Page 19 of Teacher's Pet
She smiled, and I immediately felt bad, because she had no way of knowing what I was about to go do.
“Well, thanks, Mom,” I said. “It helps to hear you say that. And I wasn’t expecting Dad to change his mind about anything. I know he’s not like that.”
“It wouldn’t hurt him to be a little more flexible about some things, though. And it’s not like you’re failing anything, right? That’s what I told him—you weren’t failing anything, though I realized after I said it I didn’t know for sure whether or not that was true.”
“No, I’m not failing anything.”
“I knew it. Everything’s going to work out, Tessa. We all hit rough patches now and then. I don’t want you to feel like we’re just going to cut you off if everything doesn’t go perfectly in your life, and I realized that’s kind of how it sounded.”
I rarely wore G-strings, and I wasn’t used to the feeling of the string part in between my ass cheeks. I shifted. “Well, it’s good to hear you say that you don’t mean that. But I think Dad does. I think if I were to get B’s on my next report card, he’d just cut me off.”
“Only until you got your grades back up. The way he sees it is that he’s been very generous with you and that you’ve got ample time to dedicate to your studies. You know, your father put himself through college. Your grandparents weren’t wealthy, and your father put himself through school, and he worked.”
“I know, Mom. I’ve heard the story before. I don’t need a whole Donovan family history lesson.”
My mother smiled. “I know. Anyway,” she said. “I didn’t come over here tonight to be a Debbie Downer. I thought that maybe we should go out and do something. Would you like to go see a movie? I think there’s one out that I wanted to watch but I can’t remember the name of it. I’m sure it’ll be playing though.”
“I can’t,” I said. “Tonight’s not a good night for that. I’ve actually got a lot of studying to do.”
“Oh, of course!” my mother said. “Silly me. I’m not trying to get in the way of your studies. That’s so responsible of you, Tessa. I’ll be sure to tell your father that I was trying to get you to go out and do something fun and you chose to stay home and study. That will please him very much.”
I forced a grin. I just wanted her to stop talking, because everything she said was just making me feel worse. She was looking at me with such pride, like I’d already gotten my grades back up. I could just hear her in my head, what she’d be telling my father when she got home, how I was just going to stay in and study and what a good, responsible girl I was.
“Yeah, I better get studying,” I said. “I don’t mean to kick you out or anything, Mom, but—”
“No, no, you don’t need to apologize. I’ll just show myself out. Maybe we can go out to brunch or something in a couple days. I’ll be in touch though; I won’t just drop in with no notice.” She came over and hugged me, and as I felt her hands go around my back, I was suddenly overcome with the fear that she would feel the bra I was wearing and know exactly what I was up to. But she just gave me a squeeze, and then she let go and waved and showed herself out.
I showed up at Leo’s wearing a pair of black leggings, a rose-colored skirt, and a scallop-necked black T-shirt with ruched sides. Before I’d gone into his building, I turned the voice memo on my iPhone on and slipped it into the front part of my backpack, which I left partially unzipped.
He lived in a high rise that overlooked the Financial District, and he came down to let me in. We took the elevator to the 10th floor, and I followed him down a softly lit carpeted hallway. It almost felt like a hotel.
He hadn’t said much, other than hi and to ask how I was. In the elevator, part of me had been expecting him to rip my clothes off right then and there, but he didn’t.
“Welcome to my humble abode,” he said when we went into the apartment. It was a one-bedroom, like mine, but I could tell it was much bigger. There was a front entryway, then to the right was a small office with a laptop and a desk covered in papers. To the left was the kitchen, with a bar, and then the living room. There was a short hallway that led to two other rooms, which I assumed were the bathroom and the bedroom.
“Come on in,” he said, closing the door behind me. He was wearing a pair of jeans and a gray T-shirt. I wondered if he was nervous, or if he had spent any time thinking about what he was going to wear. Probably not.
“Hi,” I said, glad that my voice didn’t shake. I took a deep breath and straightened my shoulders. I was nervous, but it was an excited nervousness. I didn’t want to come across that way though—I wanted to come across as the empowered sort of woman that Lindsey had said I should be. I let my eyes travel around his apartment, and then I looked at him. “Nice place.”
He held my gaze for a moment, as though he was trying to decide if I was being genuine. Then he nodded slowly. “Thanks,” he said.
We went in, and I put my bag down; we sat next to each other on the couch. The air seemed to crackle between us, and I wondered who was going to speak first. If it ended up being me, I knew I was going to say something stupid, like some comment about the weather or something. But neither of us said anything; instead, he slid closer to me and reached up to touch my cheek, turning my face toward his.
“Kiss me,” he said.
I closed my eyes and leaned forward, maybe an inch, until I felt my lips brush against his. He pressed his mouth back against mine, gently at first, and then with increasing intensity. His mouth opened, and mine did, too, and the tips of our tongues touched. It felt like I had kissed him before; he felt familiar, yet exciting, and my body pressed up against his.
He slid his hands up my skirt, his palm cupping me between the legs. I could feel how wet I was. He pulled one of his hands out and yanked my shirt up, pushing my bra up so my breasts were exposed. My nipples were hard, and he leaned down and put his mouth on my right breast, lightly biting at my nipple. His other hand kept rubbing me, and I felt my inner thigh muscles trembling.
“Let’s get these things off of you,” he said in a low voice, raising his head for a second. He didn’t slide the leggings down, though. Instead, he grabbed the waist and pulled, and I heard the fabric rip. My bra and shirt were up near my collarbone, my skirt was up around my waist, and my leggings were hanging in tatters. The only thing separating me from him now was that flimsy little G-string, made even flimsier by how wet I was. My thighs were slick, and for a second I was afraid that it was going to gross him out, but then he put his hand down there again, and I saw on his face just how much this turned him on.
“How lovely,” he said, almost to himself, and then he pushed the G-string to the side and ran a finger from my clit to my pussy. He did this several times, each time making my whole body tremble. The next time he did it, he didn’t bring his hand back up, but instead, worked a finger inside of me, watching my face the whole time.
I knew I was making funny expressions, but I didn’t care. It seemed to be the only way to respond to how good he was making me feel—grit my teeth, squeeze my eyes shut, furrow my brow. My whole body felt like warm clay that he could mold however he wanted to.
He paused to take his own pants off, then his shirt. Before he settled back on the couch next to me, he stood there for a moment, naked, his cock hard and huge, bigger than I remembered Nick’s. He sat down next to me and took my hand, and brought it over to his lap. I closed my hand around him, my fingers not quite able to meet. I moved my hand slowly up and down, pressing my fingers against the ridge that ran along the underside. He leaned back against the couch, hands cla
sped behind his head. He watched me the whole time, and then after about a minute, he had me stop. His cock was huge, pulsing in my hand, the skin soft like satin. He sat up.