Page 440 of Dr. Daddy's Virgin
"Is this okay?" he whispered in my ear as he moved his hands over me and planted warm kisses along my neck.
"You have no idea," I whispered back, feeling the heat of arousal pumping through me.
"Oh, I think I have a pretty damn good idea," he mumbled back.
He slipped his hands up over my sides, sending shivers of pleasure trickling across my skin, and then up behind my back as he unclipped my bra with deft fingers. With the bra loose, he moved his hands back around onto my breasts, still kissing me deeply and passionately. I couldn't help but let out a gasp of pleasure.
He began to caress them, gently at first, just teasing and almost testing them out, his fingertips working with a building pressure that sent wave after wave of bliss surging through me. I slipped my hands under his shirt, discovering the hard ridges of his abdominal muscles, which caused him to shudder with pleasure. I then began to move one hand up onto his broad and powerful chest. I couldn't help but marvel at just how chiseled he was. Real men, in my experience, didn’t have bodies like this.
My nipples had begun to swell and stiffen with pleasure at his touch, and with his skilled fingers he started massaging and playing with them, causing jolts of joy and intense bursts of pleasure to tear through my whole chest. Suddenly, I was feeling another swelling, this one at the meeting of my thighs, where a hot wetness was growing and spreading. It was a sensation I hadn't felt for longer than I cared to think about. An intense hunger for him started to grow with a powerful force inside me.
I gasped softly and moaned as his fingers began taking me closer and closer to an orgasm and the man hadn’t even touched me below the waist. It was amazing how skilled he was with only his touch. I began to imagine how skilled he had to be with other parts of himself.
"Oh, Everett, that's good, that's really, really good," I gasped as the force of the orgasm developed like a head of steam within me, building up a glorious pressure that was just waiting to be released. As if he could sense this, he began to work his hands with more vigor and pressure, taking me closer and closer to the edge. My heart was hammering inside my chest, and a flush of heat spread across my face and chest – it was going to happen, it was going to happen at any moment now, I just knew it.
And then, finally, with a cry of pleasure, the orgasm tore through me blazing a glorious path of ecstasy through my whole body. I shivered and shook with the joyous force of it, breathing quickly and sighing with the wonderful intensity of it.
Eventually, after the intensity had subsided, I kissed him deeply, pulling him closer to me.
"That... that was amazing," I said. "It's been so long since... since..."
"I'm happy I could help," he smiled. “And we’re only just getting started."
His mouth covered mine once more and the hardness of his erection ground against me, making me wish the clothes between us had already been discarded. Just as things began to heat back up, his cell phone rang.
For a second, he ignored it, then mumbled against my kiss, “It might be the hospital.”
“You should check,” I mumbled back.
He picked it up and looked at the number.
"Sorry, Viv, I have to take this."
"That's alright, go ahead."
He placed a quick kiss on my forehead and answered the call.
"Yeah, hi, Ben... yeah. I’m a little busy,” he grinned at me. “What’s up? Uh-huh... Yeah. What? Really?... Oh man, that is not good. That is not good at all... Now? Uh, it has to be now? Yeah, yeah, I understand... Alright. See you soon."
He cut the call off, and a look of grave seriousness washed over his face.
"We've got trouble at JFK H
igh," he said. "I'm so sorry, Vivienne, but I have to go. Now, I’m afraid."
Chapter Fourteen
The look of disappointment on her face nearly killed me. The last thing I wanted to do was leave her. And it had nothing to do with where the moment seemed to be heading. Even if we’d have still just been watching a ridiculous movie, I would have wanted to stay. Being with her was the most at ease I’d ever felt with anyone. Something about being near her just felt right.
"I'll call you as soon as all of this is done," I promised as I got up and got my keys and phone.
"Can you tell me what happened?" she asked.
I sighed before answering.
"Someone's been shot."