Page 408 of Teacher's Pet
He began rubbing with soft, rhythmic pressure on my clit, which got me shuddering and gasping. I began to breathe faster and harder, and soon I was bucking and grinding myself against the motion of his fingers, losing control as the orgasm built its force inside me.
Then, finally, it was loosed, and pulses of bliss tore through my body as I came. I gasped and cried out, gripping a fistful of his hair in one hand and digging the nails of my other into his back. Eventually, after the explosive joy of it had passed, I relaxed, panting on the seat. I moved to open his zipper, but just as I did, a police car rolled into the parking lot.
“I think you’d better get dressed,” Wade murmured with a grin, even though from his heavy breathing and the very visible bulge pressing against his pants, I could tell stopping was the absolute last thing he wanted to do.
“Yeah...might be a good idea,” I managed to gasp.
I pulled my jeans back up and slipped my top back on, shoving my bra behind my back. I’d managed to get myself dressed just as a police officer came and tapped on the window.
Wade rolled the window down. “Yes, Officer?” he said.
“What's going on here?” asked the cop.
“We just came out here to watch the moon rise,” Wade informed him.
“I see. Well, I wouldn't advise hanging around here. There have been a number of robberies in this park recently, all at night. Just letting you know.”
“Thank you, Officer. We won't hang around too much longer,” Wade assured him.
“All right. Have yourselves a good evening, then,” the policeman said.
“You, too, Officer,” Wade replied.
The cop walked away, and Wade rolled the window back up. Then he looked at me. “Well...that was fun,” he said.
I smiled shyly and blushed. “That it was,” I replied.
“I guess,” he continued, “we'd better talk about this then?” A sheepish smile pushed up one corner of his beautiful mouth.
“Yeah, I guess we should.”
Chapter Twenty
This was hard – as was a certain part of my body, but I couldn't do anything about that now, as much as I wanted to. Eryn looked even more beautiful, which I hadn't thought could even be possible, but with her skin glowing and a satisfied, shy smile on her face, I couldn't deny being absolutely captivated by this woman.
Still, we had crossed a line here – a line that we had both previously agreed we wouldn't cross. But once things had been set in motion, it had been impossible to stop.
I decided that the best thing to do would be to not beat around the bush, and just cut right to the chase. “Look, Eryn,” I began, “I think you know how I feel about you.”
“I'm pretty sure I do,” she replied. “And, I guess that you realize that I feel the same about you.”
“Yeah. But what the big issue is, as we both know, is that I'm your coach.”
“And, I'm on your volleyball team.”
“And, if anyone finds out, we'll both be screwed. And not in a good way,” I tried to lighten the topic a little. She giggled and I wanted to kiss her all over again…everywhere. But, I got back on point. “The thing is, I could lose my job; you could lose your spot on the team, which would mean your scholarship. And, of course, the vultures in the media will have a field day with the gossip. They always do.”
“I know. There's a lot at stake here.”
“I know. But what I also have to say is that, to me, this is not just a fling. It's not simply lust. It' feels so real. I mean, I can't remember ever feeling like this about anyone. When I'm with you, I feel totally alive. I feel like I can do anything. And when we talk, it's like I could talk to you forever. Like we could seriously talk all night without getting tired. It's just so easy and natural with you.”
She smiled at me, reached over, and tangled her fingers with mine.
“I feel exactly the same, Wade. I have to confess that I had a lot of misconceptions about the kind of guy you were when we first met. Obviously, I'm sure you know a lot of that comes from the gossip magazines, and your reputation, and the fact that you were dating this really famous actress-”
“I don't blame you for that,” I stopped her before she could start comparing herself to anything in my previous life. They didn’t hold a candle to her. “But you know, that person wasn't me – at least, he wasn't the real me.