Page 379 of Teacher's Pet
Leena set up the ball for me in a perfect assist, bouncing it right up to the sweet spot where I'd be able to jump and spike it hard. I knew Tammy saw it coming, so I grunted with effort as I jumped and cocked my arm as though I planned to deliver a full power spike, only to give it a half power off speed hit, putting plenty of spin on it.
She'd been expecting the full spike and had set up a block accordingly, but the spin I'd put on the ball and the much slower pace caught her totally off guard. The ball glanced off her palm and shot off to the side, bouncing out of bounds.
“That's it!” Wade shouted from the sideline. “Game goes to Red Team! Congratulations, ladies! Blue Team, you girls need to put in a lot more work.”
My teammates gathered around and hugged me. It had been a great game, and we'd all been working together in perfect unity, playing with the smooth efficiency of a well-oiled machine. To put it in childish terms, we totally creamed Tammy's team. Though, they’d played almost as if they'd all been wearing blindfolds. It hadn’t been much of a challenge.
I glanced across at them as they slunk off the court. Tammy mouthed the word “bitch” at me while Kelly flipped me the bird. I wasn't about to stoop to their level, though, so I just shook my head and turned away.
“All right everyone, gather round,” Wade shouted.
I tried not to stare at him, but he looked even better than usual and I couldn't help but think about the time we'd spent together on Saturday. It had been one of the best days of my life – and it had all happened because Nino's kitchen had burned down. I couldn't help but chuckle about that.
But when I looked at Wade, humor was the last thing on my mind. I remembered the moment on the boat when he'd taken my hand just before we'd jumped in. I thought about how it had sent butterflies fluttering through my belly.
I knew I shouldn’t think it, about him…but I couldn't help it. He was charming and full of surprises. I tried to remind myself that Tim had also seemed so kind and generous and honest when we'd first met – but we all knew how that turned out.
even with my guard up and my suspicions on full alert, it was hard not to be charmed by Wade. Not just his looks, but his kindness and openness and his love of adventure. Plus, I'd seen Tammy and Kelly with their fake boobs in their slutty micro-bikinis pretty much throwing themselves at him, and he'd turned them down. That had to count for something.
“All right, ladies, gather round, gather round. Practice is over, but there's one last thing before you all hit the showers. Now, as you know, our first game of the season is coming up this Saturday and it's an important one. The University of Miami is no joke.
“With that in mind, I've been observing closely over the past weeks, making notes, and of course comparing my notes to those of Coach Hatting, and I've made a list of who's on the starting lineup.”
My heart instantly began to hammer faster and faster in my chest. My extremities began to tingle with nerves. The inside of my mouth felt suddenly dry, and nausea began to creep up the back of my throat. My fate was about to be decided and I was the only one aware of what hung in the balance. If I didn't make this lineup, the university would revoke my scholarship...and my life as I knew it would be over.
Wade began to read out the names, and with every name he read that wasn't mine, my anxiety grew by leaps and bounds. I felt like I was going to throw up, right there on the court. A little voice inside my head was screaming for me to move, to jump up and run straight to the bathroom – but I didn't. I stayed put.
And then I heard it: the last name on his list.
My name.
I wanted to jump up and down, scream to the top of my lungs, dance like a lunatic. Of course, then everyone would think I was a lunatic. So, that was out. But suddenly, every trace of fear and anxiety evaporated instantly replaced by euphoria and joy. I couldn't believe it. After all this time, after all my effort, my hard work and dedication had finally paid off. It was an indescribable feeling.
I glanced across at Leena and saw the same joy mirrored in her eyes. She had made the starting lineup, too, and, like me, it was her first time. I knew we were going to have to celebrate.
Across from us, however, a completely different set of emotions were churning and boiling. Tammy and Kelly, who had always been starters, had not made it; they were absolutely furious. Their rich parents couldn't get them starting positions by greasing palms any longer, not with Wade Vinson in charge of things!
I wanted, more than anything, to run up and jump into his muscular arms to hug him so tightly he couldn’t breathe. But, of course, that wasn’t an option.
“That's it,” he said. “Congratulations to those of you who made it! I've noticed who works hard, believe me, and hard work is rewarded. For those of you who didn't make the lineup, don't be too disappointed. Work hard and things may change.
“And that goes for those of you who are in the lineup, as well! Don't think your positions are secure! If you start slacking off, you'll be dropped like a bad habit.
“All right, hit the showers! And check your emails tomorrow about arrangements for the game. It's a home game, so we don't need to worry about transport and accommodations and all that stuff. But you all do need to be here on time – and drum up some support from your friends and family and all that; we want to have a good crowd to cheer us on when we kick those Miami girls' butts!”
“Right on, Coach Vinson!” shouted one of the girls, and we all shouted in response.
Wade grinned. It was the most perfect, crooked grin I’d ever seen.
“That's what I like to hear,” he said. “All right, y'all can go hit the showers now. Remember what I said! Check your emails, and get a big crowd out to this game. We want to hit Miami with everything we've got. My mission with this team is two-fold: first, division champs. Second, national champs!”
We all cheered in support, our enthusiasm catalyzed by Wade's determination and drive. “Thanks, Coach Vinson,” we all shouted, and he smiled in response.