Page 220 of Teacher's Pet
I groaned. "Fine, you caught me. But I'm not working now. Maybe we should finish what we started?"
She laughed in my face. "Sorry. Can't. I've got to get ready for my audition. I've got to pick a song and practice! This takes singing in the shower to a whole new level."
"I could help with that," I flung out.
Corsica rolled her eyes. "Stop teasing me. I have to concentrate. Do you think it would be too cheesy to sing one of his songs? Yeah, probably. Though, I was really enjoying that album last
"I'd be happy to play it for you again." I knew there was a hint of desperation in my voice, but I didn't care. There was no way I would be able to get anything done until I got Corsica out of my system.
She lifted herself across the counter and kissed my cheek. Before I could catch her hands and turn it into a real kiss, she slipped away with a bright smile. "Thank you for getting me the audition! I know you probably just want to get me out of your hair so you can work, but I really appreciate it."
"That's not-" It was too late. Corsica was already bounding away on her long legs. "How about I come with you to the club? Take you out afterward to celebrate?" I called.
She didn't answer, and I sunk against the counter. I knew she was excited, but I couldn't believe she wouldn't even make plans with me. I slashed at the scrambled eggs. Corsica was right: now I had time to work. I dumped the eggs into the garbage. Too bad work was the last thing on my mind.
I needed fresh air. More than that, I needed to get away from the siren song of Corsica practicing in the shower, and the slick and torturous images that brought to mind.
An hour later, I thanked all the powers that be for my job. Each breath was a hot fire as I pushed the pedals faster, but the new road tires were holding up well.
It wasn't so much work as a perk of my job that I got to test out the latest technology, and the newly designed bike tires were the best excuse to get outside that I could find. It didn't make a difference if the course I chose dropped me onto the same drive as the resort.
The images of Corsica were still bright in my head. Her surrendering onto my soft bed, her skin flushed pink from her morning run, and the teasing bounce as she left me in the kitchen all flashed through my head as I pulled into the parking lot. So what if I was just in time to catch the tail end of her audition. I was out testing the new road tires and just happened to end up in the same place.
Just to prove that I was not in a hurry to see Corsica singing, I snatched my phone out of my pocket. The quick conversation with my techs about the tire performance took less than a minute. Satisfied, I climbed off the bike and started up the front steps of the resort. Maybe I could clean up before ducking into the lounge and hearing Corsica's final song.
"Penn? How great to see you. I was wondering if you were planning on dropping off the face of the earth," Alicia simpered before she was within five feet of me.
Once she closed in, Alicia reached out to wrap an arm around mine, but I stopped her. "Sorry, I was out testing some equipment. You caught me all sweaty."
She fought her distaste and smiled. "How very manly. How do I know you weren't out chasing me? Seems like a coincidence to find you here right after my weekly massage."
"Actually, it's not so much a coincidence as I'm meeting someone here," I said. I felt a strong pull towards Corsica and wanted nothing to do with the cloying heiress. "Nice to see you though."
"Nice to see me?" Alicia said, her smile fading to a ghost. "We used to run into each other and spend the next five days together. Remember when we started with dinner and ended in Moscow?"
"Probably not as well as I should," I admitted. "I'd love to relive old times, but I am actually meeting someone."
Alicia's eyes turned shrewd. "So am I. You might have heard of him-Steven Mayer."
I stopped and turned around on the top step. "The sports clothes designer? That Steven Mayer?"
"Yes," her smile curved in calculation. "Haven't you been trying to meet him these last few months?"
"He's been busy," I frowned. I didn't want to, but I took a step down towards Alicia. "I didn't know he was going to be in California."
Alicia tossed her silky hair. "He changed his mind when I mentioned the fun we had at last year's celebrity golf tournament. We're having drinks before he settles into his hotel."
It was a very attractive net that Alicia spread, but I didn't want to get caught up in it. Alicia was very wealthy and very beautiful, so she was used to people bending to suit her. I'd tried it before, believing that she was worth it.
For my effort, I had been scrutinized and critiqued. When I didn't adjust my looks or my life to fit the perfect picture in her head, Alicia had shown her spoiled side. It was all my fault, of course, but our unrealized romance never got off the ground. Too bad she couldn't leave it alone.
I took a deep breath and pictured Corsica up on stage. Just the thought had my chest pumping. "Let Steven know I say hi. If he's free, I'd love to sit down with him for a few minutes."
Alicia tittered and wrapped an arm hard around mine. "Darling, that's the whole idea. He's free right now for drinks. I told him I might invite a few friends. Though," her gaze swept over me, "you might want to get cleaned up."
"Where are you meeting him?" I fought the words, but I had to ask.