victor said as he slunk away with his tail between his legs.
I knew that he wouldn't be kept at bay for long; he was too slimy not to find a way around my warning, but I figured my threat would at least buy me enough time to tell Alex about CSC and tell Leo we were a go for the Metzler contract. After that, Victor would have no hold on me.
"Sneaky little son of a bitch," I muttered as I slammed my locker shut and went out to join the guys for breakfast.
Chapter Twenty-Four
When Liz didn't show up for class again on Friday, I started to get really worried about her. I tried her phone several times, but she didn't answer. I figured that she'd had the same meeting with Dr. Gatskill as I had and that she was probably home licking her wounds.
I left her a voicemail when her phone picked up: "Liz, it's Alex. I'm worried about you. Call me and let me know you're okay, please? Did they tell you that they're holding back your funding? I don't know what I'm going to do if they find us guilty. Anyway, call me or else I'll come looking for you with a big plate of liver and onions! Love you."
I hoped that my message would pull her out of her funk and make her laugh, and that by sundown she'd call and tell me she was fine by making some sassy crack about Dr. Gatskill's wardrobe. I hoped.
I finished the anatomy lab lesson in record time, but I'd noticed Violet and her gang of girls staring at me as I did it. I wanted to say something, but I didn't dare stir up trouble while I was under investigation. Besides, I didn't think it would do any good even if I hadn't been in trouble. Violet and her posse were mean girls who took pleasure in making others miserable. I pitied them more than anything.
As I walked home, I noticed that spring was in the air. The snow from earlier in the week had melted, and there w
ere tiny green shoots poking out of the dirt near the park. I smiled as I realized that warmer weather was on its way and that soon we would have the luxury of walking to class without our heavy coats. I opened my mouth to say something to Liz and then closed it when I remembered that, for the first time in a long time, she wasn't walking home from class with me. I checked my phone, but she hadn't yet left me a reply.
I shifted my focus to my date with Cam. He was picking me up at six for dinner at his place, and I couldn't figure out what to wear. I wished Liz would call me back so that I could ask her what one wears to dinner at a man's house when you're meeting his dog. I smiled thinking about how Liz would probably flippantly reply that the best outfit is one that is easily removed.
"Call me, Liz," I whispered as I looked at my phone again. Nothing.
It didn't take me long to get ready, but it did take me quite awhile to settle on an outfit. I finally decided that the best one would be jeans and a soft, fuzzy, blue sweater that tended to shift and drop off one shoulder, and a matching tank top underneath. I carefully picked out underwear and looked at myself from every angle in the mirror before pulling my clothes on. I wasn't sure why I was so nervous since Cam didn't seem to be overly concerned with my clothing, and then it dawned on me that I was dressing for his dog and I fell over laughing, wishing Liz were here to see this silliness.
At six, when Cam had just knocked on my door, my phone started ringing. I couldn't get to it in time, and I worried that I'd missed Liz's call. I needn't have worried; no sooner than I'd picked up the phone did it start ringing again. It was Liz.
"Liz, where have you been?" I demanded as I answered the call.
"Alex?" she said in a weak voice. "Alex? Help me..."
"Liz, what's going on? Where are you?" I shouted into the phone. "Where are you?"
"Bathroom, Alex. Help me..." She trailed off, and I heard the phone hit the floor.
"LIZ!" I screamed. "Pick up the phone! Tell me where you are!"
On the other end, all I could hear was the sound of Liz wheezing and calling my name over and over.
"What's going on?" Cam asked with a concerned look.
"It's Liz, we need to find her," I said as I grabbed my coat and keys and ushered Cam out the door. "You drive."
I instructed Cam on how to get to Liz's apartment complex and he let me off at the door before he went to find a parking spot.
"She's in 3D," I called before I slammed the truck's door and ran for the building. The doorman let me in and I told him to let Cam in when he came back. I looked at him and said, "We may need an ambulance, too."
Scared to take the time to wait for the elevator, I raced up three flights of stairs and pounded on Liz's door. When she didn't answer, I opened the door with the key she'd given me for emergencies.
"Liz! Liz! Are you here?" I called as I raced through the apartment. The place was a mess with dirty dishes on every surface and clothing strewn across the floor. I hadn't been there since New Year's Eve, and I had no idea Liz was struggling.