Page 109 of Teacher's Pet
"It's true," he said, smirking. I smiled at the thought of him enjoying cartoons. He probably had as a child. It was sort of nice. It was humanizing, thinking about him in more and different contexts. He was an entire person; I had to remember that. This Nate, the one who was just a guy on vacation had all but completely replaced the image I had had of him as a celebrity in a band.
I was really glad that I had gotten myself into babysitting him again. Anything that helped him with what he was going through. Besides the thing about his scars, he seemed pretty all right.
"Are you okay?" I asked him carefully.
"It's been a day and a half," he said, knowing exactly what I was referring to.
"On a scale of one to ten? Ten being the worst and one being fine."
"Four and a half," he said. "I guess it helps that the stuff's on the other side of the island and I couldn't get to it no matter how much I want to."
"Did you... When I was gone, did you... You know," I stammered, not liking how accusatory I sounded.
"Did I shoot up when you were gone this morning? No. When I called you, I'd just gotten up. I'm not even really sure where my kit even is," he said.
"That's good," I said, brightly.
"That's one way to put it. I'd never make you watch me doing that. It's sort of rude shooting up with company…unless you offer them some too," he said lightly.
"Are you scared you'll use if you're alone too long?"
"I know that is exactly what will happen," he said.
"I was serious when I said I wanted to help you."
"I know that. I'll keep telling you it's a bad idea until you finally believe me."
"I still want to help you. We can do it together if you'll let me help you," I said.
"Just a head's up, I'm sorry for every horrible thing I'm going to continue to say to you while I'm dope sick."
"Thanks," I said smiling. "I forgive you." We watched the water for a few minutes. There was a turtle shuffling around in the shallows. "I was thinking of something," I said, looking at him.
"Hit me."
"Since you're most likely to use when you're alone, I was thinking we should make sure you don't have too much time on your own."
"When I said you were babysitting me, I had been kidding," he said, smiling at me.
"You don't need a babysitter, just support. Someone to talk you off the ledge when you feel like you might go over."
"You’re right. I'm just giving you a hard time," he said. "You'll probably do a better job of keeping me out of trouble than I will anyway."
Yeah. I would. That was what I wanted to do. Make sure he kept himself out of trouble. I wasn't suggesting we spend more time together because I wanted him to myself. No. That was so unprofessional; he was a guest at the hotel I worked at.
It was my job to make sure his stay was as comfortable as possible. That was what I was doing. If that meant spending extended periods of time together, then that was a sacrifice I was happy and willing to make.
I showed him the ancient petroglyphs, and he took a few pictures before we headed back to the hotel. He really needed to start getting up earlier; it was already evening when we got back. He had walked into the building before me. I was on my way to the changing room when I stopped, realizing he hadn’t gone straight up to his suite. He was at the front desk, talking to Makani and Joseph.
That’s odd, I thought. What were they talking about? I walked over slowly, not wanting them to stop talking.
“Abby is with us every summer. She’s a favorite with the guests. Nothing but good things to say about her,” Joseph was saying. I smirked, enjoying the praise since there was no way he’d openly praise me like that if I was
“I’m another happy customer. She’s been accommodating and helpful since I got here. Her knowledge of the island is impressive, as well. I’d like if she could continue as my personal guide while I’m here on the island,” Nate said.
My eyebrows shot up. Yes. Yes, this was perfect. I continued my quiet approach till Makani noticed me and was the first to say hi.